General Discussion

General DiscussionPSA: If you care about winning, don't pick Invoker in NS

PSA: If you care about winning, don't pick Invoker in NS in General Discussion

    This isn't a QQ thread - the Invoker is as likely to be on the other team as mine - but seriously why play a hero that is too difficult for you in ranked? I totally get that you might enjoy playing him but you are really bad at him. Play him in unranked. It is rude to take mid and then totally fail.

    Apart from maybe one or two smurfs I don't think I've ever played with an Invoker that made a positive difference to their team. Seen plenty on 6k streams, never in my games.

    Honestly not a QQ thread - just beat a team with Invoker and couldn't recall playing with a decent one.


      Actually there's 25% more chance the Invoker will be on the enemy team so you should be asking everyone to pick more Invo no kappa


        When there's an invo on your team just run down mid. If it's an invo on the other team just run down mid too

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          no one will play any hero well in normal skill so i dont understand your point. yes maybe they can perform better with braindead heroes but at the end of the day it honestly does not matter.


            Haha. Both true. They invariably go Exort too and totally fail to capitalise on farming with spirits.


              @within the walls of chaos

              it is about skill floor not ceiling. if you can't hit a level of skill with a hero you are a liability with that hero so yes, if you aren't able to play a particular hero to a minimum standard then you shouldn't pick him when people are tryharding - it is rude. The only reason Invoker stands out is because his skill floor is higher than most heroes but he's still picked in more than 20% of games.
              Don't get all elitist about it being in normal skill and not mattering. Normal skill players are people too!

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                you are delusional if you think people are tryharding just because its ranked. and its not "rude" to pick a certain hero just because you dont want to have that hero in your team.

                Bill Cutting

                  If you’ve been watching Topson stream lately you will see this problem is not limited to ns games.

                  Hero isn’t great right now in general.


                    Don't be silly. Most people play ranked to win. Stop trying to pretend that you're too cool for school.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      I am not pretending shit. You are literally contradicting yourself. They pick Invoker because they do not care about winning as much as you would like to believe. And, again, it's a free-to-play game, everyone has the freedom to pick whatever hero they want.

                      Story Time

                        we all know that normal skill people do not exist, they are just bots that pretend to play like humans to rise the online player base. No point of discussing this fake bracket


                          Try reading all my words? ‘Most people’ the whole point of the thread was to suggest that people not playing to win in ranked are in the minority and are anti-social in playing there.

                          Doesn’t mean jack whether it is free to play or they have the right to behave a certain way. If people spent more time thinking about how their actions affected other people instead of worrying about their rights then the world would be a much happier and chilled place.


                            One of the rare times a blue star saying something useful. He is right, normal skill ranked is nothing great, a lot of people don't care about winning, if they did, why would they pick 5 cores? Because they play whatever they feel like playing, not what needs to be played in order to have better chances of winning. I'd be equally pissed if I had an easy to play hero like PA on my team, with no idea when to blink on to an enemy and just go in, just as much as an injoker who didn't know his spells right.

                            Lruce Bee

                              I don't care about winning so I pick whatever I want in ranked. But I still want to win in the Long run. Does that make sense? Or I want to win my way. Even if it's harder.

                              Not an invoker picker

                              Lruce Bee

                                i mean, yes, people generally want to win. but the whole point of the game is not just winning. otherwise we'd all just use scripts in ranked. it is about playing the game, and getting satisfaction in it. some get satisfaction from winning with a stupid hero, others just want the quickest easiest win, others want to torture others by picking techies or griefing.

                                Lruce Bee

                                  picking a hero with a lower chance of winning does not mean the individual playing invoker at that point in time does not want to win. i guess you should get my point now

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    If you've got at least a 50% chance of winning with whatever strategy you choose then go for it. Even pick Invoker. The point is that we all know how much the +25mmr means to most of the people playing ranked even if you don't care about that particular match so picking something that you're probably not going to win with is really antisocial.

                                    I am 100% that there is not a single person here who at some point has not negatively affected by someone picking a hero they can't play. Probably we've all picked a hero we can't play or played drunk and lost the game for our team as well...