General Discussion

General DiscussionJust a quick math

Just a quick math in General Discussion
Story Time

    THe new method how to always increase your mmr:

    1. you play one game a day
    2. if you lose you play 1 more game
    3. stop for this day

    Lets calculate probability of winning MMR in those games. You get 0.5 chance to win 25 mmr in step 1. IN step 2 you either get 0 mmr when you win after losing or you get -25 mmr with probability of 0.25. Summing it up makes = 0.5*25+0-0.25*25=6.25 mmr

    That is your expected mmr gain per day. If you keep up with this progression then you gain 6.25*365=2281 mmr over 1 year. In 5 years you will be over 10k. That's quick math, fellows


      see you in 5 years when u gt 10k mmr man


        Thats not how statistic works (so wrong on many levels) and for sure not Dota^^.

        But actually its a good idea because after 2 looses you are already a bit tilted and tired. Just stop at try it the next day. I only loose MMR when I play like 8 games in a row to gain MMR back. Sadly thats my way of playing ranked :(


          No, your maths is flawed. In your 'step 2', you say that 'you either get 0 mmr when you win after losing or you get -25 mmr with probability of 0.2'. Now, the problem is when you consider the net mmr loss as -25, it is actually -50 as you have lost 2 games in a row. Thus, the sum is 0.5*25+0-0.25*50=0 mmr.
          Please don't mislead people with flawed mathematics; inherently, and intuitively, the mmr change over time should be 0 if you're already at where you're supposed to be.

          Lruce Bee

            Nice maf


              you lose 50 mmr in case 2.
              So you have 50% chance of +25, 25% chance of +0 and 25% chance of -50. Guess what the average of that is.

              You thought you could trick the casino?

              Choke on your sanctimony

                He didnt say he is good at math, he said he is good at getting mmr :P


                  Whatever you do, never go to a casino.

                  Story Time

                    looooooooool :D HOW DONT YOU SEE THAT I AM TROLLING! Shall i put kappa in every single post of mine?????? (kappa)

                    Also please study this work of art:

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      So true.makea sense.The more games played in a bad day the more chance of ranking down.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        hehe i was only pretending to be retarded

                        Lruce Bee

                          can't believe none said this is troll

                          Story Time

                            ^HanYolo is the only normal guy here, the rest suffer from some brain damage i guess