General Discussion

General Discussionhow to safelane if your teammate doesnt understand creep equilibrium?

how to safelane if your teammate doesnt understand creep equilibrium? in General Discussion

    normal in <4.5k

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      team play 4What


        Madly X-ping on them and scream down the mic that they are retarded.

        Or just shrug and deal with it like you would if the offlaner was trying to mess it up.

        flourishing new leaf

          ahhahahaha shut uup nooVb (@OP)


            I mean you lose when enemy's offlaner gets full exp.

            That's by the way number one reason why I'm switching to position 5 instead of 1. When I farm my supports can't handle this shit. I don't ever get to free farm because my support right clicks, agroes creeps and pushes my lane.

            When I support I can zone out enemy's offlaner and my carry gets free farm and I let them solo exp after I won the lane for them.

            I'm actually amazed how effective it is. I even win games with AM on my team.


              I don't undestand how a guy with 4k+ doesn't understand creep equilibrium..or the unadvantage to let the offlaner gets the agro.

              Lruce Bee

                If your games are dependent on your support not drawing Aggro in lane, you fucking suck as a carry.


                  ^hanyolo, sometimes low bracket supports, pull the wave to the neutrals (without stacking them) when it doesn't need, so the wave gets pushed, or supports used to harrass the offlaner too close the wave and gets all the agro and it push the lane again. Sometimes suports blame the carry to do nothing, and they do everything wrong.



                    that is very true.
                    as a support player , If I am trying to zone the offlaner and end up pushing the creeps, I always make sure to get a full pull and deny the next wave. Difficult but can be done and should be done.

                    It was much easier with trilanes, you could completely zone the offlane, then you or your roamer could stack and pull . Lvl 1 offalner 6 minutes into the game.

                    Oh the salt, the crying " gg no support carry freefarm" and then just follow that cuck to his jungle to sap more xp and have him tilt feed mid.... good times.... goodtimes

                    Also bring a fucking sentry. I've played offlane and watched in horror as our carry told the support to pull, support goes " its blocked" and proceeds to not buy a bloody sentry to get rid of the block.


                      ^ yeah, but at least you try to fix your mistakes, when I was 3k/4k I had 2 supports in the lane doing nothing, or everything wrong, leeching experience, pushing lanes, not stack, not gank, when they tried to harrass or kill the offlaner, became in a dead of my supports, because they got punished by the enemy creep wave, and the offlaner got the kills and also free farm, at min 15 obviously I have nothing, level 8 and the enemy offlaner an axe, with vanguard, dagger, and lvl 12/13 adding the comments like "this carry sucks, no farm".... beautiful memories :D


                        every time i play carry this shit happens i swear. thats why i play offlane nyx/qop and easily win most games rn...


                          @- VztA - how did you deal with this and reach where you are today


                            this is my 3rd account, the 2nd acc had 5320 MMR before the new system, I did not calibrate it yet. But with that account I climbed up for the first time to 5k, and most of the times to deal with this, I started picking not so greedy heroes, like slark, jugg, troll, (those were the heroes of the meta then) and get kills, snowballing during the early game or playing as offlaner becuase I knew the mistakes what support do. and position 4, full of rotations, and making stacks as much as possible for carry and mid. Getting mad at your teammates It's the worst thing to do. You can teach them, but if they refuse to listen, move on, play your own game, push as much as you can, and get kills, do not dive to much, buy your own wards (even as a carry) if you're moving in dangerous positions . IF you really want to climb consider yourself as a whole team, because many times, ppl are arrogant and stupid. Sometimes you have 1 or 2 teammates who really wants to win and listen to your opinions, and suggestions, try to coordinate with them.

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