General Discussion

General DiscussionZeus......

Zeus...... in General Discussion

    Why They keep buffing Zeus?
    Does Icefrog really want Zeus to get picked on pros and will keep buffing him till he picked?
    He became really strong in pub with over 57% winrates on all Bracket and became incrediably annoying to deal with
    My last match was really bad with Zeus ROFL stomp our sup with Nimbus


      Is he really as strong as his winrate suggests or do people tend to just underestimate him and fail to itemise as needed?


        anyway, the reason you lost that game was the draft. doesn't matter if zeus is op or not.


          Zeus has so much base dmg now ROFL


            buy scottish national musicinstrument for insight


              have a hero that can get 100% last hits with spell usage and clarity spam
              give him 57 base damage



                Hes useless in real games couse such a ez to kill,but so annoying and nothing else in pubs,i dont understand at all his permanent buffing


                  I feel like if they just gave Zeus some base movement speed instead of all this base dmg it would be a much better way of making this hero viable
                  He is just too easy to gank, and being able to kite out certain spells/heroes would go a long way.


                    compare zeus to other mid lanes like SF, Invoker, Ember, or Death prophet? i like to see him in pro scene thou


                      ^ good point, Zeus tend to works and has high winrate cause pubs have less team work than tournament (to lock him down)


                        Zeus free food for kunkka


                          I guess the viable way to counter Zeus in pub is pick AM : /


                            u just get dumpstered early, and then completely chainstunned by nimbus later

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              Hero is super onedimensional. He only provides two things: damage and vision. He cant take objectives. He provides no disables. He has to buy many items just to stay alive in fights. He has good depush and waveclear but other mid heroes also have this while actually doing damage through BKB and are able to force objectives.


                                Ez game in pubs. The only way to counter op heroes is through coordination. Someone needs to get pipe, someone needs to get smoke, someone needs to scan map, etc. Healing supports like oracle is gd but few pick them.

                                However im still legend becus winning games with cheap hero is not going to up rank. Try winning with dumpster heroes like lone druid and wisp, maybe u up rank faster i dont know.


                                  Zeus is not op it's just a hero to punish teams with no natural initators here are some heroes that rekt zeus
                                  Nyx clinkz spectre ass breaker viper invoker konku drow pa pl naga dp and some more
                                  Of course some might not directly counter zeus but they will at some stage of the game


                                    I see the base damage buffs (he’s gotten like +10 damage this year) as a way to help him try to shut down the enemy mid through denies more than improve his CS. You could always get last Hutson him fine through arc lightning but in exchange you would usually also give the enemy mid free farm, which is why I lost a few games on him recently since the Chinese mid players would always pick invoker and then stand mid denying everything unless you maxed arc lightning and then I’d you left the lane they would just push with forge spirits, plus they could sunstrike to help their team on a short cooldown while you only had a 120 cooldown spell. Plus your team would never gank the invoker for you (even though he’s an easy kill for Zeus if he has a +1, but the enemy would always ga k you, then the team would be surprised that the mid invoker has Midas and aghs at 15 minutes and you lose. Retarded teams ffs.

                                    Anyway I reckon he would need another 50 attack range and an improved attack animation before you could reliably CS with his auto attack. 380 range is still way too low and puts him on harass range of every ranged mid. Lowering his strength gain hasn’t helped his survivability but I suppose that’s offset by lightning bolt and arc lightning having the same range now so he can play a little safer.

                                    Pepper & Salt

                                      To win zeus, you need to assign 1 hero who specifically target zeus during team fights.
                                      Isolate zeus from the fight, bring him to become 1 v 1, while 4 v 4 is ongoing.

                                      This is a standard strategy against heroes who can deal huge damage when left alone in the backline during 5 v 5 situation, such as drow and sniper.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                        Zeus has no escape, any roamer camping mid can shit on him, problem is this doesnt happen in low mmr, so Zeus is free ticket for 3.5k, check his winrate under that MMR its ridiculous. 61%!!!

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          @Pepper & Salt u can't Isolate zeus in a teamfight after his agh his always in all team fights and will do enough damage even if u kill him fast most of the time anyway


                                            @Pepper, thanks for some nonsense strategy you have, thats why people keep feeding. You think you can send a void there ulti and take him out? If you know you are going to lose 5v5 then you have to try 2v2 or 3v3. If all fails then you die.

                                            The only way out is to stop him from getting an aghanim. Once you make one mistake in the early game, the rest is going to be hell for you.


                                              The problem is his aghanim my brother, he not really annoying on personal. No escape, no disable, slow ass attack point, mana hunger


                                                Hmm does zeus is good pos 3 or 4?

                                                SASA POPOVIC

                                                  ^ no, to be effective pain in the rear zeus needs tons of farm, without aghanims + refresher you are walking creep that provides 0 utility.


                                                    are you sure about that ? ^

                                                    well i guess im trying to play zeus offlane or pos4

                                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                                      Yes but you had 2 disablers that game, pos 3 and 4 need to be disruptive so cores can do what they want, zeus offers that after tons of farm, you even had to go on bmail to keep that slark off your ass.

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        Blademail and greaves on Zeus? :sick:


                                                          and yeah still winning game tho just as notail says "everything can work"


                                                            how on earth is bm a good pick up for zeus? especially low farm priority zeus? ghost/glimmer or force staff all better.


                                                              zeus is still very fragile and easy to kill

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                not really the hero is suprisingly tanky for a "caster core" type of hero, builds raw hp and mobility often and can build ghost without anyhow limiting his dps


                                                                  invoker spammer crying about zeus

                                                                  as long as invoker the most overpowered hero in dota gets buffed, every other hero should get buffed too.

                                                                  and I wouldn't say that lowering his movement speed talent and arc lightning lvl 1 is a buff...but hey that's just me.


                                                                    zeus is greek GOD