General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to lane vs WR as Brood (or any other hero)?

How to lane vs WR as Brood (or any other hero)? in General Discussion

    Is Ember mid good vs any hero?

    edit. Is Ember bad at mid vs any hero?

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    Glimmer of Dawn

      Ember loses hard to monkey king and ursa. He has a lot of skill based matchups- either side can win and win hard.

      He has a few good matchups like invoker. His skill set is such that if he starts winning a lane often he can outright kill the enemy mid.

      the play boi

        There's no way a brood loses to a Windranger, after you get level 3 you can amass enough spiders to keep on denying every single creep. You have like 120 dmg with just 6 spiderites/lings and your main hero, no way windranger can contest that with her autos.

        Also her powershot's dmg decreases with each and every unit she hits, keep your spiders at front to absorb some dmg, max it can only kill 1 spiderling since spiders have 40% magic resist with 280 HP which requires around 400+ magical dmg to kill em.

        What you should be doing in this matchup is,

        1/ try securing as much CS as possible till level 3
        2/ Spam your Q and take the mid sidecamp near right of radiant midlane for more xp (You can do this even if you're dire)
        3/ Bait her to use windrun offensively and go for a kill when it's on cd, else just keep outfarming her, broodmother can reliably hit 100 cs @ 10 min just by jungling whereas windranger relies on lane farm which you can easily deny with your spiders.

        Also you can rush orchid if you want to keep killing her later, I can usually farm soul ring and orchid in 8 minutes. All the best and you need quite a few matches to get used to the hero's style. It's more of a farm a lot and kill hero.

        the play boi

          One more tip, if you notice her going on you with ult, just web around a highground place where you can juke and she can't reliably reach.


            windrun cd is too low if she goes powershot build,you can chase her to tower 2 with alot of spiders as long u afk farm from lvl 3-5 after u get medal
            wr cant win vs brood cause brood can just deny all single creep of wr

            KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

              Our brood god has spoken! 200dmg vs 60dmg how to win vs brood?


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