General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the most independent hero?

Who is the most independent hero? in General Discussion

    I am in Low MMR and my team frequently lose us the game so I am In need of a hero who can not only semi carry well, but also push well.

    Heroes like clinkz


      brood techies riki clinkz


        Abaddon good too, if you have vs5 hard carry team, or even vs cm, lion shaman as supports, in low mmr ppl usualy don` t use hex with brain.

        Potato Marshal



            Meepo is way to difficult, micromanaging is not my forte


              Abaddon is not a strong pusher, techies is just garbage, brood is squishy and gets bursted down in fights, riki can't push either

              Pushing is key in my MMR, no one knows when to push so I want to do it my self


                Lycan should be the strongest.

                Lruce Bee

                  Classic carry that can do everything. Juggernaut Luna type.


                    What is the point of asking if you never intended to listen/already know all the answer :thinking:




                        Luna sounds good, I'll try her. Any other "Classic carry that can do everything"

                        And Potato Marshal, sorry if I sounded like I was ignoring this suggestions I was just trying to say that they were not entirely what I was looking for


                          Anti mage is more of a hard carry, I find it difficult to participate in early team fights or ganks


                            Its not what you’re looking for. You asked for advice they gave you


                              Okay but what are you trying to say


                                And Potato Marshal, sorry if I sounded like I was ignoring this suggestions I was just trying to say that they were not entirely what I was looking for

                                Okay 😛

                                Anti mage is more of a hard carry, I find it difficult to participate in early team fights or ganks

                                You dont get in early fight unless you counter pick storm/zeus maybe , Anti-mage is reliable to solo carry after sacraficing your teammate for 25 minutes . Just split push and farm until you win


                                  Personal opinion, which will probably be criticized by stars:
                                  A)Any hero that can either be seriously played as a core or a support(not talking about those meme-y support Sniper shit that I do). Venge, Bara, Abaddon, Omni, Riki, for example. Good for the fighting side, you just have to find a way to make it work when it comes to pushing.
                                  B)Heroes, often midlaners, that can completely take over the game by themselves, from start to finish. Tinker feels surefire, heroes like Invo, TA, SF are slightly matchup-dependent.
                                  C) pure splitpushers. Lycan, Beastmaster, and Furion. Just ignore the game around you and begin pushing once you got drums/necrobook. If you're willing to play Rasta like a jackass, you could add him here as well; just get a fast lvl6 and dagger, and just kill a tower every time your ult is up.


                                    Tinker is a very independent hero


                                      huskar safelane,lycan or terro

                                      주 롄양

                                        tinker way to go, buy memehammer if u want to push


                                          Ty for advice, ETdAwesome, who is "Bara"

                                          And another question, does TB have a strong early game, because I know he has a strong late game but I don't see him as a good early/mid game fighter/ganker

                                          Bill Cutting

                                            Visage, meepo, brood, arc warden (pretty shit now), Lycan are popular heroes to boost with without relying on team

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                            Potato Marshal

                                              I've never heard of this "bara" either, I suggest going to Google images and searching up this "bara" right away.

                                              Bill Cutting

                                                Tb 8 starting armour and meta at lvl 1


                                                  The most independent hero is IO


                                                    Bara is spirit breaker


                                                      @Potato Marshal(the one with a blue star, unless it's the same guy, IDK)
                                                      lmao Bara xD


                                                        Visage takes like 10-15 games to learn how to micro so you lose almost all games until then but after you win everything always.


                                                          @Potato Marshal stop being so GAY thanks

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            @Potato Marshal (Gay weeb) no u

                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                              why are you replying to yourself


                                                                weSmart Potato Marshal using TI strats

                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                  ur mom bara


                                                                    bara with ur mom gay

                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                      AntimAge should be avoided in until you hit about 2.5k. Just my opinion. He is a weak laner and struggles for 30 mins before losing.


                                                                        I think split push anti mage is quite strong in my bracket, although I agree in terms of the laning stage. Having a strong laning stage is paramount.

                                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                          but AM is STRONG laner


                                                                            But not a lane dominator :(

                                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                                              Playing split push antimage is strong no doubt. But you lack one aspect which is strong laning. He is not a do everything carry like Luna jugg.


                                                                                Beastmaster tends to win the offlane, and is great in teamfights as well as splitpushing. Play him in pubs for a bit then go queue some ranked games. Go for HotD, necro and auras and BoTs, push in a wave and take objectives if you're uncontested, if not tp opposite lane, rinse repeat and go teamfights whenever.


                                                                                  Similar hero, just safelane is troll. you can get battlefury on him and then farm faster than an am for a while, while keeping lanes pushed and taking towers, or go for s&y, mask of madness blink/shadowblade bkb(not in that specific order) and kill any support that is pushing out a lane and turn that into tower kills


                                                                                    i o :)


                                                                                      Troll is actually a very good idea without a doubt. Thank you for your advice


                                                                                        Any other suggestions..

                                                                                        Bazooka Joe

                                                                                          Off lane Dark Seer. Has escape/chase, Harrass and Nuke spells. I can always roam to the lane who needs support whenever i play with a off lane DS. Very reliable and independent. 2k supp player here.


                                                                                            I personally believe that dark seer is an initiator for other teammates rather than an independent pussher/fighter.

                                                                                            Spells like vacuum and his ultimate work so much better with teammates.

                                                                                            also, supports have no place in my MMR because that means you rely on pretty terrible players to carry your game.

                                                                                            Tubsi much for your advice


                                                                                              *thank you, not tubsi

                                                                                              Bazooka Joe

                                                                                                What i meant was whenever i play with DS (my friend) I can freely roam other lanes because he's very independent. I'm the support, not the DS.


                                                                                                  Oh OK ty


                                                                                                    A few people have mentioned "do-everything-carry", apart form juggernaut and luna, can I have some more examples pls



                                                                                                      batrider can do everything but take down a tower (he can still just firefly the creepswaves without enemy knowledge about it). srsly in low mmr batrider is the pick.
                                                                                                      besides there is dk: hard to kill, waveclear and siege power. can go to any lane and doesnt need much items.
                                                                                                      tb was alrdy mentioned, but imho he is really independant and can easily take over games (unless you play like tinker...)