General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion

    @ OP

    ^All of my most recent solo unranked games were high skill. I have just reached the bracket in the past month or two.

    How bad are you at this?

    Speaking of being bad, You really gotta learn some natural numbers. Here's 18: Can you provide anything to corroborate your original assertion about being on the level of 3k players? Anything methodologically sound?

    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

      Why bother. The fact she has barely above 90 games in high skill says that she's not playing there a lot.

      Not to mention that if you have higher party MMR you will have high-vhs unranked for some reason.

      Proof is that if you are, let's say, 1k mmr and you have 3k mmr party, you will be able to play with tier 5-6 players in the battlecup.

      '96 Neve Campbell

        honestly I am past the point of caring enough to read whatever you just posted. the pl game was fucking ass anyway i dont really care. the fact that i get lumped into high skill at all when i solo queue is pretty good evidence that im not 1k. you really think the game would rate me as being able to participate in high skill if i was?


          I am past the point of caring enough to read whatever you just posted
          That's because it's the uncomfortable truth, it happens.

          You not caring about your MMR is exactly my point. You don't get lumped into high skill when you solo queue ranked. Which is what
          matters. You even had to recalibrate somewhat recently when the ranked MMR got reset. Ppl used it to jump up to 1000 MMR (2000 in some unverified cases). You remained where you are. You got into high skill 5 times in your entire Dota life in normal queue, and that has +-2000 MMR margins from average to ensure fast queue times. I got queued with both 1,5ks and 5,5ks in normal modes back when I was spamming unranked games. Never made me think I was either of those in MMR.

          That would be more of an argument if you actually were getting into high skill while calibrating ranked, but those 5 times in unranked you just got pulled as a bottom player into a higher average game coz Valve wants some fast queue times. It's not about me thinking that way, it's how the matchmaker works. You really think you wouldn't be getting in HS legit all the time, not 5 times over 2 months, if you were anywhere near 3k? Why would your party games with your 3k friend still be normal skill? Do you think yourself important enough for Valve to conspire against you in such a nefarious fashion?

          The worst part about your situation is that your "knowledge" of DOTA is what is keeping you back. A lot of what you were doing for the last 3000 games is just wrong. Yet you memorized it and now repeat it. You know of a number of things that would, under different circumstances, easily carry you to 4,5k, but even learning to use them consistently would likely not be effective for you, since they will be counteracted by heavily ingrained 1k basics.

          That's why I'm so insistent on you admitting you have nothing (19) methodologically sound to corroborate your original assertion about being on the level of 3k players. This matter got hyped enough that were you to concede it, I would take it for a genuine admission of your shortcomings. And you can't improve if you think you are good enough, so such an admission is necessary if you are ever to climb in solo ranked.

          Lruce Bee

            16 pages


              16 pages
              Are you here to teach OP natural numbers as well, or are you learning for yourself? Coz all reasonable ppl can see the fking counter.


                so what's the conclusion a.k.a tl;dr ???

                Bag stealer

                  I have lost brain cells from this post ;(


                    itt op gets shat on


                      so what's the conclusion a.k.a tl;dr ???
                      OP still thinks that they are a 3k player at heart and comes with various excuses, people who bothered to take their time and examine the situation agreed that OP has higher than expected for a 1k mechanical skills, two people think OP is expected to climb if they just grind that solo MMR, I maintain that they have heavily ingrained habits that are gonna stop them from climbing consistently even if they grind.

                      But this is an entertainment type of thread, a TL;DR does not make it any justice.

                      '96 Neve Campbell

                        That's because it's the uncomfortable truth, it happens.
                        Not really. Looking at bad games in isolation and forming a conclusion based on your own opinion is not a truth. If I was to apply the same methodology to your games I would come to a similar conclusion, since I checked out the wraith king game and that was similarly shit to your axe games.
                        You even had to recalibrate somewhat recently when the ranked MMR got reset. Ppl used it to jump up to 1000 MMR (2000 in some unverified cases).
                        I gained about 400 mmr in calibration. Nobody was jumping 1000 mmr. I won 9/10 of my solo cal games for a gain of 400mmr and I won 7/10 of my party mmr games for a loss of 50mmr. I had friends who won 5/10 of their games and dropped an entire medal. Fuck knows what metric valve used but it didnt seem to function as expected.

                        The worst part about your situation is that your "knowledge" of DOTA is what is keeping you back. A lot of what you were doing for the last 3000 games is just wrong. Yet you memorized it and now repeat it. You know of a number of things that would, under different circumstances, easily carry you to 4,5k, but even learning to use them consistently would likely not be effective for you, since they will be counteracted by heavily ingrained 1k basics.
                        My knowledge is fine. There are certain things I could know more about but I usually get told that my mechanical understanding and my 'theory casting' of dota is good. If anything my main problem is a failure to execute what I know consistently.

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          some more examples of my solo ranked games though since you seem convinced I am no better than the people in my bracket.
                          These arent even well pruned either. These are literally 5 of the last 9 solo ranked games I have played this week. As if to reinforce the 'smurfing' aspect of this thread. This game --> was the only game I got less than 2 k/d and lost this week in solo ranked and it was to 3 alt accounts.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            Are these the games you are proud of that show you are higher skill player? For real?

