General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed your valuable and honest suggestions

Need your valuable and honest suggestions in General Discussion
Alauddin Khilji

    I wanted to make it to 5k mmr, but unable to in this account. Since there is no mmr cap, can I create a smruf and play till I get vhs and Calibrate or should I spend that 100hrs in this account and is it possible that I can reach ATleast Divine 1 in this account. I don't know whether 1 player can make a difference. Often in these bracket 8 out of 10 games I feel like play 1v 8 or 1v 9. My outworld game. I came across a hardsupport antimage first pick. Our safelaner said I will adjust and he took a support. U know what this antimage did, from lvl 1 he went to neutrals. We have him a ogre for safelaner
    Still that antimage when to jungle and ogre was alone at defending safelane tower. Shuld I play in this bracket with this cancer. I work for 10hrs in a job

    N for relaxation I come to DotA and I see these kind of shits every single day. Feel like quitting

    The reason I want 5k is for quality matches and actual proper dota.

    Please let me know ur thoughts

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Quit the game, I regret playing dota. 5k is enough. I'm stopping here.
      Stay away from Dota, brother.
      My life is ruined because of my addiction. You too brother, quit before it's too late.
      If you luckily calibrate 5k, you won't have the skills to play a proper dota either.
      Quit the game, brother.

      Where is my Hu Tao

        There no such thing as better matches.

        Bill Cipher

          From an honest reply, nah you won't magically reach 5k mmr. You'll have better chances at creating new account. You'll Probably reach 3k up. Dota is really complex game, if you say you've mastered it then you're probably better than a pro since they even barely mastered the game. Everyone is talking about skills but i dont always see someone mention about analysis and calculations which is critical in this game, but it is also part of being skilled. Some practice more than others to make the right calculations, even practicing last hits enemy without heroes and only towers and creeps takes so much time, how much more if you add another variable which is much more complex than a no brain hitter(what I mean is an Enemy Hero) .

          If you're serious then you have so much to improve in order to reach higher. I can't teach you things but I have tips. If you're a carry player, basics are improving your last hit, farm efficiency(go junggle if you cant get near the creeps in lane and try to pull the small camp to your creeps) . If you feel you have already grasp it then you train the complex ones, lane aggression while thinking of a way to last hit creeps since you cant just let them hit you, you hit back but dont hit back against 2v1, you're more likely to take more damage than them which will cause you at disadvantage. Try pulling their creeps in that case, you can do this by targetting any enemy hero on the map if you're about 400 units away from the creeps. Also im tired, figure out the rest like watching youtube videos. Also bring tanggo or salve in lane if you about to go out of healings, dont let your hp get low in laning phase

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          Fuka suginai o nīchan

            Wtf you can reach 5k on any account...
            I started at your rank too and came till 5,1k, since then its an up and down, and i dont think i wont get any higher then maybe 5,5k.
            If you cant carry games at your rank and you think you can reach 5k then forreal stop to play .. you will lose your mind.

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

              The reason I want 5k is for quality matches and actual proper dota.

              You are going to have bad surprises. There are still some apes, accounts buyers and boosted people in 5k.

              Marko Bulat

                Proper dota at 5k, he doesn't know Pepelaugh.

                There are gazillion 5k accounts, save yourself time and buy one to see for yourself.

                I just want to know one thing, this account was 2.3K when it was given to me, now its 3.4k im not spamming my heroes i just play whatever i feel with my rl friends stack. 2 of them are terrible, like legit horrible players, yet im gaining mmr, if you are 5k player, why cant you do the same? I mean that's the whole point of matchmaking system, to put players where they belong. Works for me on my main and on my smurfs, how it doesn't work for you?

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                  The reason I want 5k is for quality matches and actual proper dota.

                  anyway if you are archon after 4k fucking matches, just stop bothering ur little brain about stressful stuff and try to enjoy the life :)

                  Free Israel2024

                    Yea what some other People Said. U have 5000 games and sub 50% winrate on some of your most played hero. Your biggest problem. Is your mentality. "Im not the problem my team is bad they are holding me back" bla bla.

                    I could get ur account to 5k in 3 weeks easily.
                    You are just bad.


                      "I wanted to make it to 5k mmr, but unable to in this account."

                      If you can't make it on that account, you're not going to make it at all. If you were anywhere near Divine 1 skill level currently you'd be stomping Archon games with your eyes closed, 60% winrate on the low end.

