General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports you would pick to gain MMR

Supports you would pick to gain MMR in General Discussion

    I’m a support main, and right now I’ve been playing a lot of Ogre and Warlock in solo queue. What are some supports you would suggest, that can be first picked, for grinding solo mmr?

    Suck my tiny curry dick

      Medusa. Very tanky, can drain mana and turn everyone into stone. Good support

      low prio master

        Warlock,ss,winter wyvern,wd,cm


          Jakiro, treant

          K A L E B O Y S

            I'd suggest picking Bane.


              Jakiro, Silencer, WW, Phoenix ,CM. Supports with waveclear and teamfight are very good for having high impact in pubs


                No one says Vengeful Spirit? :no:

                Has a good stun, gives allies 30-45% more dmg, helps take Rosh, swaps allies out of trouble or enemies into trouble.


                  i suggest dark waifu its very good for mmr can translate to carry to if ur carry suck


                    Yes, dark willow and windranger gives you free wins.

                    Ivan Demjanjuk

                      No, this dude just said he plays warlock and ogre, and you all tell him to play things YOU like. instead of supports that are good for him.

                      Try first picking Lich first he's simple, passive and provides an advantage that is hard to "deny" use your sacrifice on the ranged creeps and starve the other team out of exp. whilst armoring your team and waiting to land a sweet ult. its a good choice for you sir.

                      also Abbadon can be a strong support, and durable, hes like the black paladin counter part to omni who is another good support, but you don't want to first pick him. imo. and its a bit more difficult to make work.

                      I hear WK is a strong when played as a support, and its confusing to the other team as he's usually a core.

                      Jakiro can be picked first and is a strong lane support and pusher which are both needed in this meta, but he's clunky and slow, so you will need to be smart about your positioning.

                      venge can be picked first, but is an aggressive hero that you want to group and push with, so. not like warlock really, you could also try disruptor who is super good, Glimpse is one of the best spells around, but he's a bit difficult to keep alive.

                      I could go on and on, get some versatility and see if you don't learn the answer to your question on your own.

                      SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                        Pls go antimage supp. Best in game.


                          huskar right now, more than ever. wins any lane on his own if he doesnt have to lasthit. turns into heal/utility later, can use ult to secure kills or initiate with a slow

                          if you want sth more conventional - wd lich warlock venge


                            Lich if you want to win your lane, CM if you have a strong laner against a weak dual offlane and need to secure kills for them, windrunner or mirana if you are up against enemies that have masses of solo pick off potential since you can run away with them.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              treant, VS, CM, silencer, bane, phoenix, WW, undying


                                Jakiro, Pudge, CM, Windranger 4. Everyone here is right it’s a good time to be a support

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  silencer crystal maiden


                                    ^ this guys a freaking silencer spammer wtf HAHAHA

                                    on a serious note : play sp heroes which are tankier like es,io,ogre,pudge

                                    strength gain heroes are rly strong




                                        Thank you for all of the feedback guys! Incorporating it in pubs :D!

                                        Suck my tiny curry dick

                                          Bs is a good support. He can heal and silence.

                                          Potato PC

                                            IO the Wisp


                                              naga and learn to use meme hammer, ez games incoming


                                                jakiro, treant, witch doctor



                                                  The Frog King

                                                    You want to be able to give the most impact as a support?

                                                    PICK THE META.

                                                    Crystal maiden. Treant. Pudge. Windrunner. (I have no clue if you’re going pos 4/5)

                                                    Picking meta heros gained me about 1250 mmr from being flat chested divine to an immortal fan gay


                                                      WK best support when u have phys damage dealers to sup.

                                                      Player 106173996

                                                        Support Panti-Mage?
                                                        No problem.


                                                          CM, WW, Earthshaker, Bane, AA, Nyx, Dazzle

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            considering your bracket, shaman is the ultimate support.
                                                            4k and 5ks are to autistic to handle shaman.