                            First one the opponents have Void + Sniper safelane, second seems like an actual decent performance and even with an actual gameplan, third one has lvl 4 abandoner on the opposing team, fourth has a Huskar + Riki offlane on the enemy team and the last one has Medusa+SF+BS+Clinkz+SB lineup on the opposing team. 4 of the 5 games YOU CHOSE TO REPRESENT YOUR INCREDIBLE SKILL are duds. I'll check the alch game later maybe, but it's likely on the same level of performance like the previous alch game i watched.

                            And 3 smurfs in one game, the world surely hates ya. Do you have anything to corroborate them being smurfs at least?

                            play for fun

                              today i got called a smurf AND a booster by some dude in legend bracket cuz i brought an acc from legend 1 to legend 5 in like a week. must have been using overwolf dotaplus too because he banned ember who i pick frequently and nobody ever bans that

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                First one the opponents have Void + Sniper safelane, second seems like an actual decent performance and even with an actual gameplan, third one has lvl 4 abandoner on the opposing team, fourth has a Huskar + Riki offlane on the enemy team and the last one has Medusa+SF+BS+Clinkz+SB lineup on the opposing team. 4 of the 5 games YOU CHOSE TO REPRESENT YOUR INCREDIBLE SKILL are duds. I'll check the alch game later maybe, but it's likely on the same level of performance like the previous alch game i watched.
                                And 3 smurfs in one game, the world surely hates ya. Do you have anything to corroborate them being smurfs at least?
                                But everything you just said is inferring that my opponents are worse than me dont you get it? You talk about these lanes but its because the 1k trash dont know what heros lane where or how to lane... You will see similar lanes on my teams in these games. I mean ill take the admittance of the second game being decent as a compliment but you really cant say 'well you are stomping these games because your enemy is massively inferior to the point that they dont draft', how is that compatible with this argument that I am 1k? Surely this just reinforces the fact that I am far above the mentally handicapped people that populate the bracket.

                                And they were smurfs. The invoker had something like a 88% win rate on Invoker, the alch didnt have a steam profile set up and a quick visit to the spectre's steam profile is all it takes to see that this is an alternate account, unless new players get 317cs on wk in less than an hour nowadays...

                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                  dude. why dont y'all just fucking shut up. this is just 16 pages of stupid bullshit. OP, delete this thread,, its fucking stupid, youre 1k trash and you speak just like all my peruvian teammates who think they're 5k and if you dont think so then fuck everyone theres no reason to waste your time here. SayingPleaseHelps..... dude.... just, dude...... theres no point to this liek at all


                                    SayingPleaseHelps..... dude.... just, dude...... theres no point to this liek at all
                                    I'm having fun, looks like a point to me.

                                    and @parmaviolets nope they were not smurfs. At least outside of Alch. It is quite possible to have a natural 88% winrate on a hero. Alch had a questionably fast badges progression, but he did not perform too well that game, so he was a low tier smurf at best. Like a 3k-4k smurf may be. So basically, what you should have been were your claims in any way real. So why didn't you carry that?

                                    But everything you just said is inferring that my opponents are worse than me dont you get it
                                    . Nope. That shit happens in every bracket. Some matches are duds, because of lineup problems, double mids or whatever. Your performance in those matches is not indicative of your skill, since you are expected to win those anyways. You will sometimes also get that shit in your team and you are expected to lose those. If you supercarry these kinds of bad games, that is actually big in terms of being higher than your MMR.

                                    There is a difference between winning an even or disadvantageous game coz you played like 3k and winning a dud game where your opponents acted like sub 1k morons. I mean it qualifies you for 1k, maybe a bit above, but that's the extent of it.

                                    Round number again, we are in luck, 20: Can you provide anything methodologically sound to corroborate your original assertion about being on the level of 3k players?


                                      Can I 1v1 mid against OP? Let her host, I’ll play at 200 ping. If she can beat me, we can at least say that she has the mechanical skill to beat a 3K in a 1v1 mid. Right?


                                        no lol winning lane only doesn't gib you auto win games,also 200 ping


                                          Improve yourself OP everybody did it already and they didn't even post it here just to prove something. You prove something by doing it and making it. High party mmr doesn't mean you proved it because it has a flaw of you being being carried by your teammates whereas in solo mmr winning streak in 1k means you solo carried your team and you are consistent.


                                            yea the op is alrd doing that i think from what i see

                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                              yea the op is alrd doing that i think from what i see
                                              Indeed! I learnt some tips from people in this thread that helped me improve my solo play and now I am winning games very consistently. Out of my last 15 solo ranked games I have won 13, the majority of which I have been able to close before 40m. Thanks for all the useful people who have actually provided constructive critisim instead of shit like
                                              Can you provide anything methodologically sound to corroborate your original assertion about being on the level of 3k players?
                                              At this pace I will be 2k within a couple months quite easily, I am only playing 1 or 2 solo ranked games a day since I find dota drains me emotionally but its enough to climb i guess :)


                                                ^That actually looks decent enough. Are you keeping your cool during the games or is it a result of focusing on certain game mechanics?

