General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all the pro 5ks here: How to win a match under the following varia...

To all the pro 5ks here: How to win a match under the following variables/conditions/confounds? in General Discussion

    1. 5 hard carry draft, with no support. There won't be any ward from start to finish of the game, unless I buy them. There won't be any rotations or help from allies in team fights. When the enemy attacks as 4-5 people, or 4 and has the fifth split pushing, your allies are in different corners of the map as towers are falling.

    2. Playing position 5 support, for afk farming allies who don't rotate to fights or towers being destroyed. Or, the core in your lane doesn't attack the offlaner once, for 20 minutes. The core just runs in circles, misses most CS even with space being provided. Or, I've successfully managed to destroy several waves of XP/gold, the safe lane core has 2+ levels on the offlaners, but doesn't use the advantage to secure gold cs and possibly a kill in the lane.

    3. One to three players running down a lane, over and over and over again, doing the same thing, that is, feeding by themselves. Obviously, if you cross the river by yourself, you're going to get TPed on and killed. These people don't get it, so what do you do?

    4. No rotations, and by none, I mean zero. No rotations to towers being attacked, or allies being ganked, etc.

    5. Fighting for CS as a core in a safe lane, with not only enemy offlaners, but your support ally. What, you just have to 1v3 it? Be so pro at a game that generates no return get every last hit against 3 players? nice.




        First of all if you have 4 cores on your team then picking another core will just make the situation worse! In my opinion if you want to improve you should:
        1.Accept the fact that you are not perfect! I am not perfect and you are not either!
        1. Pick support and do support actualy. For example in this match :
        You picked dazzel and you were facing clinz + techies but you bought only 1 sentry in the enitr match ! Also 5-6 observers is really low for a 40 minute game!
        2.Build items that your team need ! Again on that match your item build sucked ! One glimer cape could have saved you and your team mates so many times on that match!
        3. Communication! You can not expect that your team always be on the same page! Especially on pub matches! Especially as a support you have a lot of time to communicate and lead your team cause you don’t have to worry about last hits and stuff!
        4.stack camps for your team !
        In general if you are good enough and you want to improve you can ! A friend of mine used to be a crusader 2 but after i found out that he is playing Dota 2 and we started playing together he started to improve! He climbed from crusader 2 to lenegd 3 in last than 2-3 months! So it’s possible.


          The dazzle game I gave up less than ten minutes in because I was offlane dazzle, which is autistic based on my experience and research of "high level players games"

          Communication huh, i have MUTE ALL on and manually mute all 9 players, for the last year. You think I should do the opposite? if I open my mouth often the result is a player throwing the game immediately and/or breaking his items. But this mute all business hasn't been working So I guess i have nothing to lose.l

          I'm not perfect, but I've played this game more than most people, and therefore should command some fucking respect


            1.You should not give up in 10 minutes! There were so many many games that i won despite being absolutely destroyed in early game !
            2. By communication I don’t mean shouting, insulting or humiliating your allies! You can nicely ask them and they will listen. For example saying “Guys i have a smoke lets go take rosh” instead of “this retard troll hasn’t taken rosh yet”.
            3. Next time that you played support buy more wards. I have some lower ranked friends and i play with them some times. On lower MMRs heroes like Riki and Clinkz(he is OP AF now) are really strong cause supps either don’t buy Sentry and Observe wards at all or buy it when it’s too late. If i were you i would have bought at least 15 observers and 15-20 sentries! You had a force staff on that match which worth about 2250 gold ! I guess that you couldn’t use it that much because Clinkz and kunka could kill you so quickly! But if you have spent all that money on wards you could have bought at least 10-15 sentries and some observers! Which could help you and your allies kill them before they can initiate on your team!

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              1. Fix your attitude.


                One more thing to remember is that although your allies might not be good at their hero but since you are all on the same average MMR so enemy team is not OG either! For example if I were Techies on that match I would have maxed out Blast off! And absolutely destroyed your safe lane in early game! So you don’t need to be 100% perfect you jusy need to be a little bit better!


