General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys can u give tips how to counter phoenix? what hero or in laning s...

Guys can u give tips how to counter phoenix? what hero or in laning stage in General Discussion

    Counter for phoenix


      Troll, Ursa, Visage, Silencer, any core with magic/spell immunity (Jugg, lifestealer). Legion and Morph can be good as well.

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      Yami Yugi

        as a Phoenix spammer, I personally hates Juggernaut

        i have 5 reports to use





              C L I N K Z


                Anything that hits fast... Troll is probably the hardest counter... Burst damage is another thing that will mess up Phoenix's day effectively. So Lina, Lion, PA etc. Can all burst her down quite quickly, so he will have to pop his ult on a reflex and not when it really counts... But I really don't see Phoenix in the dumpster tier all that much.


                  I hate to play against a Mirana (leap atk speed) against Pheonix

                  boni top fan

                    Isnt phoenix a boy? wyvern is a girl?


                      I'm a phoenix spammer...... I REALLY HATE juggernaut and lifestealer (and morph maybe)


                        Magina :)


                          magic immunity and attack speed

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Half the heroes in this game counter phoenix tbh

                            Story Time

                              i like to play versus phoenix


                                Lina has good attack range and speed.


                                  I play ns and alchemist . And both are quite hardly countered by phnx . I really dislike that hero .



                                    Last word just fucks his escape - if you manage to put it on him before he tries to fly away he has to return and die in pain. As well during teamfight if you manage to drop ulti before he ulties (ideally during the flight so he returns far away) he is pretty much useless for pretty long time unless he has way to dispell silence.


                                      thanks for the tips guys, yeah for the troll he is good but he can easily be counter in lane also if someone has a disabler together with phoenix, maybe Ls is a good counter in laning coz that firefly or what was that when u got hit your so slow to attack

                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                        Isnt phoenix a boy? wyvern is a girl?

                                        Phoenix lays an egg in the taunt though


                                          jugg lifestealer troll


                                            Ideally, you get someone with a dispel and attack speed:

                                            For laning stage: Lifestealer, Juggernaut, Legion Commander, Slark, Naga Siren and Phantom Lancer.

                                            After laning stage: Alchemist, Huskar, Ursa, Morphiling, Weaver and Troll Warlord.


                                              jugg and am
                                              everything else you can play around
                                              ls is good in lane but after lane you can fuck him up with egg positioning

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                                                IMHO as a Pheonix Spammer the biggest counters are lane counters. Silencer, Juggernaut and ursa. They slow Pheonix's Leveling down too much and limit his mid game impact. Teamfight counters Are Troll, Mirana and Windrunner and Bane.. Range heroes are hard to hit with spirits as well as can make an easier decision as to whether to run or not especially with longer range and coupled with high attack speed make it very difficult to position. Once the game goes 45 min + the only Problem phoenix has is damage. So any tanky ass heroes with high Damage. Arc Warden, Terrorblade, Windrunner are good examples.

                                                Yami Yugi

                                                  Too much of my games were against Juggs, and when it does, game is hard. The heroes is easily top pick and definitely viable in the meta, yet he has everything he needs to take down a Supernova 1st skill cc free with high base attack time, high regeneration thanks to his ward (laser free), decently tanky for phoenix to right click (as if), and once he has dagger he can jump after phoenix dive and ult him dead, else phoenix nova and right click voila! dead anyway