General Discussion

General DiscussionIs legion aghanim a thing?

Is legion aghanim a thing? in General Discussion
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    Need some tips about when to do it and whats the best item progression for him?


      tbh legion aghs is super good and idk why no one ever gets it. Late game when you already have enough damage to kill it basically guarantees a duel win since you both become spell immune so they can't be saved.


        It's great with BF cause cleave. I go BF/Blademail/Blink into scepter.

        Tu tayta

          ^^ Only LC becomes spell immune, they just both become immune to other damage sources.

          Do people even read what the spells do?


            its good when you have enough damage to just kill anyone during duel and they dont have a way of saving someone from duel. Then you can just jump in duel someone and the fight is instantly 4v5.


              Use it to duel a low phys dmg tank and save yourself in pinch and become immortal, also taking out a priority target for sure


                Yes i have 250+ lc games and love aghs on lc,great item


                  I like lc aghs because you can focus one single target without using your bkb, then use the bkb to clean up the rest of the enemy team


                    Mainly two Szenarios come to my mind.

                    1. Enemy Team has a dazzle or a lot of aeon Disks, so if you cant burst all your enemys in time because of that you can try to make the duel longer.

                    2. There is so much magic shit that a bkb is not enough. You can duel with free bkb and activate your bkb later.

                    The thing with agha is you Need some decent amount of damage yourself to kill your target because no one can help you. But if you have like 300 duel damage and you duel some squishy guy the fight is over in a sec before your enemys can react. 4200 Gold wasted. Your Problem is to survive the time after duel most of the time.


                      its gud but dont go that bf+agh thing,it doesnt even work and even it does people will just stay away


                        We won this match against a Legion that had +1200 dmg. She could obviously kill anyone, but late game she is just too easy to kite and dies easily herself I feel.



                          Its awful unless that game has gotten to a point where you've already won anyway. So it's a pointless win more item that honestly makes LC worse in a lot of ways. Very situational.