General Discussion

General Discussionsmurf accounts volvo promise

smurf accounts volvo promise in General Discussion
Girls Are Awsome

    when will volvo wooden code will giff me a boost like the new update said.

    Its all lies and valve could do nothing for smurfers in low mmr trench who stomping the fuck out of 2k noobys

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      be better

      Marko Bulat

        Its literally there, i went from anchor 5 to legend 3 in like 10ish games. Wanna swap accounts? My friends are too bad even when im on this they feel too heavy, i need to go lower to meme.

        Free Israel2024

          @Marko Bulat imagine dying as much as you do in normalskill and thinking that you are good.

          Marko Bulat

            ^imagine tryharding against 3ks

            I never said im good, im like 5.3k, also im not a booster i just want to play with my friends but this update wont let mr queue with them.

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              ^Imagine picking huskar and saying you play for fun


                i went from anchor 5 to legend 3 in like 10ish games

                maybe because patch released between it?
                i won a game against a 80% winrate puck player (obviously a smurf) on my 2k smurf and i got less mmr than stomping 2ks :D
                that was very weird tho i expect getting more. 4 games played on smurf after a month and this is my queue time (3 min, 3min, 7 min, 20 min). and the 20 min was the one i laned against smurf on mid xD. 20 min took for matchmaker to find another smurf, but ppl having a smurf on all of their games some how, KEKW


                  Smurfing on 2ks? how is that even fun lol

                  Marko Bulat

                    Smurfing on 2ks? how is that even fun lol

                    If you look closely at my profile you will see that im playing party ranked with anchor 4 and anshit 1, these are my rl friends, since im divine 3 new update doesn't allow me to play ranked with them from my main account because they reduced mmr gap between players from 2.8k to 2k. What else can i do?

                    Also Huskar mid is not really a free win, you have to end the game in 25 mins, but lower mmr people don't understand Huskar strat.


                      Guys, have you ever considered, if you want to play with your friends you can play unranked.

                      I know its mind blowing, thats actually a thing!

                      Marko Bulat

                        ^Wooow man you are so smart! Why didn't i thought of that?

                        Oh wait, because unraked games are shit and people leave and grief when they start losing you have to beg for lanes and tbh whatever is played there its not even dota...

                        Girls Are Awsome

                          those 2k noobs are so bad at this game cant even imagine how bad they are .

                          the thing is they complain and blame when they lose and dont understand how bad they rly are...


                            All best! I love u all!

                            edit. I'm under 2k now so I'm shit =D

                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                            Girls Are Awsome

                              idk about lower than 2k mmr
                              maybe autists?


                                no. im gonna tell you they are are people like you and me, just simple oh shit..

                                Girls Are Awsome

                                  I am muted and enemy is reporting me for communication abuse gg volvo nice broken system

                                  Girls Are Awsome

                                    butthurt2k dogshitplayers

                                    I know the secret of victory

                                      Why u create smurf on low mmr if u try to get more mmr after?

                                      Girls Are Awsome

                                        the game giff me a low mmr not my fault
                                        and after it I said fuck it lets see whats 2k mmr look like

                                        Girls Are Awsome

                                          I get now the most trashy 2k game ruiners in the game nice broken system volvo 3 games in a row all 4 is feeding

                                          Girls Are Awsome

                                            any good pos 1 safe so we can party.

                                            done with nobos and game ruiners

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