General Discussion

General Discussionare these normal or bug?

are these normal or bug? in General Discussion
dont be thrilled by this ...

    1. i was playing wr in new patch and enemy bristle made heavens halberd ... when i focus fired an enemy and bristle casts his halberd i would get disarmed and unable to move also! i couldnt move for the duration like a stun ... is it the new halberd? what is greater maim?

    2. probably not a bug but its the reason that omnislash is super op spell, jugger does normal attacks between slashes too it means you are invulnerable + doin normal attacks + 200 dmg per slash ... consider it with +5 slash talent and in,lower brackets bonus slashes from aghs ... 17 slash. this spell (and its aghs and talent) really needs to be reworked atleast it should be just slash dmg ... which other spell in game makes you immune to every thing and lets you atk freely and also deals some amount of secured dmg ...

    * i know it can be dodged by some items like ghost scepter and sb but before you get those items jugger rapes you many times, or at least he feeds on poor support which may get this items in 20min+


      1. Probably a bug if it happens. Greater Maim has renamed to Maim which is a effect that slow target. I guess since WR can move with her back turn around so somehow the Disarm of Heavens Halberd messed up the code.


        1 was fixed already. 2 is a feature its so old. You can also direct the position where Jugg will appear.


          1. its not. even before it already does. you are unable to attack. halberd has shorter cast range against WR range, so just keep your distance.

          2. aghanims jugg is just bad, scarier if he has diffusal, basher and nullifier. move closer to your tanky teammates and when it hits them, stack back out of it. you got dodge it with euls effectively at , certain level 2 it has 9 slashes, you can survive it actually assuming you have creeps or allies nearby, otherwise stay out of it, coz jugg will definitely follow up with his 1st skill, with his ms hard to ran from it.

          dont be thrilled by this ...

            then we are ok about "1"

            - i tried in demo : max lvl jugg + talent 5 slash + only aghs in inventory deals nearly 6k dmg on the dummy target ... its really cancer ... maybe change the slash dmgs to magical (and change it to 150 per slash) so part of it can be removed by a bkb

            Muhammad Sumbul

              dummy target has 0 armor dude.Why do people right click dummy target to see the damage output. And what kind of supports keep on going alone if jugg has started picking on them

              Questo commento è stato modificato
              dont be thrilled by this ...

                *creeps cant help you with it, he chases you with fury and kills the creeps then ults,
                *sometimes as a core you absolutely cant build euls ... filling a slot and so much gold to just counter 1 spell and then you still have no dmg or carry items
                *sb can ezily be dusted ... 2700 gold sb vs 180 gold dust!
                *maybe spend 1500 gold to fill a slot with a ghost scepter but still uneconomic for a carry.

                *support even suffer more to be able to build any of these items

                Muhammad Sumbul

                  ^ My point is why not just stick with the team and lockdown jugg.I play jugg and i know how to keep him in control.Add me this aint fun anymore lets discuss in steam rather than turning the forum into a chat box

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    How about teaming up and picking tankier heroes vs jugg his ult is pretty normal u want to tell me it's more op than chrono, black horse, Rip polarity? Or deals more damage than SF's ult?

                    dont be thrilled by this ...

                      @revolution , add me, im still on limited account :D

                      @mr.poopy : what if enemy last picked jugg and youre out of picking tanks? even in team fights it deals massive dmg, its even worse if he has bfury which most of juggs have it nowadays ... chrono is super op i agree, requiem deals 2500 dmg even with all magical talents
                      and so ezily countered by bkb, bm, euls, and has 1.7 cast time plenty of time to stun him, rp needs precision and skill,
                      swashbuckle is another trash spell also


                        yeah and that's exactly the same way jugger ults get countered too euls ghost? aoen disk just get over it :|

                        The expanding lines can deal up to 1440/2160/2880 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 1840/2760/3680) damage to a single unit (before reductions), if all lines hit.
                        and that's before AMPs and also that's with ignoring the fact that it's aoe

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          lol only direct damage would make omnislash super garbo.


                            buy haven