General Discussion

General DiscussionStrict solo matchmaking broken?

Strict solo matchmaking broken? in General Discussion

    How come mr and mrs Chinese characters get to party in EU west at peak time?


      Koincidence or konspiracy ?


        Dunno but they do the same thing on US East sometimes too


          you meet them kind of regularly when queuing as 5 stack. mostly smurfs that go ultra tryhard and will stomp you.

          they have to show us that china is numba wan

          Questo commento è stato modificato
          Machado98 #xatubaking

            by having odd primary and secondary language selections probably
            if their steam is Chinese and they select something odd in a EU server like Korean as secondary it's very likely that they will play together

            Selecting Strict Solo might be just another boost to the chance they have to play together since it has probably less people on queue

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            Lruce Bee

              Why do you say they are in a party?

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                thats waicist


                  @HanYolo They've played 152 matches together...sometimes as a party, sometimes solo.