General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to encourage players to play more heroes.

How to encourage players to play more heroes. in General Discussion

    make the hero win rate and pick rate a factor for MMR gain/deduction. In that way climbing the ladder would be much fairer. I can be an average player and climb through ranks by spamming high win rate heroes ( necro, wk, spectre, etc). Example, you can get 25 mmr by winning the match. But if you picked a hero with low winrate or pickrate you gain more than 25 mmr.

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      Yes, encourage people to spam io,brood,arc and the like.


        The MVP voting could also reflect the MMR gained... You get a few points for every MVP vote you get from a game. The MMR level is such a grind that I have basically stopped caring too much about it. I may go days without checking what it is. But as the match making is trying to find you games that you have 50% chance of winning, well when the losses offset the wins, you are basically stuck... There is little sense of advancement as you win one, lose one... Even if it would just result in a net positive of like 3-4 points, it would still slowly climb up the ladder... So slowly that it wouldn't make everyone 8k... But you would still see that the hours you put into the game resulted in you gaining a new rank etc.

        Cause what is that rank anyway? It is basically nothing... And now that this thing is in season mode, you get a reset for it and you need to start climbing again. Not like you are eventually going to find yourself at the top if you just play play play... That 10 match losing streak still crushes your mmr hard...


          Daily Mango bonus!!! Which is weighted to favor low win rate heroes. It could be personal mango lotto for every one

          edit. u will get almost always mango if u are not spammer with high winrate

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