General Discussion

General DiscussionI really wanna learn earth spirit

I really wanna learn earth spirit in General Discussion

    Then again I'm atrocious at every skillshot hero so
    i dunnoes?

    Lruce Bee

      He ain't hard. You're just Normal skill after almost 3k matches. You're just bad at the game in general.


        Hi Mr. Longname,

        i could give you some specific tricks but you just have to play him every game. Just pick it with no fear for failing, because you will. You will fuck up every spell sometimes buy just play him. When you have 50 games, you will start seeing progress, maby it takes 100 games. Every ES fuckes up stuns sometimes.

        Here some gerneral tipps:

        Orb of Venom
        Brown Boots
        Stick (not Wand)
        Urn (go for it, its the best item you could build, cheap and usefull, because you can buy raindrops while going for it.)
        on of these you NEED: blink or Euls (its preference. I prefer Blink)

        you can build your Wand and tranquills when you have some gold extra.

        w - q -q - e - q - r - q
        then max silence then roll. Ultimate everytime you can.

        If you wanna roll on someone, wait till they want to lasthit, they will be easier to hit.
        Watch gameplays of Jerax, Kaka.
        I personally watch this guy: , hes Russian and i cant understand shit, but he can answer your questions in Englisch, I learned alot by watching him.
        Watch at the dotabuff site of ES, Guides, Rankings and the players, Items, etc.
        Last tipp: play play play and have fun!

        Greetz Hama

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          You need HanYolo to teach you

          hawaiian roller coaster ride

            yeah HanYolo aka Crusader 1 needs to teach you how to play


              Thanks Hama!
              Oh and Han just go away dude you're not funny...

              Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                It's just practice. + ^^^ Everything Hamagregorin said.

                (I practiced Earth Spirit since Dota 1 and it was hell)

                Lruce Bee

                  why tell this dude to practice when obviously the amount of practice is not the issue. he will obviously play 1000 matches of earth spirit and still suck.

                  and i'm not even joking so it's not meant to be funny, but a wake up call.


                    you are one of the biggest problems in Dota2. You are the cancer everyone talks about. Go shittalk somewhere else.
                    Noone whos asking for help wants you to wirte useless stuff like this. Dont waste your time by typing nonsense.


                      brutal savage rekt

                      Lruce Bee

                        i know it sucks writing that many paragraphs of advice for someone who will not benefit from it at all. lol


                          watch this guy on twitch he is streaming everyday >
                          over 2k games played with es..

                          Story Time

                            i really want to go on a date with peneloppe cruz :P


                              Try to play es with 150 ping


                                Im a former top 100 dotabuff es player. Earth spirit is all about positioning, blink dagger is a must have item so you can land your spells effectively, do remember that rolling boulder provides slow and a bit of damage, so avoid missing a roll.

                                Always get a magic stick early game then get urn, upgrade stick to wand if doing well then you can proceed to rush vessel or blink dagger, i also like building at least one team item(drums or domi) just to siege towers faster since the meta as of now is push oriented.

                                If the game ever goes late, always get a force staff, I tend to buy aghs so i can push a key target towards my team and dont be afraid to buy bkb so you wont get interrupted or to last longer on teamfights while waiting for the enemies's bkb to wear off.

                                Anyway, its up to you to create your own playstyle, also try to watch the replays of professional es players.


                                  Maybe you can watch me play that hero and learn things which u think u lack the most...


                                    1. kick the enemies instead stone in early game
                                    2. practice blink to land multiple stun/silence
                                    3. preserve your stone (make sure u have >3 stone before using magnetize)