General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with tri lane mid alone?

How to deal with tri lane mid alone? in General Discussion

    Quas wex invoker, disruptor, venge raping me at mid, while my tri safe lane top lost to clock since void is so dumb at controlling the creep wave, tide went to jungle cuz he cant lane against troll


      ur other lanes win.


        But my void keep missing last hits :(


          how does a trilane lose to clock or tide lose to solo troll
          tide is the worst offender thats literally autism
          u have to be braindead to lose that solo matchup


            if your hero is able to gank,try to secure a rune and tp to other lane imediately and kill some1

            just hope you dont get regen/illu lol

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            Mad Scientist

              man how the heck tide lose to a melee hero rofl

              p.s: to all quas wex invoker shoot yourself on the leg ty

              Lruce Bee

                Pudge And wr support haha


                  quas wex invokers ive played with just suck


                    you're playing lina so you literally sit afk behind your trees and dragon slave for ranged creeps if it comes to it.