General Discussion

General Discussionwhy valve doesnt nerf these shits

why valve doesnt nerf these shits in General Discussion
dont be thrilled by this ...

    theres 2 imba ultis in game which you cant do much vs them in late game and are ridiculously easy and needs no skill to cast (i say this so you wont mention chrono, cuz chrono needs a bit of skill)
    but have the greatest impact on turning game.

    2- omnislash: this is bullshit you press a key and almost kill everything that is in vicinity when it scales to late game with items in pocket. and the victims cant do much shit, well some can counter it with euls and ghost aeons etc. but for a carry its useless to carry these items and fill a slot for just omnislash. early game even supps dont have ghost euls and its 1 spell 1-2 free kills, effortlessly

    1- shitstroke's soulbind: what the fuck is this bullshit spell, how to counter this 50sec cd shit.its duration is more than euls, you cant run away cuz youre leashed to another mate who is most of times goin the other way, cannot be dispelled even with bkb, every stun and silence and shit goes on both and enemy tends to even overkill the soulbinded people.
    god knows how many lategames i lost just because of this one particular ulti no matter how much farmed and fat you are this one spell disables you for 8 sec and youre dead. and i still dont know if theres any counter for it.


      holy shit 2 worst ulties in game specially in late game
      i thought u are trolling but when i saw 6k games and legend 2 badge ....
      i feel u bro, those ulties are so broken, plz buff OD sanity.


        there is a counter for every thing and its called "using brain"
        its not ur fault tho, there is nothing up there to use sadly.


          ^Just run into Clinks ulti pls =D


            ^so u planning to spectate my games in "offline mode" for your whole life to find a mistake and feeling good about it or what?


              How to counter grim ult? Dont stay near team mates and problem is solved. How to counter jug ult? Tell your team mates to build force staffs and glimmer capes and don't stay alone, try to be near creep wave to do so..

              Welcome to bucketheadland

                omni is actually pretty bad

                dont be thrilled by this ...

                  @1h qeueu
                  about omnislash i can half agree with you, its counterable but not efficiently. glimmer is countered easily in that stage of game and force staff or other bodies just makes slash jump on others. problem solve for you but it still may get some free kills.

                  however slash is somehow "counterable imba spell" but how can you stay far away from mates in a big fight at minute 50 which grim surprisingly jumps in with dagger from fog and casts that shit?


                    Why does kowareta talk on these threads like he is immortal rank 100


                      Grim ulti is ok and jug ulti is trash .

                      Tu tayta

                        You need a lot of conditions to make Jugg's ulti work. The lower the skill level of the game, the more of them you'll be able to meet.


                          Cause i can. simple as that.


                            Kowareta is the result of a child that was given no parental support in his upbringing. You become this sad person with a constant need for attention.


                              yea, i aggree that omnislash is one of some bad ss in dota, so ez to counter.

                              but imho, the problem is, people (usually supp player) in lower bracket (archon/legend/anshit) just clicking around with no idea what they doing and end up getting caught by omni because jugg has more movement speed (from boots, manta, mjolnior, etc etc).

                              they are rarely or even NEVER pay attention how important mspeed is.

                              this is why higher bracket always crying when lord gaben nerf their boy's mspeed for even just -10 or -20

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                I hate when someone outruns me because they have mjollnir


                                  try buying a euls scepter for the jugg ult, and try ganking the grimstroke in-lane before he farms his dagon

                                  dont be thrilled by this ...

                                    im convinced about jugg ulti, apparently lower brackets suffer from this shit cuz of lack of skill. and as i said its counter-able but just way imba for one skill.

                                    i still didnt get any effective feedback on grims ult. consider game is almost even, and its 45+ mins which grim has some items like at least dagger. he jumps from fog into a massive fight and casts ult, in fight it gets its leash so easy ... 8 sec undispellable ensures 2 free kills if their team synergize. i say thats so much destruction for one ult. you cant debuff it, you cant walk, you use bkb you still cant walk and your bkb wasted. soulbind needs nerf for sure


                                      you cant run away cuz youre leashed to another mate



                                        grim ult is really useless ya kno if it doesnt proc to 2,doesnt even leash you

                                        Tu tayta

                                          The AOE of Soulbind is actually short as fuck. Short enough that you can actually stay close to your teammates AND be out of leashing range at all times if you or them are not pepegas. That's your piece of advice.


