General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do you do if your lanning stage didn't go well ?

what do you do if your lanning stage didn't go well ? in General Discussion

    what should i do if my lanning stage didn't go as i want ?
    this is my last game with gyrocopter ..... SS and LC tried to help but instead of helping they did the opposite . and LC trying to push the lane and taking my last hits , all of she want was kills and i was need farm . so i was level 6 at min 10 which is not great at all . and in the end i couldn't do much .
    so what should i do in games like this ?
    any tips please ?

    Lruce Bee

      Improve your mid game. Game is not over from laning phase.


        If you cannot get anything out of the lane, it might be best to spam salves and go jungle. Make sure you kite the creeps if playing as a ranged hero or use chokepoint jungling if playing as a melee hero to reduce the amount of damage you take. Stack ancients/large camps if someone on your team can farm them.


          say GG and feed


            most important thing is to avoid deaths even if it's a stupidly hard lane. force people to react to your pushes and TP to another lane where it's safe to farm, only take fights you're sure you'll win, etc.


              Depends on your hero though, if ur a storm, you can just stack the jungle and farm it, only go back to lane when its near your tower


                Sometimes, even if you are a carry or a very slow mid hero(viper), roaming is good too, secure kills, and help others win their lanes cuz your lane was lost.

                Dire Wolf

                  Be very passive, don't die, let them push lane and entice them to take the tower. 90% of the time the offlaners/gankers will leave to go to other lanes once the t1 is down and you can farm safely by your t2.

                  the better spidey

                    All things considered, try to keep your T1 alive as long as possible. Shove waves when given the opportunity.


                      In this meta it usually just means you lose. Try to keep your towers/space up as much as possible. If I'm mid and I know it's a losing matchup e.g. I can't trade hits effectively. I just play passive and try not to die. If you're safelane and see an aggro Trilane ask your offlaner to switch!


                        You're a gyro. Just go and fight them lol. With gyro if your lane goes well you go and fight them cause you're stronger. If your lane doesn't go well you fight them cause you wanna comeback. Ofc if you're behind its more about judging which fights can you take and which ones you can't.


                          Jungling is usually not a great solution because trading jungle for lane farm just means u lose slower
                          You should rotate especially as a gyro, force movements, and towers, and fight them.

                          Story Time

                            i expected 90% of players to honestly write: "I babyrage and blame mid"


                              Just let them have your t1. After that they just jungle or go ganking other lanes. Then you get the free farm and if possible even the enemy t1. It's all about patience.

                              boni top fan

                                Doesnt a tier 1 tower give 75 gold? Not much of a deal nowadays apart from the enemy gaining map control


                                  ^ loosing your safelane tower opens up almost 2/3 of "your" map for the enemy team, thats not "not much of a deal"

                                  map control is one of themost important things in dota.


                                    I'll watch your game when i get back home, but talking in general

                                    When u get destroyed in lane, or when u really cant easily farm it without taking a lot of damage, you NEED to leave that lane asap. Now as different heroes u gotta see what's the most efficient thing. U can leave lane and go jungle. Or u can gank another lane and take it, force enemy to tp to that lane, if enemy tped from ur safelane to there, u can go back to ur safelane.

                                    As gyro and in low level bracket, i'll more importantly pretty much never lose my lane, at least 95% of the time. 2ndly if i lost it in that 5% of the time, i'll go into full recovery mode which is:
                                    1) avoid every single combat, only go for FREE KILLS (0 risk kills)
                                    2) spend all my time in the jungle, not near lane
                                    3) as soon as laning stage ends, i'd go farm around enemy safelane and occupy it when they leave it, continue farming that whole side of the map and so on into midgame

                                    Key point is recognizing u gotta leave lane as soon as it becomes a lost lane and u got the items/levels to do so


                                      Okay i watched the replay, and i want to absolutely EMPHASISE on this:

                                      If your laning stage doesn't go well, don't try fixing ur mid game, FIX YOUR LANING STAGE

                                      Dude u literally lost cuz u were following that underlord in the middle of creep wave and tanking creep damage while pushing the lane to enemy cuz ur creeps are attacking enemy creeps and enemy creeps aren't attacking them cuz u drag them.
                                      Ur lane equilibrium absolutely destroyed ur lane. The underlord and lina tgt had 20 cs or smth at 7 mins while u had 20. If u just kept the equilibrium right and then walked passed the creeps and THEN went aggressive, then OK that was the rught play. But u let those guys get xp, and deal damage to u, when they have no business doing so.

                                      I can refer bsj's coaching sessions for ~3 months ago when his emphasis was on equilibrium. Go watch some of those on utube and learn lane management. That was very bad laning and the lc and the shaman had less to do with fuckin that.

                                      Also work on mechanical stuff like csing. Dont wanna just simply miss free last hit


                                        Come back and destroy the enemy ancient


                                          Ask support to place wards in enemy jungle

                                          try to get enemy safelane tower at all cost, so that you can farm enemy jungle.

                                          wait for an item on your core (bkb for example) use smokes with your whole team, find pickoffs on cores (theres always someone running around alone), transition pickoffs into towers

                                          push lanes

                                          what not to do;
                                          afk jungle, the enemy team has more map access and therefore will outfarm you anyway

                                          flame supports when they die pushing out waves, be thankful


                                            #try to get enemy safelane at all cost". What is that supposed to mean. Feed over and over there to force it when u cant cuz the enemy safelaner dominated his lane counts?


                                              Can't lose lane if you're not in lane, go jungle *taps head


                                                Btw you never specified which lane? And nobody has mentioned offlane? Lmao offlane sadlyfe

                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  Yea actually, just learn to lane dumbass.


                                                    Typical its not my fault bullshit again?

                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      flame your team, spam gg well played in all chat. if thAT doesnt fix your problem, break your items run down mid.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        You go next