                  Thanks for your input AM forever. I can stack camps when getting my ass kicked and watching my allies die over and over again, before giving up .

                  I'm going to do what you said, ask my allies nicely and make suggestions as I would at work or in the real world, and you can see for yourself the result at my stream

                  I'll take your advice here, use it live, and you can watch it fail as proof. thanks.


                    1. This shouldn't happen. First pick support. Low tier brackets respond better to supports with stun or slow because Peruvians like killing enemies in lane. Many 1k offlaners are actually just another carry and many are either suicidal (they take too much harass from supports when taking LHs) or cowardly (they run away from the creep wave when harassed, letting you get free harass especially if your hero is ranged and/or has a slow or Orb of Venom) or crazy (they try too hard to kill your carry or you and draw creep aggro, making them easy to bait, this works better if your hero has a stun). Exploit this.
                    2. Ask yourself two questions:
                    a. Is my team stronger late-game? If so, play and ward defensively until your carries have more farm than the enemy. If not, what items can I build to fuck over their carry?
                    b. Who are their mid-game gankers? Spot those heroes early, warn your team of their items, read his attack patterns, and put wards accordingly. Most 1k players are predictable and do the same thing repeatedly.
                    3. IF you can speak calmly, try to calm him down. You might need to save him or use him as bait to get kills on the enemy heroes (who let down their guard to get an easy kill) to get him to listen. If he still doesn't or you can't really speak calmly (or speak in a language he understands), you probably lost. Accept that and move on.
                    4. Coordinate your team if they can understand you. Ping the tower, chatwheel telling them to defend, sooner or later they will understand. If they still don't, then counterpush on the other side of the map with your other cores.
                    5. Don't play as core, and be a good support. Problem solved.
                    6. "because I was offlane dazzle, which is autistic based on my experience and research of "high level players games"...
                    No dude, this is 1k. "High level games" use a totally different meta. Anything can work down here.
                    7. "I'm not perfect, but I've played this game more than most people, and therefore should command some fucking respect "
                    Your teammates don't know you. You have no right to demand respect from them without earning it. Play better, save them, lead them, help them secure kills, and they will listen. Complain, and they will just roll their eyes and ignore you.

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                      Damn, not gonna lie, good looks above poster ^. I'll try this shit later when i get out of work. :thumbs_up:

                      So would it be better then to just keep my best people? Like people who can stun or disable, earthshaker and shaman fit that criteria and are part of my "top" heroes. By that I mean people I can last hit with < 90% and have won matches 4v5, or against mega creeps, or under bad conditions I've mentioned already. Or since nothing matters in 1k I can just keep randoming?

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                        ^ 100% agree ! Especially with number 7. You can’t expect the others to obey/trust/respect you unless you prove yourslef.
                        I am a Techies player and as all you guys know people hate Techies players and don’t trust them.when they see me picking Techies try they offend me(insulting sometimes) but I always ask them to give me 10-15 minutes to prove myself. So many teammates wanted to report me in early game and they ended up commending me instead. So your team won’t obey/trust you unless you prove yourself. They will however listen to you if you ask them nicely anyway.


                          ^ Generally randoming is the worst thnig you can do ! If you wana rank up try to play with ur best heroes! Any hero that you are comfortable with can be good as long it suits the role that you are taking(you shouldn’t pick shadow shaman mid just because you are good at him) . Lion is also strong in this patch and could be good cause you can almost omit 1 enemy in the fight instantly! XD


                            Lion is in that list, dota plus helps keep track of who I'm better with than others. Lion, shaman, warlock, earthshaker, those rank at the very top. I can play most others, like ogre, disruptor, abbadon, etc.

                            In terms of lane, I prefer to play safe lane, and I play mid the least. Although I've been practicing nearly 2-3 hours a day on the last hit trainer, so I'd imagine being able to 1v1 well. Funny, I've implemented all this extra shit, and I'm LOSING rating, not gaining it. I had 2500 mmr back when my average CS was 70 and didn't know what the lanes were called.

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                                1v1 noob

                                Gard Pedersen

                                  op retard lol



                                    Rofl Janex, king pro of Normal matches in dota 2, must feel good.

