General Discussion

General DiscussionIO Best Hero in Game

IO Best Hero in Game in General Discussion
Solo Leveling

    No1 is talking about it but IO is the new best hero in the game at this point


      domi got nerfed tho,altho that skill 2 makes you kill creeps faster
      dual offlane io seems pretty stronger i guess

      sadly,you cant do like blink+spirits dual bomb anymore

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        veil + dagon and her light orbs u mean!!1


          literally everbodys talking about this

          Potato PC

            I'd agree if they keep Spirit In/Out rather than Toggle and keep "+400 Spirits max distance" level 10 talent.


              Lets say all experienced io players got nerfed but newbies to hero and ppl who want to start play him got buff.
              Cast/control in/out on one button is retarded ofc after this was part of mastering the hero.
              Lets accept challenge from Mr.Lizard.
              I think not a last job done on io in 2k18.