General Discussion

General DiscussionAbusing team challenge tokens

Abusing team challenge tokens in General Discussion
Sir Gareth SouthGOAT

    wth is the deal with these challenges? I see people ranking up 7-8 stars in a week by abusing these tokens... only winning half of their challenges.. so it's not even really a challenging game since most games are on similar medal level.

    I went from archon 4 to legend 4 this winter by grinding my way in solo queue and party, only to get run over by battle pass plebs in 1 week abusing these tokens.

    Whats the idea of this? medals/mmr will have no worth if this keeps going.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      what is the worth of medals now and how did they help you in your life?

      Sir Gareth SouthGOAT

        with that argument it's like saying real military rank does not matter either.

        It is a rank to show experience and time invested. As well as your knowledge.

        sure it's a game, but still. Just asking the real questions here

        Suck my tiny curry dick

          You’re bad


            these tokens are bullshit idek


              i play ranked challenge just to raise bp lvl.. 150 bp / win,

              Wet Pillows Mamaya

                pay2win, gaben stamp of approval


                  I wish i have more money :(

                  SASA POPOVIC

                    I dont understand its perfect system, raises party MMR so your solo is still crappy, meaning if you are Archon and you just got Ancient from party tokens, its kinda off embarrassing to queue for solo and stick out, everybody will know that you either somehow droped from 4k meaning you bought account or that you were boosted.

                    Also dont forget if they cant hold new medals they will drop fast if they can then gz on the new rank, no harm no foul really i dont understand whats the issue here?


                      ^ idc all i want is high medal on my acc tho


                        This is just a completely broken thing, I just up too quickly in not even 24h. And recalibration are soon here, what is this thing?!

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          Yeah mate everyone wants higher medal, thus they implemented tokens to boost compendium sales, if you didnt checked battlepass rewards are pretty meh, so this tokens are only reason for 90% people to say "OMG this is insane i gotta have this!" so Valve profits money and since playerbase has hit all time low they wont embarrass themselves for the TI prize pool.

                          Everyone is a winner except for people who dont have 8 euros, witch is hard for me to believe honestly.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            So if say a 2K player queues a token game with divines he will gain loads of mmr? The more divine the better?

                            Sir Gareth SouthGOAT

                              the fact that one token challenge win gives around 150 mmr and losing is still 10/25ish mmr, means you can loose 5+ games in a row and then use another token for a win and still gain mmr.

                              So the problem will be broken quality in party ranked and newly boosted medal guys will steal core roles in solo saying "my medal is higher, let me mid etc...."

                              Also I would previously trust in higher ranked medal guys, since they probably have more knowledge of the game. With this new system the medals wont match peoples skill level.

                              Seems fair.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              SASA POPOVIC

                                ^ no, max difference between players cant be more than 2k mmr, so only 3k + players can queue with divines, but thats what smurfs are for.

                                Party ranked was never for quality games it was for fun because it was never balanced, when i play on my main with my friends do you know how many times i encountered some archon guy who got somehow brpught up by his ancient friend and he insta picks carry role because je knows we will bash him for selecting it.

                                Medal does not prevent people from picking roles they will just doit no matter what.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  So a 2k doesn't need to be parted with higher ranked players. He can go in solo , win and gain 150?

                                  Sir Gareth SouthGOAT

                                    Why was party ranked never balanced? Dota is at its best when played with 4 friends playing against another group of friends on similar level.

                                    Party mmr matters as much to me as solo. I want consistency through out.

                                    Sir Gareth SouthGOAT

                                      You need to be in a party of 5 playing ranked to use the token. @roadtoherald

                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                        Because you can queue with 2-3 friends or 5 stack for ranked.

                                        Most fun i had is the 5stack ranked games, most dreadful and tilting 2-3 stack, always role fighting with other stack, flaming etc. Its a biggest bait tbh also skill gaps when my lowest ranked picks carry or some role he is not comfortable with but he did it because "party MMR LuL" i bet you know what im talking about.


                                          quit dota join lol heralds as legends and anceints ruining games its so hard to dont get mad

                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                            @hieroglyph.gif Look how much party games i have played this season,