General Discussion

General DiscussionI am giving away a 3.5k MMR account

I am giving away a 3.5k MMR account in General Discussion

    Hey guys,

    I was tired of grinding MMR on my main account, so I just started a new account, where I would attempt to grind a single hero until it get calibrated at the highest possible MMR (3.5k atm). Once I finish, I would like to give away that account to someone else.

    Check out my twitch channel for more details:

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Story Time

      road to max calibration sounds like a road to toilet: if you cant make it, then you shit

      Lruce Bee

        36% wr haha

          @HanYolo: You don't understand how calibration of new accounts work... starting with the 4th game I exclusively played very high skill games, as you can see in my Dotabuff profile...

          @Story Time: My games are all above 4k average and my main is as well... so I don't think there is a risk of not making it to max calibration, really...

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            Let me be the lucky beneficiary


              Give it to me ty


                How generous.


                  To prevent confusion: I will make a give away for followers, so make sure to follow the channel... the winner is decided randomly out of my follower list.


                    Wow stay tuned guys


                      so basically you're self promoting your trash stream on dotabuff forums. F outta here dude

                      Pontic Greek

                        i thought you were spamming 1 hero, you have played riki and lycan that is 2 different heroes


                          @Pontic Greek: It is impossible to spam a hero 100 times, obviously without it getting banned. Also if someone first picks safe lane carry, I rather pick different position than to auto loose a game by playing safelane as well.

                          @dB drag: Good observation, however I won't leave.


                            WIN RATE



                              how can you even have this kind of winrate with lycan and riki, are you feeding on purpose or sth?