General Discussion

General DiscussionCan you get past Ancient 5 medal in Party MMR, if not, but MMR is hig...

Can you get past Ancient 5 medal in Party MMR, if not, but MMR is high enough, will you get in divine/immortal games? in General Discussion

    I mostly play party games with my brother and I recently decided to stop playing casually and am trying to rank up. I was new to dota2 and so I calibrated earlier this year at like 3.2K and stayed around that due to not taking the game too seriously. However, since about 2 months ago when I started playing for the win, I've won about 67% of my games in party, and my solo mmr has stayed about the same but party has gone up to like 4.3k.

    I've read that your medal is capped at Ancient 5 if your highest mmr is Party mmr, but what I want to know is if my MMR gets high enough, even though I'm ancient 5 in party (and my brother is also ancient 5 in party) will we still get placed in games with divine and immortals. Hypothetically if our party mmr was like 5.5-6k? I don't care so much for the actual medal on my account, rather, I want to have the highest skill games possible and be challenged by better players to improve.

    I don't have time to rank up my solo MMR and I really enjoy playing with my brother, but these games with ancient and legend players aren't challenging enough and I don't want to be stuck there forever. Thanks


      your solo mmr has to be beyond anc5 tier
      as requirement for divine drops over time throughout the season you can actually go from anc5 to divine without playing a single solo ranked
      playing party rank updates it too
      but if u have 3k solo 5 party, you wont get divine.


        Yes you will be able to play vs divines and immortals if you reach that point, some immortal players has low party rank and sometimes you can get them against you even in 4-5k party ques