                                            ye no one is talking about earthshaker aghs with 25 talent? even echo can 1 shot ppl nerf cm pls


                                              Nobody talking about rupture? An ultimate which is literally uncounterable except unless he casts it while you have a linkens on, oh and if there is a lotus orb it reflects the rupture onto bloodseeker, plus if the target doesn’t move then it doesn’t actually do anything, can’t turn a fight around, is easily avoidable if the bloodseeker doesn’t have a TP cancelling item/ally hero.

                                              Very strong.


                                                Fountain hook with rupture would like to say hello. ^


                                                  What about Tusk's Walrus Punch? Blink > gib punch > ded.

                                                  Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                                    The only ult that is rly annoying and strong is void ult. This one is literally not counnterable i f it hits all 5 enemys. Yea there is aeon-disk but there wont be a szenario where more than 3 ppl have this item in a game.
                                                    Name 1 more ult which isnt counterable, i bet there isnt.


                                                      Juggernaut's omnislash is nearly trash. It's so easy to counter and play against. Crimsons/shivas nearly nullify the damage it gives. Ghost sceptre/euls/glimmers/force staff all do pretty well against it. Jugg has to position properly to make the ult work or else you'll just waste your ult on either creeps or a hero that doesnt give a damn about your omnislash. There's a reason why people go for +600hp talent at 25 because 1 second of omnislash is wasted potential for making juggernaut your late game tanky carry.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        Soulbind is ok since it counters mobility heroes but it's far from what it used to be. It used to have 60%
                                                        which made it bonkers for anyone doing anything. You can just play around it by moving with your teammate or building items that'll help you survive the engagement.

                                                        Yami Yugi

                                                          Cute, boast about that soulbind until Spec haunt him to death with a mere Radiance far before you can jump into anybody, and worse, anybody that jump to spec just fasten your death...

                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                            Neither of these ults are that problematic... Omnislash is countered by half the purchasable items in the game (euls, ghost sceptre, shadow blade.etc) and soulbind requires teamwork and set up to be potent.

                                                            Imo the more disgusting ultimates are AOE disables and counter initiation which destroy teamfights. Current meta relies on strong teamfight presence so strong counter-initiation breaks the pace of games imo. Ults like Chronosphere, Reverse Polarity, Black Hole.etc. Though only chrono is particually imbalanced imo.

                                                            Glimmer of Dawn

                                                              Omnislash is arguably one of the worst ultimates, if anything. At level 6, it does almost nothing, and is only better than OD ult at 6, basically.

                                                              Midgame, coordination often nullifies it, because you just share slashes. Lategame, when the damage gets too much, you can counter by invis, ghost, force sometimes, euls, aeon disk, etc etc.

                                                              Jugger will need a nullifier to deal with these realistically. For a carry that needs tempo or a lot of space to work, I actually think his ult is one of his worst spells if not the worst. When I look at a good jugg game, I think about the value of magic immunity and healing ward, not omnislash.

                                                              It’s a decent spell that requires coordination and a draft around it to work well. It’s already been chain nerfed and was utterly ridiculous when it had a large slow to both bound units.

                                                              Now you generally can just run away together unless there’s good coordination from enemy team, since only grim’s w synergises with soulbind and that has a flight time.


                                                                the counter to rupture is weaver with blademail lul


                                                                  I think if there is ultimate that is broken that would be pretty much chrono (well yeah it deals no damage, but its an aoe disable which goes through bkb and lets void and ranged heros attack those inside), or those which go through spell immunity, sometimes you cant really dodge chrono if enemy is smart, they will smoke and pick off cores, canceling invis and going through magic immunity.

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!