General Discussion

General DiscussionHow high mmr I need to get to be in toxic free games?

How high mmr I need to get to be in toxic free games? in General Discussion

    People tend to advice others pretty much low mmr and basicly it is just toxic shit

    So when all players stop it and focus to play the game?


      well its a team game if u dont want to communicate try other games or just press the mute button, smiley face
      anyway giving advice to others is not as toxic as picking jungle so stop pretending about being a nice guy
      33% jungle pick then saying " guys plz focus on ur own game when im ruining it for u", "guys its only a video game", "hey buddy i dont give a shit about u, 2 ppl in lane are raping u and u cant enjoy the game but im enjoying hitting creeps in jungle, dont be toxic and dont advice me"
      yeah ppl are toxic in this game, but there are reasons too, and u are one of them


        Hey u toxic shit! Nice to hear u are alive

        I have over 9000 BHS so I might not be like advice other guys


          So I have seen toxicity @immortal top 1000 will it ever end? When I got to top 100 will it be over?


            keep going woods, its in ur nature, u animal, sure nobody cant stop u cause every body is toxic for no reason :))
            if u dont like it, just mute it, i really dont understand u, mentally challenged? u cant mute ppl? are u lonely? wtf


              So where it stops? Is there any mmr where it will stop?


                learn english to prevent eye bleed thanks


                  no, cause u cant stop being jungler and stupid as i said
                  u can just check streamers and u can see there are toxic players there too
                  oh, this ti winner is so toxic, he advices others, he rage quits, nothing is wrong he is just toxic for no reason


                    So is there any mmr where this shit stops?

                    your dad

                      no, the is no mmr at which this stops


                        So raising mmr won't get u in better games just higher tempo!?


                          Pretty sad to know there is no hope at all!

                          Why people with little knowledge or none "advice" others @same bracket? Is it delusional "I know best or do they just try to be toxic"???


                            I have noticed some under 500 mmr games are non-toxic mainly! So best place to play Dota 2 might be not @immortal 500 but just 500


                              So why anyone want to raise mmr when best gaming experience is achieved at <500mmr


                                There is always gonna be toxic players, i got flamed and reported by a invoker cause i didnt "buy" any sentrys.

                                Atm we had 4 wards and 3 sentrys on map, invoker found a invis rune, and walked to a place on the map where one of my wards just expired, my sentry was outside of range of their sentry, Invoker got caught and died, rest of the team follow and got teamwiped. He tilted and then it was gg.

                                I was solo supporting and i had 1 ward and 2 sentrys in inventory but we got teamwiped before i could place them.

                                I didnt really understand why he flamed me since he specifically said we had no sentrys yet he died under our sentry. I wonder if he felt good after he reported me.


                                  n e v e r

                                  flourishing new leaf

                                    I am toxic in every game...

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      yep when I play Treant my team assume I can have all wards and I can be every where like in instance to do warding

                                      Playing support heroes is not really fun

                                      low prio master

                                        Hi im dotabuff psychology specialist.
                                        First, don't listen girls on period like miss Kowareta.

                                        Second, this never end up,toxicity in dota is commonly known, its high stress game and sometimes its impossible to stay calm.

                                        If you just want to have quality fun games play unranked only.
                                        If you keen for ranked, mute could be the only option in a lot of games.
                                        Its a shame couse its team game, that's why my advice to have best fun games is unranked - where ppl are not devastated by loosing streak or bad games in row.


                                          If you cant handle toxicity dont play ranked.


                                            If u want to play real dota u need to play ranked otherwise it will be something else.

                                            yes ofc un ranked usually is less toxic. Why low rank players really care about mmr? 25+ or 25- to your shit mmr won't make difference at all. Ofc after u are top 100 immortal u have small chance to get drafted to pro scene and there mmr make sense


                                              Anyway it seems like most of toxicity is made by players who just advice others while they even doesn't have any competence to do so.

                                              "I just advice" is the cancer.

                                              People are delusional about their skills on heroes. I have often people trying to advice me when I play Treant and they usually have same mmr and lower medal than me and ofc far less games as Treant than I do (around 1000)


                                                So I have question for people who like to advice everyone. Why u do so and have it ever payed of really? Do people ever do as u have suggested?

                                                If they have done so does it have lead to win or still losing?


                                                  gotta play with friends if you want non toxicity, in a solo game it's very hard to do


                                                    People are delusional about their skills on heroes. I have often people trying to advice me when I play Treant and they usually have same mmr and lower medal than me and ofc far less games as Treant than I do (around 1000)

                                                    dude, just look at ur words. "ppl are delusional about their skills." then u think spamming a hero making u good at that hero, why? what u achieved after spamming that hero? ur bracket is still normal skill, ur hero rank among players is 60000!!!! (
                                                    u are saying u have better medal (cause u just have higher party mmr) while system matching u with same solo mmr players, are u stupid?
                                                    yeah maybe they are delusional, but so as you

                                                    First, don't listen girls on period like miss Kowareta.

