General Discussion

General Discussionvengeful spirit / lich master coming through

vengeful spirit / lich master coming through in General Discussion

    on a serious note does anyone know where this >>>>> guy went or whats his main account i could really use his help he was posting here a couple weeks ago saying how to play venge and i could really use some fresh replays from him

    and ofc if anyone wants to share some tips on playing venge or on playing lich it 'll be of great help
    lich idk what do after laning stage ends is their a certain plan in mind
    venge how play vs dual lanes i feel i can only zone solo offlaners but dual lanes are so hard to harrass because of small cast range of stun and small attack range
    also in mid game do i play to save and counterinitiate or just press r on the closest big target whenever i see them
    could also use some help regarding midgame and late game smokes since i just use early smokes to tilt enemy midlaner
    i do buy them i do click them but i have no idea why
    it just tricks the team into playing as a team so i do it

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      Venge is a great offlane pos 3 or 4 as she can put a lot of pressure on the enemy core and she benefits greatly from the extra farm and can buy aura items; I would only ever play her safe lane pos 5 if she is matched with a high pressure early game core like Jugg or MK since her stun can set up a lot of kills. Her ulti has two charges now so you can be a lot more liberal with how you use the first charge, the charges also have a pretty low cooldown so dont worry too much about "saving it" for the right time.

      Lich is best as a hard pos 5 that casts spells from the back line and buy wards, much like Ancient Apparition. Get full utility items like force staff and euls and just focus on staying alive at all times. Lich does not benefit from farm nearly as much as Venge does, so he makes more sense in the safe lane with your pos 1.

      Use smoke to give yourself extra movespeed while warding the enemy jungle, or for setting up team ganks late game

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        As a support Venge in a dual lane vs dual lane, you want to lane with someone with kill potential. Also try to create 1 vs 1 situations, usually against enemy supports in the jungle. Your W makes you win right click trades against them. When enemy goes for trades in lane and agro your creepwave, land a W on them. As you can see, W is really important in the laning stage, and usually is my first skill point.
        Venge is also great to buy a smoke and gank mid at level 2+ if there is space for that (won lane, no risks for offlane/carry).

        I still haven't played 7.20 Lich, but after laning stage I usually grouped up with a teammate to take towers (old armor on creeps, ult if they tryed to defend) and stacked neutrals.

        Marko Bulat

          Pos 4 Venge with Pos 3 Sven is the most retarded shit i have ever seen in this patch by far, God help you if you are melee pos 1 in that case.

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          Aiyo Nenene

            unfortunately, my main has similar mmr coz i usually play normal over the past few years