General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i fix my Invoker winrate?

how do i fix my Invoker winrate? in General Discussion

    I am so fucking awful at playing the hero yet i enjoy playing him :/

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      I am actually scared to play invoker in matches just to not get my winrate down with him.
      I still think I played him better during dota 1 tho, dunno why.

      I like to watch sumiya videos on invoker but I don't get his decisions during the game, for example the coldsnap directly before the tornado is about to hit on heroes that don't have blink yet.
      He seems to be the current scale to bench so his gameplay should help I guess.


        Just keep playing, once you have can invoke all 10 spells with ease, you can then focus on HOW and WHEN you use those spells, small stuff like using cold-snap on the mid/roamed diving your tower, that's a sure kill, maybe even a double. I started off with 36% winrate on joker, I'm not great now but decent for my bracket. Invoker needs a lot of games to be good at, so yeah you know what to do. (I'm archon so my advice is probably not what you're looking for)

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          first of all don't be pressured when playing invoker. pressure really ruins your combo and playstyle as invoker. second of all be good at making decisions on when to nuke your enemies by using a combo, when to disable your enemies, when to initiate and etc. also if you have hard time comboing especially the combos that start with tornado then you lack 1 thing to him which is a secret and it is for you to guess. before, I was an injoker but now I can do every combo easily (the only problem that I have with him is on early game because he is soo vulnerable and if you had a bad start it would probably be hard for you to get back because he really depends on scepter, my problem is on how to get that scepter). watch replays of invoker players and try to analyze what is the thing that is common to them that makes them good at making combos. srsly if you find it, you WILL laugh and you WILL probably think that invoker is soo ez to play and may wonder why other players arent able to master him. this is what I felt when I found that thing that most pro invokers posses. good luck finding it...

          btw dont judge me by this account I dont spam invoker now and I found invoker boring HAHA rip english im soo tired and sleepy or may be im just too dumb...

          Bill Cutting

            I could write an essay on this but... I won’t.

            Below 5k people love to blame people, they don’t acknowledge the fact that they need to assist invoker in getting through the laning stage. Watch ANY high mmr invoker replay and you will see that with a plus 1 invoker can turn any gank or just kill enemy midlaner.

            But under 5k they just leave u and unless you a superior player or very skillful invoker you will struggle against most midlaners.

            Front there it’s so tough to come back.

            So just pick another hero.


            43% win rate archon 5 player that suffers from THE disease


              Listen, just play the hero
              We all lose at first, the only real way to get the game sense to use all of his spells effectively and knowing what to do is experience
              Not bots
              Not necessarily ranked, either tho
              Just play, I may have a 48ish% Winrate but every game I see something I can improve and I feel like I get better as games pass


                just find and get that "THING" its one of the most easiest way to master invoker.

                2 words that MIGHT help you: TIME MANAGEMENT/EFFICIENCY


                  Keep watching and analysing sumiya's invo replays.

                  Focus on the matchups and how he plays each part of the game vs the matchup (i.e. vs sf, qop, etc)

                  Also focus on his general game macro. SPECIALLY his actions after each powerspike. (Not good at invo but i think one power spike is lvl6 or 7 where u got all 3 orbs, one is after aghs, and each item). See how his gameplay changes after each powerspike from before (like casual midlaning till u got that lvl6-7 then killing the enemy with the snap tornado meteor combo after getting him low enough by harrassing, or going for a good forced fight after aghs or smth)

                  Keep watching and playing and trying to implement what u learn. When u lose and fuck up instead of feeling like shit go find the exact scenario and see what he does. Learn. Next time do it right.

                  Over time u'll get good