General Discussion

General DiscussionNew MMR Update 10/10/2019

New MMR Update 10/10/2019 in General Discussion

    Queue time increased: average 5mins to 10mins

    In game mmr disparity improved greatly: from legend+immortal package to high ancient+Low divine package

    Medal: granted Divine 1 when I thought i gotta grind a Long way to 5.1k to get it (currently 4.8k support)

    Now you can lose medal rank and stars: good for dealing with boosters and buyers

    Behavioural score below 3000 muted voice and text: I’m constant 10k player but I meet tilters kids so frequently...pls try to get a stricter behavioural score rating system to encourage great pma players like me thanks volvo

    Let’s make Dota great again!


      Well my queue time as pos 4/5 is max 3 mins,usually it is instant,so im happy with that.


        5 min found a retarded game as mid
        had off/safe checked aswell btw

        is matchmaking broken?

          I am getting 8-18 mins avg que time 2300 solo. And i have to admit the quality of the games is actually improved. My beh score is low 6k only but still the games are much much better retards are present here and there but i think gameplay is actually better i mean i got 3 games in a row in which the supports actually supported i mean i cant believe myself that this is actual dota and not just a dream./
          Thanks valve for finally improving the game.
          I can wait 30 mins for a game as long as it doesnt have retards inside it.


            ancient 2 getting matched with 3 digits immortal is this how its supposed to work or am i missing something?


              Calibrated with 6 losses and 4 wins for Core Role and went from 4k to 3.8k. Got Legend 4 initially, had a lot of things to do so a week later I find out my medal got upgrade to Legend 5.

              About to calibrate Support too.

              I like the changes and I like the fact they are actively trying to improve the matchmaking quality.

              Marko Bulat

                Behavioural score below 3000 muted voice and text: I’m constant 10k player but I meet tilters kids so frequently...pls try to get a stricter behavioural score rating system to encourage great pma players like me thanks volvo

                Honestly dude, for many years i have thought behavior score is a myth and that everybody are toxic, wich is true, everyone flames everyone in dota. But got some low smurfs and boy have i seen some shit! My main is 10k behavior score but smurfs are 3k and 5k, lets be honest, dota is stupid frustrating game and everybody flames, the only difference is how people react to being flamed.

                On my main people chill out mute player or try to defuse the situation, swallow some pride for the greater good = win the game.
                Shit i saw on my smurfs:
                Carry randomly goes to 2v1 situation, dies like an idiot becuase he doesnt understand matchup, then forcfuly pining his support as if he has some "i win" button to save him from every stupid move he makes, but then support starts flaming him back, this ends up when carry goes something like "leave the lane" and support leaves and let him feed, he then dies couple of times, goes to jungle, dies there and then AFKs until the end of the game! :)))

                Low behavior score players are badass! They dont give a fuck about the game, they would rather lose the game than take one for the team and try to win, instant give up when something happens! If i only knew do you get matched with low behavior score stack or normal on the other side, this fragile mentality could be abused?

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                  Yes only if u know that (which is not possible to know enemies behavior score) and only if you are on winning side.
                  U may be able to put gasoline to enemies when they are on fire(tilting) already.

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                    so medals now just for the numerically retarded who can't cope with numbers?

                    1 idc mmr

                      this sucks man im getting a lot of lose after this update

                      is matchmaking broken?

                        last few matches my que time was 20 mins plus and the worst thing is that in every single game my hard support wants to carry. IS valve not punishing idiots like these hard?.
                        These people just dont ward till the first 30 mins they start warding after loosing 6 towers , and some dont even care after that. i AM queing for 20 mins for every f...kng game and i get this shit now that no one wanna get the effing courier even . For real ?. Why do people do this to us if you wanna play carry just que for core dickheads.