General Discussion

General Discussionhow to successfull report someone smurfing?

how to successfull report someone smurfing? in General Discussion

    I think linking something like ur citizenship proof instead of phone numbers will help reduce smurfs by great extent. PROBABLY.


      I can link u my dick if you want


        How can u get urself so down to do so?
        Are u a gay?
        And what would u do if ur dick gets stuck somewhere before that?


          this guy is cheating not smurfing


            I play vs smurfs all the time. There's always 2-3 smurfs in the opposing team. That's why i'm still not in 7k bracket. Damn smurfs!

            On a serious note, I think dota developers should be happy to have smurfs, a lot of whom are boosting MMR. It increases popularity. A lot of boosters are making extra money. A lot of people are paying to play with a better medal/MMR. Without it, we would have lost a ton of people.

            I'm watching a lot of twitch streams with boosters and its much more fun that way. Dudes in 7k bracket are quiet, always stressed, lose a ton of games, play 2-3 games a day and leave. Boosters are always relaxed, joking, explaining stuff, and generally loved by more people. Streamers I watch have 5-6k viewers on a regular basis even with 5-6 hours of streams. I even considered to stream snipe just cause I think its fun to try to trash this 6k player.

            I don't think its ez to win games vs smurfs but, at the same time, its okay. I'd rather have boosters than toxic players, feeders, people that abandon games, or just pick stupid heroes knowing the entire team counter picked them.

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