General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp Please (SF/Mid)

Help Please (SF/Mid) in General Discussion

    I'm decently new (few months), and mostly I played supports when I started. I think I do pretty well in supports and decided to move onto carries/mid laners, etc. Whenever I go SF and go mid, I feel like I'm not doing very well (also, dont win that often, etc).

    Any tips/advice or what I'm I doing wrong?

    I really appreciate it guys!


      Also if anyone that is pretty decent at the game or whatever, wants to play with me so I can learn, that would be pretty cool.

      I've only played unranked so far btw.


        Well, main tip I have for you is currently sf isnt a very good hero. U wont find many us players here however I'm one of them. If you'd like you may add me, though I'm mainly a support player so i dont consider myself plausible to teach you anything about carry other than what heroes are good and bad right now.

        '96 Neve Campbell

          Wouldnt say shadow fiend is an outright bad hero. Just buy active items (Boots of Travel, Hurrican Pike, Lothars/Silver Edge, BKB, Blink).etc, take the cooldown talent and split push like theres no tomorrow. You will be rly hard to kill cause of ur escape items and you can swap between lanes every 20 seconds.

          Shadow fiend is what I would call a late bloomer in the sense that ur early game will just mainly consist of you feeding but you will be able to win anything that goes late.

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