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                                    Diamondo Jozu

                                      You have 600+ techies game(troll), 46% invoker and pudge(troll) as your top 3. i think you should quit this game already.


                                        ^Whose dotabuff you looking at breh?



                                          how to stereotype yourself

                                          Diamondo Jozu

                                            and you are giving out advice like you are enlightened player with knowledge of 3 roles . 650 techies 3k match 3k mmr player is giving advice lel


                                              Excuse me, that's Jesus Christ speaking. Who better to follow than him?

                                              Btw check this justice out dewds, this player "swimuphill," I got him as an ally two games in a row, and he played the same way both times: Running down a lane as troll by himself dying every single time. Guess what bros? He's in low priority now, and he's losing every single game. Do you know what that fucking means my dudes? It means there's actually some justice being dealt to these shit stains. I won't be seeing him for at least 24 hours, which is fucking incredible dewdies. I'm so happy.


                                              Actually i LIED. I feel kind of bad, even though he wasted 4 hours of my time (two losses cancelling out two wins prior.) Should I feel bad? hello? anybody athere?

                                              Lmfao look at his stats, a consistent 5-15 every time he plays dota. Dope

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                                                  ^ LOL THIS GUY IS THE MAN


                                                    1v1 me in bed.


                                                      Oh no doubt brewh, no doubt.

                                                      Seriously though, why doesn't that guy do a google search? Or watch some videos? Anything to get him to stop going 5-15 every game of dota he plays? I just don't understand how people are okay with spending their time like this? I actually feel REALLY bad for him man,

                                                      So what, these players are just, bad at the game, not retarded? If that's the case, there's no reason to be foul or toxic, I can just tell them what's good. But what if they don't wanna listen?

                                                      But then wouldn't you have to be stupid, illogical, irrational, to keep doing the same shit over and over again?

                                                      Like, if you press the "ranked" button 20 x, and perform 5-15-0 every single time, wouldn't you like, stop pressing the button for a bit and reassess?

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                                                        Could ask yourself the same


                                                          Respect is not deserved, it is earned.


                                                            @pogchamp - nah bro, like old Purge the man says, i can only control myself. I can't control a player like that. Plus, I don't get scores like that on the regulars, only when I give up early because i realize i'm playing with the same, *inept, not retarded* players?

                                                            @shistain - sup breh i can smell the stench of the stain through the screen? Ya i feel you though.

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                                                              yeah u can control yourself only so stop focusing on others and learn to play better


                                                                Okay. Okay.

                                                                Not gonna lie, would be dope to play so good and get a rampage, compensating for the ineptitudes of my allies. Maybe I could get some views on twitch ?

                                                                Tbh, I was just starting to think it was hopeless. But based on these replies today, it would seem that regardless of how bad my teammates are, I can *still* win with all my experience, playtime, and research.

                                                                See, otherwise, it just feels shitty. If there's hope in the face of doom, then it's worth trying.

                                                                All it takes is a team fight or two, am i right? Before I learned about CSing, lanes, roles, and all that extra shit, I simply did my best to not die, and involve myself in spots that were favorable (a spot where I wouldn't die and could possibly get a kill and/or objective) when I was ~2500.

                                                                Also, when you're behind, and your allies are behind, the only way to come back is winning a teamfight/killing the stronger heroes, not by farming camps yeah?

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                                                                  Also, when you're behind, and your allies are behind, the only way to come back is winning a teamfight/killing the stronger heroes, not by farming camps yeah?

                                                                  depending what heroes u have but if u lose 2-3 fights or more in a row chances are you're not winning the next one, so you force an issue for the enemy, creep skip or afk farm till ur the strongest.


                                                                    nice post, cookie come out


                                                                      Depends on your lineup. If you are stronger late, you might as well farm defensively and evade further deaths until you are capable of fighting on equal terms. If you are weaker late, only kills against enemy cores will bring the game back. If you have stronger teamfight and HG defense or the enemy has no (or limited pushers), simply defending HG (and/or targeting their pushers) is often enough to win in pubs (as most players are impatient and will throw).


