General Discussion

General DiscussionNullifier not working?

Nullifier not working? in General Discussion

    Okay I ignored it the first few times thinking maybe I missed something, but It keeps happening every game. Why do people use spells through my Nullifier so easily? Is there a trick to it? I'm tired of being chainstunned by Earthshaker despite being muted....


      Nullifier doesnt silence enemy, it mute them (cant use item)



        Lruce Bee


          Lruce Bee

            Maybe your brain is not working

            Story Time

              Okay I ignored it the first few times thinking maybe I missed something, but It keeps happening every game. Why do people use items through my Orchid so easily? Is there a trick to it? I'm tired of being baldemailed by Centaur despite being silenced....

              flourishing new leaf

                I actually thought the item silenced skills too -_-'



                  read items thank you




                      its a bug reinstall


                        Isn't mute supposed to silence you too? That's what Doom mute does.... They need to change the mute name -.-

                        Thanks for the sarcastic but educative replies.

                        Spec Deck

                          doom mutes AND silences, that is the difference here


                            no ur fucking stupid
                            dooms ulti mutes and silences
                            mute only makes items unusable not spells
                            have u ever been paying attention to people calling orchid nullifer a pocket doom
                            its cuz each item possesses one part of dooms ulti
                            orchid silences
                            nullifier mutes
                            orchid is for spells
                            nullifier is for items (and dispel)

                            there is nothing wrong with mute name u just dont bother doing a single google search to confirm a super easy fact to figure out


                              DISRUPTOR AGHS SAYS ADDS MUTE TO ULTI
                              AND THE ULTI ALREADY SILENCES
                              AND U THINK MUTE INCLUDES SILENCE
                              BERRY SMART


                                When Doom ults you It only says mute on the poor hero's HP bar so I assumed mute means that.

                                Actually from my previous perspective it made perfect sense, considering mute was like the better version of silence...

                                After realizing this, Nullifier suddenly feels underwhelming for me.... I can only think of it being useful when you get to teamjump on a BKB/Manta carry. certainly not worth it for my shitty bracket.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                flourishing new leaf

                                  This ^


                                    even if u have confusion u can literally google it in 2 seconds

                                    nullifier is a great item against many heroes or on many heroes
                                    on riki, against tinker, with orchid (or any silence really)
                                    against bkb, or any escape item (force, glimmer, ghost)

                                    flourishing new leaf

                                      who gives a fuck what you think you piece of shit. We're just commentating WHAT WE THINK THOUGHT, we don't give a fuck about you or what you think we should do

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato


                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          tfw you roastin' a boy and they the same mmr as you


                                            tfw u big gay

                                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                                              Tfw u gay big


                                                Just buy scythe of vyse, instant undsipellable disable unlike nullifier and orchid


                                                  hex doesnt give raw dmg or good attack speed and doesnt last as long


                                                    theyre both good in different situations

                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                      When Doom ults you It only says mute on the poor hero's HP bar so I assumed mute means that.

                                                      yea that'sa good point actually. it is confusing. but that's valve's fault

                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                        and youre also right about nullifier in low mmr being useless.


                                                 , Hey OP please visit this site ,might be helpful for you.