General Discussion

General DiscussionGood 7.14 supports

Good 7.14 supports in General Discussion

    Hello im fairly new to dota and have been wondering who are some of the better position 5 supports in the current meta and help is appreciated


      skywrath warlock aa disruptor


        Chen, earth spirit, ns, willow, jakiro


          + on disruptor warlock what "road to 6k" suggested are mainly pos 4 supps


            Willow, chen, jakiro are all played as pos 5


              Huh, willow and chen is pos 5? I was taught wrong


                Ty all for the help


                  Io is good here(though based on team picks)




                      Lion shaman


                        Crystal Maiden! :D

                        Potato PC

                          The answer always IO. Even better when you play with reliable teammate.


                            Crystal Maiden, best waifu and support! For me, she's like the hero with the most flexibility in terms of team composition which means she synergizes well with just about anybody. With 3 levels on Arcane Aura and Tranquil Boots, she never has to spend gold on tangoes and clarity pots! Just a few seconds out of combat and she's back in business! Her +250 Health talent (if you're not into cast range) is very, very useful for a delicate girl (lol) and once you get Glimmer Cape, she's very hard to kill. Her abilities are very, very useful and have fast cooldowns. Compared to other supports, she has a good balance of disable, slow, damage, farming capabilities, teamfight power, utility aura, etc. If left alive, a Crystal Maiden in a teamfight will slowly whittle down foes, plus her ultimate, which was recently buffed in 7.14, is so so useful that even just half seconds of the 10-second ult is enough to aggravate enemies if they do not disable her quickly. Once you get the +120 Gold/min talent, life is just a breeze! You can buy wards AND buy items like force staff!
                            With CM, I never have to worry so anxiously about what my teammates will pick! She's a constant in the meta, in my opinion.


                              dudes CM is a dogshit slow hero who starts with 507 HP chu saying


                                Well yeah HAHAHA, at the first few minutes, but a few big neutral creep kills using Frostbite to save for Tranquil Boots is more than enough to compensate. She may not be able to roam effectively early game due to slow-ass feet, even with a SoD, but a good pos 4 can make up for her disadvantage.


                                  it's not possible for a 507 HP hero to roam around with 275 MS ty


                                    it might work in your bracket tho so pardon me

                                    Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                      As a CM main... the hero rly sux... the 275 ms hurts af.... it feels like she is always under the slow effect... idk how i could even win matches with her... but i'd got to admit she is a good bait...

                                      Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                        OT: lich is good , can be even played in offline to make enemy core's life shit. Warlock cuz of that tank ass golem, io, dissruptor against high mobile heroes, and oracle ( maybe).


                                          Crystal Maiden doesn't need to move fast because her aura is global. :smile:


                                            Pos 5 Chen ?

                                            I hope its a joke. Pos 5 Chen is a total waste of his early power spike.


                                              No it allows you to have a more active support. I mean chen doesn't really need money for the first few minutes.

                                              Like what's gonna matter more an early boots on sk or tusk, or an early boots on chen?!!


                                                ^ Chen forced to support safe lane is gg. Your role is completely different.


                                                  Depends on your other heroes. CM is completely useless when you have drow or AM, you just lost lane. For CM you need really strong core or trilane. I am always happy to see enemy picking CM. It means my game will be 10x easier than against disruptor, ss,sd, lion or pretty much any other supp hero.


                                                    btw mainly looking for postion 5 heroes ty all though for the help


                                                      Okay, guys I get your point, geez. No need to hate on my bracket. - 3- Maybe CM just feels right for me, I guess it's just a personal preference. I can agree though on Lion, SD, SS, Disruptor, Lich, etc. they are pretty good position 5 supports, I play them too. Maybe it's just the majestic feeling I get when my CM uses Freezing Field that I really find myself attracted to playing her LMAO.


                                                        Lion is maybe the next best thing. He has 2 disables, a damaging ult, plus a mana-stealing + slow ability. The only true con I can think of is that he damn ugly HAHAHAHAHA


                                                          LION is situational man, not a good overall hero. if you need to burst someone like PL. cm is dogg, very dogg

                                                          I most definetly can not recommend trying to play AA in low mmr solo Q. play that hero with friends, very good hero

                                                          go to joindota and see what pos 5 heros are being picked in professional games, there you go. dont listen to 2k or 3k plebs like myself

                                                          what i can recommend though is jakiro. strong for laning stage, good for pushing, good disables. emphasis on the "pushing"

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                                                          Salt Miner

                                                            Good supports almost always come down to the carries being played, more than the raw power (although both being important). Alch was a really high pick with older runes, so it made AA one of the better supports.

                                                            For newbies, I would recommend starting with supports that have some form of escape, and once you get better, you can play some of the higher skill caps (because you won't know how to position early game).


                                                              The only reason why people pick cm is because they think that she is kawaii

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                It's true, only weebs pick cm. It's why I don't pick her.


                                                                  i think 2ks pick her because shes the archetype support

                                                                  why would anyone need cm aura when you basically can have clarities running nonstop