                                                                        Tbh my general rule of thumb is, for every 1k game you play, you should have at least 1k mmr.
                                                                        Which means since you've played more than 5000 games, you should be at least 5k mmr.
                                                                        Sorry to burst your bubble, but you have no talent in this game.


                                                                          tl;dr never give up,believe enemy houses will get blackout or meteor comes down to their houses
                                                                          or just be better than your enemies basically

                                                                 your own wards(no need to buy blue unless you know where enemy ward location),farm at your offlane jungle and enemy jungle+enemy safelane,it's the safest place on the map usually. don't even try to take a fight before you get your item timing (1 item+bkb at midgame)
                                                                          afterwards,after you get your item or powerspike tell your friend to kys or say "bro we can fight now go 5 man" and hope for the best,if they dont follow your command just wait a fight start,if a fight doesnt start then you basically lost already,just keep farming

                                                                 a god tier support who wins 3 lanes,hell if i know how to do this but some people can,they know where to gank and shit and then put ward on enemy jungle then enemy cant even go to their jungle for 4-5 mins and starve,ask someone to gank with you

                                                                          3.if this is an intentional feed where friend go to fountain,you just cant win,move on to next game
                                                                          if it's a silly mistake like they tp to tower and die 3 times in a row its just a gameplay mistake,don't dwell on it and you do something about it,like gank other lane,farm on other side of the map,treat their death of feed as like they making space for you

                                                                          4.who the fuck cares no rotations,try to win your own lane 1v2 1v3 or just move to jungle if your lane is unwinnable
                                                                          or you can try asking,if it doesnt work go to jungle

                                                                          5.go to fucking jungle OR go to offlane if 2 of oyur support trying to contest cs you
                                                                          or gank mid if you can as a safelaner,then farm jungle(example venge/sven)

                                                                          kys for you making me to type all these shit

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                                                                            Lol thanks to all replies this thread 🧵 makes me feel how I used to when I had higher rating and more exciting g matches .

                                                                            Gonna keep playing for now, keeps me away from self sabotaging and life
                                                                            Threatening behaviors

                                                                            Also like I said . I’m pretty close to 5k b score soon. Once the shadow pool lingering goes away and I’m closer to8k b score, and still not gaining mmr, I’ll happily admit I got no talent at dota

                                                                            Peace bros 🧠 watch me play @ventraltegmentum

                                                                            I think a big contributor to my 900 mmr is giving up like a bitch. Goto 1 hour 9 minutes in the am game. ( Four allies dead, instead of leaving (it was safe Lina abandoned) and somehow I was able to not lose racks in time for allies to respawn thanks again for replies here giving me much needed hope

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                                                                              talent is useless,just spam op hero = u rape talented people everytime

                                                                              also fix that behavior score into normal first before you queue,saves alot of retarded games


                                                                                I never experienced having 5-carry lineups in my 5k mmr games.
                                                                                But i think, you should pick a strong hero that can cs easily like jugg


                                                                                  Pick a support who can keep your teammates alive.

                                                                                  Omni, Dazzle, Oracle all games.


                                                                                    And you should highly avoid picking AM against Void and Slark ! you picked AM as the third pick of your team even though you saw that have Void and Slark. so basically you countered yourself from the beginning


                                                                                      ^ Lol true AM forgot to mention that, I was severely countered as AM that game, yet I managed to pul through anyway, thanks to this thread!


                                                                                        The point is that you didn't get countered at all! You countered yourself ! You picked AM into Void and Slark. You should highly avoid doing such things in your games if you wana win !


                                                                                          No doubt bro.


