General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve as a pos 1/2

How to improve as a pos 1/2 in General Discussion
✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

    Hi guys! I'm a pos 1/2 player looking to improve his skills both in general and specific to pos 1/2. I could use some constructive criticism that would help me ascend to a greater level. And please no "4k hours played still normal skill Kappa" comments. Thanks in advance!


      4k hours played still normal skill Kappa


        4k hours played still normal skill omegaLUL


          watch pro player replays btr rather than your own replay

          if u want some trash guide:

          how to GITGUD? how to watch replays?

          here's some basic guide

          wat are you struggling at?

          do you know how to use creep aggro?
 (section 4)


          farming?(do 1vs0 hit creeps lobby)

          doing smokeganks?
          push lane,put a smoke on your inventory always,after your core gets a strong item smoke together aftre you saw someone,put ward while you do smoke at enemy jungle and let the one who has a stun goes 1st

          watch high people replays,youtube,see wat they do
          at early fights,hitting people with rightclick after your stun spell is really good

          at lanes,play with the jungle and try to hit people from trees if you support range. if melee try to learn to lasthit by not standing close to a creep,but far away and then move and then hit and go away again(so not get harrased)
          at fights,if you support just cast a spell and run away( go back) immediately
          if you stuff that has dagger like enigma/axe you wait enemy for clump up,stay very very far away from the fight(dont get hit)
          if you initiating a gank,and enemy is gonna die anyway after you blink+stun get away from that place immediately
          if you carry/mid,wait enemy casts their stuns on your friends unless you have bkb and you can rambo
          after bkb duration almost out,go run away and wait your friends get stunned then u go
          if you pushing,if carry hit tower
          support no need hit tower,you can either be in front of the tower and try zone enemy or usually the better one,be in really behind of your carry and cover with stuns
          if you offlane like tide u go front of barracks or at barracks,no need hit tower so your carry is safe

          itembuilds? hero mastery? specific role/laning skill?
          watch replays
 (example link if you want to learn wk)
          (or, watch replay of high mmr player playing the hero you want to learn,play the hero alot)
          don't get hit by a creep,buy alot of consumables like salve/clarity/mango

          raising mmr?
          check the meta,learn op heroes,watch the replays of those op heroes,spam a hero
          check behavior score,if not normal raise it to normal
          developer 1
          dota_game_account_cilent debug
          type that on console dota2

          so,er for watching replays
          for example your last game is wk
          and you want to know wat the hell you do wrong

          check the one where it goes the same lane as you

          go to view match-copy match id-watch-replays-search match id-download

          if download isnt working,library steam-dota2-properties-check integrity game cache to fix it

          or go


            ^best guide ever from Feetchairu

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              My best advice for you is that u need to realise that you are trash. Only then you can improve

              ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                Well I know most of the stuff that you've mentioned. I often find myself struggling to make decisions like Should I fight with my team or push towers on my own whilst my team is fighting


                  Tbh looking at ur average stats i dont think any core position is for you.

                  ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                    @Sir Cheap I know that I'm trash that's why I'm looking to improve

                    ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                      I lose most games as a support because usually i play pos 6 support cuz my pos 4 picks a pudge or something and then doesn't really help me out


                        Look my winrate on Maiden. I play pos 6 all The time on her. Stop blaming others for you being shit.

                        Ur kda is dogshit on all your core heroes. U literally have worse kda on cores in archon bracket then i have on my support heroes.

                        ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                          Try looking at my recent stats instead of the lifetime ones in order to get a better picture of my current skill.
                          Like :


                            2 of your most played this season is alch and ember. Somehow u manage to have bad winrate on both. With good kda on ember.

                            These 2 heroes have been busted asf this season and dominating pubs. The fact that you cannot do The same implies you have very little understanding on how to play mid/core in general


                              U know those stuff and u are archon?
                              Cmon bruh

                              ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                                For some reason the medal is bugged. I was Legend 2 till recalibration.

                                ✪ H o p e - ! !  ✪

                                  @Sir Cheap that's my problem. I have trouble deciding when to rotate, jungle or push.


                                    Oh i see its bugged


                                      Just learn another role first instead.
                                      Core is obviously too difficult for you

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        If you are in normal skill bracket then there are many things you can and should improve. I would suggest to you to watch a couple replays of yours and find things in your gameplay which you often did wrong or bad. Make a list of these "mistakes", and for your next game focus on only 1 thing and try to make it good. For example, let's say you miss a lot of cs, so for next game your goal should be to miss as little lasthits as possible. Play games till you honestly believe you've got better, then focus on your next "mistake" on the list.


                                          go look at my games for whatever hero im literally playing in ur bracket at 82% wr


                                            hey OP, I can coach you if you want or anyone else that is interested . As you can see im top 650 EU (rank not updated on dotabuff yet) and my steam account is : .


                                              Kowareta links you to Feachairu's "DotA basics" guide there.

                                              "Well I know most of the stuff that you've mentioned"

                                              No, no you don't. You might *know* the things he mentioned, on the conceptual level, but you clearly don't execute these concepts consistently.

                                              If you know how to farm efficiently as a core, even if you don't really know jack shit about the game otherwise, you'll still get to Legend for sure. If you can farm efficiently as a core and you use creep aggro mechanics liberally, you'll get to Ancient.

                                              I can't make an exact comparison for those who know their macro gameplay over their micro gameplay, (macro being about hollistic decision making, micro being about mastery over your hero and decisions in a small scale,) as I came from knowing my micro, and it was only until I understood the macro game more completely did I manage to get to Divine. Support mains tend to have better macro, while cores better micro.

                                              First thing I notice when I click on your match history: you're playing way too many different heroes. 13/15 of your most recent games you played a different hero, and 14 of those matches were ranked games. There is no way that you can actually play all of those heroes at your peak performance. Narrow it down, figure out whom you're best at playing, upwards of 5 heroes and stick to those for ranked.


                                                @newsystem stop posting your stupid fucking coaching

                                                to OP, check out relevant replays on and try to stick to a smaller pool of heroes, right now you're playing way too much different stuff (like 5 hero pool is fine)

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