General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter riki megathread !!

How to counter riki megathread !! in General Discussion

    Share your thoughts on the best way to counter this top hero. Is there any particularly good counterpick when the opponent goes 1st pick riki?
    If you plant wards, riki can always deward them using quelling blade, so they are always ineffective. Maybe necrobook will be better.

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    Player 281121816

      Maybe pick bh, zeus or slardar my brother?


        Buy dust?

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          go to his lane
          hit him till he dies


            Riki weaknesses:

            1. Horrible early game (no dmg, no mobility, no hp).

            2. Horrible teamfighter in mid-game.

            3. Does pretty much nothing without farm.

            So in general you need to shut him down in the early-mid game. Countering him in the late game when he is farmed & lvl 20+? Dark Willow's Q after he ultis, so he won't be able to blink out. In late game Riki mostly wants to blink in, ulti & blink out. Willow breaks that combo.


              Shut him down early then group up all of mid game. Hope the Riki player is bad. Otherwise you're still gonna lose.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I love invis enemies
                Because I have this really questionable habit of quickbuying sentries and wards before getting killed
                I even check how much unreliable gold I have and set the number of sentries I can buy with it


                  Pick visage, end the game at 20mins or wait for lone dog to come and tell u to pick ld instead


                    You need to counter riki in the early game ! If you are a supprot consider buying 1-2 sentires at start of the game. And keep buying them through the game.
                    The problem with most support players in below 4K MMR is that they start to buy detection for riki when it is already too late ! If you delay buying detection after riki got a beyond godlike streak then it’s too late even for the gem.
                    As other mentioned riki is very weak in ealry and can’t farm fast without getting kills so just focus him from minute 0 of the game and he will not be a problem most of the times.
                    When playing vs invisable heroes every single one of your teammate should buy or at least have a dust in their inventory ! You must understand that support usualy can’t afford To buy all the detection or even they might die before being able to use them ! So it’s important to have detection on all the core in a team vs riki.


                      pick bounty hunter xd


                        All of riki skills make him elusive. Smoke, blink, cloak and ulti. It is like trying to clasp a fly in the air with yr bare hands!!!


                          His super op skills make up for his incredibly horrible stats. If u yr hero is riki in ability draft, u basically cant do anything, but everyone will pick riki skills.

                          flourishing new leaf



                              et+tiny. just make sure to kill him any time he shows himself on the map^^ but this combo works for every hero i guess

                              any natural necrobook carrier will be a good addition to control riki

                              other than that force staffs+ghosts/eblades will help you survive his ultimate and get you that 20 second timewindow where you can kill him

                              dont be thrilled by this ...

                                i hate this cancer so much, why fucking valve gave him another buff...

                                rat jumps on you from miles away, diffu for ultra slow+smoke for silence+nullifier for item mute and tricks of trade ... my carry dies like a creep ... and then rat blinks out before u see him. i was offlaner but i spent 6k+ on sentry over 50x ... still there was no chance


                                  The easy way out is buying Force Staff and playing tanks heroes like Dragon Knight who can tank the entire ult. Avoid escapists like Storm and Queen of Pain.

                                  More difficult but more general is buying detection. Of course, you cannot place Sentries everywhere on the map, so try to group up and avoid unwarned areas. People underestimate the value of Gem.

                                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                                    Did you really spend 6k+ on sentry?

                                    dont be thrilled by this ...

                                      yes i did, i realised gem wont work vs that +900 talent. and i had plenty of gold so i bought lots of sentry and put all around our woods 24/7 in last 20mins (which by time riki had nullifier+diff rdy for that stupid combo). anyway no matter how hard you try, you lose when your cores are trash. mostly when midder is 1-18, it was war of pos3/4 between me as necro and riki.

                                      by this time i think maybe linken can be a good counter item so he cant initiate you from distance, other active items are useless cuz of mute (i.e. bkb, force, ghost) ... they are good as complimentary items aside with armor/hp items which make u survive the nuliff mute time under tricks of trade then you can use ghost/force to escape the rest of that +400 aoe range ... fuck it

                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                        But it shows you buying 52 and using 26 of the. I thought sentry were 100 each. How does that = 6k+?