General Discussion

General DiscussionBP is out, jealous SEA kids are in

BP is out, jealous SEA kids are in in General Discussion

    All my SEA boys, Prepare to receive texts of hate like "rich kids lol" or "go cosplay" if you're gonna get the BP. Fun times for sure


      yeah i get that a lot , its just 10$. is it that expensive?


        rich kids lol, gift me one pls haHAA

        Dota Psychology 101

          lol yeah, i got trashtalked the whole game once just cause i was playing with a huskar cosmetic


            Ofc bro.. money for some skins... i.e some virtual pants made using Ms paint😂😂😂... Give some food to poor... someone will atleast acknowledge and u ll feel good too.
            10$= INR 670... Feeds 15-20 people a full meal here.


              My point is that money for some cosmetic (virtual and unreal... Nothing useful except good looking to eyes) is too absurd.
              Hmmm richrich countries don't care, right?


                Wish I get those messages


                  ^^ so as spending money on games in general but ure point is irrelevant cause no one cares
                  Except if it's for hungry lgbtqppssaaf colored skined kids who also have autism and are living in Africa

                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                  Choke on your sanctimony

                    @Alpha mate, how jealous can you get? If u had the money you would get BP too. I did for 2500 INR. :P


                      People buying battlepasses is not the reason people are hungry


                        I am not jealous, really. I have my own credit card with money in it.
                        I am not saying people are hungry becoz of BP, but money for this seems so stupid to me. Do one thing buy the BP use it as u like.. then after 5 years (when dota would probably be dead if it goes on like this) take some free time out , preferably in the morning and think whether BP was really worth?
                        If u do really enjoyed then maybe would say it was worth,but if not someday contact me and I'll laugh at you.
                        And yes #rich word is for criticizing , whether out of jealousy or not😂😂😂


                          Personal thought- BP in dota is as weird as girls buying latest designer outfits every month😑

                          Noisy Miner

                            Hey Alpha.. if you can't afford one, you can always try asking in game. Do what most of sea ppl do-
                            'Can someone gift me lvl 1 pass.. I'll commend' xD


                              I nvr ask. I do get nothing from BP... Except it's annoying that I have update 1.6 gb


                                10$? I payed 40$ for the whole package 😍😍😋

                                lm ao

                                  They are just stupid cosmetics

                                  Most people do not care at all

                                  lm ao

                                    Holy shit I got the trashcan icon next to my name now




                                        @Alpha, you know them bois are gonna gang up on you right? Why bother posting that?

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                                          @Alpha dude from what I remember you're 14 right? And you have your own credit card? Cool story bro.


                                            Once your grow up maybe you won't be as narrow minded as you are now. People can spend their money however they like, your logic is screwed up. 600INR/10$ is not a lot of money unless you're a kid who's still in school. But then again, most of the SEA crowd who flame you for buying ingame cosmetics are kids still in school so..


                                              one thing that separates us from animals that we do other things than breeding and eating. I guess you skipped that part of human evolution.

                                              And no, I won't be thinking about how the $10 I spent 5 years ago could be a meal for some poor family.


                                                Kids have strange logic. Let's leave it at that.


                                                  battlepass forever


                                                    😑 I have a bank account. I deposit my scholarship/pocket money in it, and the bank manager insisted me for making a card for easy transaction. Btw I am 16 now😶.I am saving to rather buy a new PC. And Yes, I am only saying the fact , not restricting u to buy BP.
                                                    @Luxon idk where u from... that's why maybe u won't understand.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      debit card =/= credit card


                                                        buying bp is wise if you play alot of doto,ti 6 treasures are like $14-17 each now
                                                        just save treasures,wait 2 years voila you get your money back+ bonuses


                                                          That's some talking^^😂😂.
                                                          Previous battle pass had double mmr option, that one did worth money


                                                            Double mmr option was shit. Anyway humans breed a lot too you know? Every second, a couple breeds for fun


                                                              seriously tho,rather than you save your $10 and you also play dota 24/7 for 4 months better you buy it and get some stuffs + nothing to lose at all

                                                              gib me batle pass tank you

                                                              Potato PC

                                                                No IO item at all, won't buy BP this year.

