General Discussion

General Discussion39 - 1

39 - 1 in General Discussion
love scars / you hurt me

    liquid fangays?
    EE sama no mercy


      Blademail weaver on 1050 hp lmao

      Pale Mannie

        still ranked higher than you weebshitter :troll:


          Liquid saving strat for main event
          You dont throw all your trump card in the beginning do you?


            Only an idiot would post some shit like this after a single game:)) i wonder how did fnatic didn't manage to throw the game like game 1:))


              blademail weaver with time lapse against rupture


                Saving strat for main event seems bad idea. What if you just lose off the bat. I've learned this through experience as well.


                  I did enjoy the Fnactic throw against mineski, nothing like throwing a 20k net worth lead in a 80 min game/.


                    Hmm, liquid is 11-3 now while fnatic is in the bottom half

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      Liquid will break curse boiii

                      SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                        EE sama got lucky cos liquid throw. Like me celebrating when i finally beat guardian medal in my solo mmr.