                                                    i liked that, a sexist dude just supported a jungler dude

                                                    hey guys ppl flaming me when im hitting creeps in woods, plz send help this community is so toxic

                                                    i have my own way of playing this game and anybody say im wrong is a toxic person. im a teenager and nobody should give me any advice (meanwhile i have an option to mute him )

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                    low prio master

                                                      Sorry Kowareta it was just friendly pinch 🙏😂


                                                        u didnt said anything wrong about me, u just insulted half of the humanity, i hope u understand (but im sure u cant!)
                                                        u must be proud of that thing between ur legs , u are superior buddy


                                                          So we have seen some mmr levels have toxicity but where u think is the most toxic players?


                                                            pretty nice we had at least one advice others player in the thread too! So Kowareta can u share some advice other scenarios where it have paid off

                                                            Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                              Every mmr can be toxic if u deserve it. Usually people only flame if someones doing something wrong so if ur getting flamed every game u might wanna take a look at ur self. Also if u have a high behavior score it usually happens less

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                Have u never seen an arteezy stream? Toxicity goes all the way to the very top. sorry.

                                                                burden of dreams

                                                                  Na worst server


                                                                    NA doto best doto


                                                                      my only advice to someone is kys and then he will be in avoid list till 17 person taking his place
                                                                      i dont know what is wrong u, if calling for rosh or hg or wards or smoke making u triggered just kys

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                      dota2 tutorial

                                                                        DONT BE TOXIC AND MUTE UR ALLIES TNX

                                                                        Crazy OverDrive

                                                                          Toxic player is everywhere..just wish your next game dont have them / only on enemy side lol


                                                                            ^Yes people tend to go toxic if game is not going so well.

                                                                            I still wonder some guys began toxicity at draft base because someone is not picking like CM but Treant. Advice other usually begins at draft and it is usually totally stupid because these advisors doesn't know enough about what they are advicing. I would never advice people who I doesn't know at all to pick some hero because I just like it more.

                                                                            There is a lot of people who think there is only one truth what to pick and how to play! Usually these are pretty low IQ people with small pension and seed of all toxicity

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              ^ i mean, u looking for genius players who looking smart in Normal Skill bracket
                                                                              isnt that suppose to be opposite? ;)


                                                                                Yep people behave like they are genius and really they are just toxic

                                                                                Yami Yugi

                                                                                  a lot of hypocrisy, my eyes bleed


                                                                                    Toxic players are actually more frequent at higher ranks. Better off deranking if you're looking for less toxic. People care more for mmr at higher so they more salty.

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                    burden of dreams

                                                                                      Kys if you want no toxicity


                                                                                        from my experience grinding through the MMRs levels, I find mid 3K-low 4K to be the least toxic among the ones I passed through. Everybody is tryharding to get to 4K and would do anything to win, even despite morons on their team


                                                                                          I wouldn’t be able to tell about past 4K, or divine and above.


                                                                                            Well if you haven't played Low Priority you don't really know what toxicity is.


                                                                                              See my last ranked game - this was an ancient game where people are meant to try hard / guy who has lost almost every meepo game he’s played pick meepo as a safe lane carry.


                                                                                                some good sentences to boost your team moral

                                                                                                "my bad" is better than "WHY YOU DON'T FUCKIMNG FOLLOW ME" when you dive to deep
                                                                                                "well played" - when your team's es get a fucking 6 man echo
                                                                                                "its okay" is better than "FUCKING NOOB YOU GO DIE" when your team dive to deep and type "sorry" or "my bad"
                                                                                                "why you are not using your healing ward" or "use your healing ward bro" is better than "FUCKING NOOB JUG, PASSIVE HEALING WARD STUPID"

                                                                                                don't fucking throw.
                                                                                                don't fucking pick pa when your team have am
                                                                                                don't pick lc and go jungle afk farm
                                                                                                don't steal other people mid when they already ping mid
                                                                                                don't steal other people safelane when they already ping safelane
                                                                                                don't first pick sniper
                                                                                                if the game is still winnable, don't blame your 2 - 13 carry. (if it is a certain lost, feel free to do it)


                                                                                                  ^So I copy paste this and add it in team chat start of every game =D

                                                                                                  Yeah anyway good points


                                                                                                    currently 5.1k and my recent games have been pretty chill even when 5 people signal mid and safe after the game loaded, we still have first and second pick supports (including me) everyone is so cooperative