                                                                                            I watched your AM. In my opinion, the difference between a 1k and 3k player is not their skills! 3k players are not necessarily faster! They might not be better at last hitting BUT they make better decisions! Your decision making was awful, to be honest XD. I need to mention some of your mistakes:
                                                                                            1.As i said before picking AM was the biggest mistake
                                                                                            2.After you took the bot T1 you leaved the lane! You let a support lina to be 100% free in a lane and last hit while you were farming the jungle with almost no item ! Jungle always gives you less farm and XP so when farming with a carry lane creeps always be your Top priority for farming. So leaving a free lane and farming in the jungle was a big mistake!
                                                                                            3. Chasing heroes and fighting in early game with almost No item! You are Anti-Mage! You shouldn't come in the fight when you have only a Power trade! Instead, you should try to split push. If you see a 4v5 fight in top lane instead of joining the fight you should try to push bot or mid lane and take a tower! Anti-mage is one of the best split pushers in the game.
                                                                                            4.Abilities order! at level 3 you took your Spell shield vs a Solo VOID ! Void has No source of magical damage ! so your spell shield was 100% useless against him.
                                                                                            5. Building a Vlad BEFORE completing your Battel furry! I don't like to build Vlad on AM at all but even if you want to build a vlad you should priorities your Battel furry!
                                                                                            6.Not checking the enemy/allies inventory! You should periodically check others inventory. This is very important cause it would allow you to play accordingly!

                                                                                            Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                                                                              October 2016 I installed dota and calibrated at 1k mmr,
                                                                                              spam ogre magi, treant protector, lion and axe.
                                                                                              now i'm at 3800 mmr.

                                                                                              idk if there's a lesson in that,
                                                                                              hope it helped


                                                                                                Lol shade I dunno if i could play ogre that many times in a row hehe.

                                                                                                Am, thanks for taking the time to watch my match. First I just wanna mention that, I actually don't care about win or lose. What I do care about, is that every game that I que in ranked, doesn't have the confounds I listed in the original post. Things like:

                                                                                                Lane cfg that don't make sense i.e razor and void in the safe lane, or me as weaver and slardar in the safe lane. Or, the people playing support or utility heroes, NOT doing their job. For example, I mean I deleted the recording because I was screaing and shit, very angry.

                                                                                                With regards to your reflection, indeed I have a bad habit of rotating to fights when weak. I remember a few spots early on, after I deserted safe lane, i involved myself in fights as level 5 AM, and remember not really being able to do much or feeling like I had any impact.

                                                                                                With regards to why I left the lane, it was because lina was there. Is the shared XP with Lina in taht instance greater than what I was getting in the jungle? I don't know is why I'm asking. If it is, then next time I'll just deeal with the idiot being there.

                                                                                                I just got a new conduct refresh, and I'm still at C score. I had some very, very nasty games earlier today, with some very nasty people doing nasty things, and laughing at me when I raged.

                                                                                                You bringing up winning has reminded me, again, that the goal right now is to get out of the shadow pool. I don't imagine shadow pool in 4k or higher is this bad, this is shadow pool at the bottom of barrel mmr, so you it's the absolute worst possible it could be.

                                                                                                Guys please prey I don't lose my job tomorrow, thank you.

                                                                                                Btw, good looks on the bf first before vlads. I personaly love vlads until late late game as AM, and btw, AM is one of my favorite heros, since Dota 1 :D

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                                                                                                  You are in guardians bracket and that's how guardians bracket people support! Of course, your allies (and even your enemies) had so many mistakes but the point is that you can't expect a guardian player to play any better unless he is a smurf! So you want to be matched with better teammates? you need to improve your MMR first that's it!


                                                                                                    5 hard carry players= be the first to lock in carry >:)


                                                                                                      @sirironsights LOL!
                                                                                                      @am forever no doubt bro...and yes, i do want to play with better people. Dota is way more exciting and fun . This is the only reason why I've been stubborn and haven't quit yet.

                                                                                                      casual gamer


                                                                                                        1: pick someone with really good depush, rotate as core and secure early game lead. ward extremely important objectives only when necessary (rosh, behind tower). if ur ahead it's actually easy to play without vision, ive won multiple games with 0 wards purchased at high mmr (due to spite basically)

                                                                                                        2: since uve won safelane go win another lane. 2 lanes won + good execution in midgame with strong items will give u the w 99% of the time

                                                                                                        4: unfortunate but not unwinnable by any stretch

                                                                                                        5: qb, if they have more damage go rotate. this i why i used to love picking weaver he dgaf if u ruin his lane