                                                                Noisy Miner

                                                                  Alpha.. don't save up for PC.. a good pc costs you like what? INR 35000?
                                                                  Imagine how much poor souls you can feed with that!
                                                                  Cuz maybe 10 years later your PC would finally give up and won't you regret having buying it?


                                                                    I earned my money. Yes, I'm only in college and receive allowance from parents, but I did a lot of Steam item trading(before Valve screwed me over with the 1 week trade ban on newly bought items), and made a tidy sum, which now finances all the bullshit I pay for in games. So yes, I will enjoy my earnings, and buy a battle pass.


                                                                      Feels bad that I don't even have a pc


                                                                        Rich kids


                                                                          Hey! PC has more uses than some unrealistic skins, with or without which the gameplay is all same.


                                                                            In some games, DLC helps make the gameplay experience better and easier. I wouldn't say it's all the same.


                                                                              Also, you should realize that no matter how much the amount you spent on something, as long as it makes you happy, it is not a waste.

                                                                              Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                                                                Basically this ^


                                                                                  @so you clearly don't know what a credit card is. The bank manager told you to make a Debit card, not a credit card rofl. And why you wanna save for a PC bro? Buy meals for the underprivileged kids in India, they're all over the place. Pc will be useless, you will only play games. Instead of one kid playing games and having fun it's better to buy food for 100+ kids who are starving... lol


                                                                                    😑sorry wrote credit by mistake.
                                                                                    The thing is I nvr used it.
                                                                                    Let me first get the PC then I'll tell ya.
                                                                                    W8 2 yrs
                                                                                    #screenshot this

                                                                                    Noisy Miner

                                                                                      I don't know why some people say spending about 50$ for dota every year is foolishness. It's totally fine to spend for something that u play almost every day. It's the same for me as spending for a football shoe or jersey. Dota has helped me from boredom for years and Im happy to be spending 50-100$ for it every year. Battle pass for us is like a mini festival.. whether its good or not, we'd still buy it xD


                                                                                        who cares about poor guys
                                                                                        not even poor guys care about poor guys

                                                                                        this year I will not buy a battlepass for my second account tho, it is just to frustrating to play on 2 accounts for some dumb quests and fabulous kunkka sets



                                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                                            to me you just play the game of dota 2. everything else is extra. why anyone spends money on the extras is a mystery to me. but to each his own


                                                                                              Well you can also see it this way: some people really really like the game and therefore want to make the game grow and at least have the potential to make the game even better

                                                                                              I remember when I were starting with Dota 1, I was poor, sad, lonely and basically the only thing that really made me happy was to play a warcraft 3 map, the same map over and over again
                                                                                              There is a high chance that the guys who started in the same time like me have the same story and some of them aren't poor today and still like the concept of a 5 vs 5 game that drives you to your limits

                                                                                              The major part of the audience reading this might be to young to really appriciate zoning out and thinking only about the competition with your 4 teammates about the other 5 who are also there just for that one building

                                                                                              In depth analisis would also lead me to the conclusion that I really like solving quests and games reletad to dota
                                                                                              I couldn't care less about the majority of the skins tho, I don't pay attention to them, but I don't value money as much as I value quality of my spent time.

                                                                                              Tbf I don't value money at all, it is just pretty hard to survive without it while you are poor, that is why some people won't even dream about things like the BP, 2 year ago me thought the same.
                                                                                              I am not here judging anybody, I am just giving a perspective, because a lot of guys who can't affort the BP instantly think the guy who bought it has parents that buy him whatever he wants. That is not the case in the major part of people I met in this game.

                                                                                              The right thing to do for the guy who struggles right now with money is to improve in his school/employment/training and climb the social ladder. That is about it.

                                                                                              Don't be salty over some extra pixels someone payd money for.


                                                                                                Ok I get you.


                                                                                                  For me personally, anyone who spends anything above 10 bucks or whatever price of the basic BP is, is a complete moron. As sum of money invested in it, proportionally grows level of stupidity.

                                                                                                  but hey, people spend money on stupid stuff, always will, always had. If they like it, they like it, there is nothing you can or should do.

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                                                                                                      @coroner eats bread for breakfast lunch and dinner I guarantee it

                                                                                                      fanfan fan

                                                                                                        I have 0 idea why you think the double mmr option makes the battle pass worth it but the cosmetics don't. Different "pants" for the hero is useless but watching a number go up/down by more is amazing? Oversimplifying can go both ways.