                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  ^That actually looks decent enough. Are you keeping your cool during the games or is it a result of focusing on certain game mechanics?
                                                  Honestly the thing that has helped me the most is playing less games. A friend told me most of my problem is I play too many games back to back and I get complacent or tilted. Atm if I win 1 game I stop playing whilst I am ahead and it hasnt happened yet but if I lose more than 2 games in a row I will also quit so as not to tilt too much.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    if I lose more than 2 games in a row I will also quit so as not to tilt too much

                                                    That is an extremely useful rule. You can probably still keep going if you win though. How did you manage to reign in the flaming? Your recent solo games have almost none of you flaming allchat even if there is an actual allchat press conference happening.



                                                      There is an entire Youtube series called "Escaping the Trench" made by henry in which he takes an account from 1 MMR to 6000 MMR in a couple of months. In every game he talks about what he is doing and how what he is doing compensates for his teammates' mistakes and playstyles.

                                                      Keep in mind that after 3000 games of Dota, some habits are hard to break. I understand why you are being so thick-headed when it comes to people who have legitimate criticism of you.

                                                      Optimus Drip

                                                        " Atm if I win 1 game I stop playing whilst I am ahead and it hasnt happened yet but if I lose more than 2 games in a row I will also quit so as not to tilt too much."

                                                        ..... you do realize if you follow this rule you will in general lose more mmr than win right?

                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                          ..... you do realize if you follow this rule you will in general lose more mmr than win right?
                                                          No... it just means if I lose mmr it takes slightly longer to recover. In general the gain is the same

                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                            Went from 4.2k to 3.9k on my main cuz of tilt, but to be honest, it doesnt matter in low mmr. I could play 10 games a day in 1k mmr and win most of them regardless of how I perform.

                                                            jeremy meeks' personality

                                                              ^ but you lost like 4 of your 5 last matches in normal skill ? :bc_eyes:

                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                ^ but you lost like 4 of your 5 last matches in normal skill ? :bc_eyes:
                                                                Not really sure drunken unranked with 2 friends in the small hour of the morning really counts

                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                  Btw, lil update on my smurf -->
                                                                  Most definately in the high skill bracket and still stomping ppl


                                                                    So, while OP failed to (21) provide anything methodologically sound to corroborate their original assertion about being on the level of 3k players and keeps coming with excuses(^) for certain shortcomings, they seem to have calmed down about the matter and gotten to actually trying to climb solo MMR instead of claiming they deserve some for free.

                                                                    We need a new champion for the cause of ELO Hell! Can anyone step forth and be super unreasonable about the matter?

                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                      does going 16-5 in the HS bracket count as proof that im not 1k


                                                                        Nope, only climbing out of solo 1k or posting consistent smurf-like performance in solo 1k would count as sound enough proof. Unranked, party MMR, playing a new account or just getting to HS/VHS brackets are irrelevant, since they are dependent on too many external factors that are basically impossible to isolate without analyzing hundreds of games at least. And ain't nobody got time for that.


                                                                          This has been an interesting read at least. Anyway, my own two cents that has been reiterated time and time again by many others, 1k = 1k, 2k = 2k, etc.
                                                                          If you are improving that great for you, and I wish you the best of luck, however until you are 2k or 3k, most people simply won't see you as 2k or 3k because the rank you have is generally the rank you are because otherwise you would increase, and for those that have another metric to determine *actual* mmr would interest me as to what they use to determine it.
                                                                          Also, I wouldn't suggest trying to convince people that simply don't believe you're 3k until you're 3k. I, for one, don't care if you went 16-5 in hs bracket, because that is 1 match and there's so many factors to consider that could result in that regardless of your skill. People like this will accept you are 3k once you are 3k and that's it..
                                                                          I do hope you have learned, as it seems you have, from the information that people have given here.

                                                                          Yami Yugi

                                                                            These counterproductive comments will stop once you reach Ancient 1, I guarantee :)

                                                                            BUT, by winning solo ranked... You can have all those fun with your friends, in normal.


                                                                              Wait, what, no action here for more than a day? We definitely need a new champion of "I deserve free MMR" right now!

                                                                              Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                I deserve to be 8k.


                                                                                  I just want to say I'm proud for winning this game:


                                                                                  thats iit


                                                                                    it actually depend on role, if you supp in 1k game is hard, but if you pick mid or carry if your skill level is 3k then ez stomp

                                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                      but if you pick mid or carry if your skill level is 3k then ez stomp
                                                                                      That is basically what I have been doing recently. I have gained about 600 mmr since I made this thread so I kind of regret making it now lol


                                                                                        So, OP, no solo ranked in 5 days? How's it going?

                                                                                        Also, what is the official necroing threshold for posts in an abandoned thread?

                                                                                        Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                          I won a turbo game


                                                                                            i thought this thread was deleted since its gone from the front page lol,still popular as always

                                                                                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                              We can’t let this thread go. I’ll make sure to keep it on the front page.

                                                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                So, OP, no solo ranked in 5 days? How's it going?
                                                                                                I've been playing the new assassins creed instead


                                                                                                  Well, with your spending habits that has to be a torture.