General Discussion

General DiscussionTI10 going to be in Stockholm

TI10 going to be in Stockholm in General Discussion


    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Oh damn, how did you know?

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        ^^Was just lazy to put this video as source

        61 y.o.

          dota will dead next year, so behold, the lowest TI prize pool in history

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            the prize pool may be lower now that the Chinese whales won't be supporting that hard
            but it might take a few more years for dota to die.


              I have a feeling dota isnt gonna die .

              CAESAR KING OF APES

                Dota as an esport is growing. I think it will live for quite long time, and will grow. It has the biggest potential from all esport games. Games like Fortnite won’t ever be a true esport (too much randomness), and LoL is not that exciting to watch. Dota is already the best esport game, and still growing. There are many people who just watch it, and never played it.


                  Why Sweden, why not Russia with its huge player base or even better Germany thats right in the center of Europe for easy travel. Only good part with Sweden is there gonna be 100% english no stupid translations thats just annoying. All multinational events should be 100% english, if you cant understand english dont use internet.


                    Should be at Finland

                    flourishing new leaf

                      See you bitches there!!

                      Johnny Silvercock

                        I hope dota 2 dies so I can be top 1 leaderboard


                          When you know TI10 isn't in China.


                            I'm going, because I know kowareta cant be there since he's a poor iranian doggo, sweden is too expensive for him.


                              ^ its sad your goal in life is being better than "poor iranian doggo"
                              atleast its sad to me


                                Lol liberal got destroyed.

                                61 y.o.

                                  Guys, I have been in Stockholm a month ago and I can confirm that it is a gorgeous city, but the most cool part is the beautiful women there, haven't seen this many goddesses ever!


                                    Stocholm is ugly city in nordic standards. Ofc it can look nice if u are used to some Soviet cities


                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      ^literally anything is better than china

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        ti11 in greenland then, trump will have bought it by then


                                          definitely going to attend if scalper bots don't steal tickets in 2seconds, but seeing as it happened each year and valve did nohting to stop it my hopes aren't very high


                                            How much is the average ticket?

                                            flourishing new leaf

                                              Probably around 500kr