                      Alauddin Khilji

                        Been playing from past 6yrs, it's not that I'm saying my team is at fault. Even I make mistakes, I'm not perfect in every game but when I try my best and the my whole team fails or people baby rage n don't fight at all, people fail their role in mid or offlane. How will u carry


                          I have +80% winrate on ur rank no matter what position i play (with fps drops to 10, broken mouse and one side working headset)
                          As i said if you cant win 2k mmr games on your own after 6y playing just stop worrying about it

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          Marko Bulat

                            Been playing from past 6yrs, it's not that I'm saying my team is at fault. Even I make mistakes, I'm not perfect in every game but when I try my best and the my whole team fails or people baby rage n don't fight at all, people fail their role in mid or offlane. How will u carry

                            How do boosters carry? According to you they should be out of business but yet their industry flourish if you Google it now you will see at least 10 Google pages of various websites providing service.

                            If you see my ranked games i havr 68% winrate in your dog bracket, only time i lose is when i get tilted, i have ego issues, when some 2k kill me and think he is hot shit i have to chase him and kill him 10 times i threw couple of games because i chased people into fountains. Or i just destroy my items and abandon when enemy uses so much resources to chase me down but my team doesn't punish that or at least use the space to farm or take objective.

                            So if you need your teammates to win a game you are where you belong. I cant do that on my main i need support to play around me i need 4 teammates to win a clash. On smurf i can just mute them all and play the game.

                            Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                              @OP: You should try Naga and spam her, it's a very good training in terms of farming efficiency, macro and micro.
                              Archons are not good at punishing this draft and she fits really well the 1v9 scenario by forcing TPs, baiting spells with illusions, etc...

                              About the trolls you described, you can find them at nearly any rank. It's a matter of mental issues and not MMR.
                              In 5k MMR you'll discover the guys who get tilted for a ranged creep that would have been denied by ennemies and proceed to destroy items => buy & gives wards to ennemies => chain feed.

                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                You are nowhere near good enough to reach 5k atm sorry. Take a long thing about your goals and determine what is achievable. Put in the effort, watch videos, get coached and idk maybe you might reach 5k but some people simply lack the mechanical skill I hate to say it.


                                  @Sygmerde I dunno what you're talking about if ever you've been in 5k. It's obvious when the enemy is about to deny the range creep and me as a carry is unable to get it then you're free to get it, I don't think that would happen unless the support is an account buyer and want to last hit the range creep which is almost equivalent to 2 melee creeps, then ofc i would be mad.

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                                    2k mmr player guiding ppl how to be 5k

                                    i hate to say it, but there is some ppl in this planet that having 140 proved IQ and they have less mmr than apes who have 10 fps on team fights and 40 fps on avg!

                                    >> mechanical skills


                                      but some people simply lack the mechanical skill I hate to say it.

                                      There is no mechanical skill required to reach 5k mmr other than creep aggo and not using ulties accidently on creeps . Im mechanically one of the worst players imho and thats why i can say this .

                                      Alauddin Khilji

                                        Thank you guys. It means a lot with ur suggestions. May be I suck and deserve to be in this trench. But I love this game and dont want to quit. I want to win and have lot of fun n happiness. What to do. I thought divine bracket will get me good quality games. As per u guys. Dota is a planet of apes in every bracket. Anyother better game than this were I can find peace. Just sold all my arcanas for 150 dollars and been sitting in frustration. My Max was ancient 1 in my smruf. Couldn't climb more. Fuck IAM so noob wasted my 6yrs

                                        Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                          I dunno what you're talking about if ever you've been in 5k.

                                          I've supped several 5k average games with my stack (both cores immo main, divine 3+ on smurfs since matchmaking update, rest of stack divine 2+)

                                          I know I'm not worth 5k MMR individually.

                                          I was mainly talking about when we stack at 3 players and I supp one of the pickups (not my premades).

                                          It's obvious when the enemy is about to deny the range creep and me as a carry is unable to get it, I don't think that would happen unless the support is an account buyer

                                          Yes that's the normal approach and I wish all the pickups I have to supp think this way.

                                          The situation is was describing was:
                                          - both ennemies are faking/timing their auto attack to deny the ranged creep
                                          - my core is 2987498793857 kilometers away last hitting melee creeps
                                          => I secure it + land one or 2 auto attacks on ennemies
                                          => The ape/boosted trash/drunk pickup pings and flames me

                                          and want to last hit the range creep which is almost equivalent to 2 melee creeps, then ofc i would be mad.

                                          Ofc I'll try to leave it to my core if he is worth it (not some account buyer or flaming guy).

                                          Support for life, bitch !


                                            May be I suck

                                            thats enough for anybody to realize why you are stuck at place where everybody starts his journey in dota!
                                            >> 6y im 2k mmr with sub 50% winrate on my most played heroes (in 2k mmr btw)
                                            >> "maybe" i suck who knows (ppl already saying it for sure 10 times in this thread)


                                              Alauddin Khilji Make small goals first if you want to improve your game. You have 44% win rate in the last 3 months at normal skill, I don't want to be mean but why do you think you can get 5k? It doesn't work like that, if you were not close to 5k in the last 6 years you will probably never get it sorry. 5k games won't be enjoyable for you, even if you buy account you will lose 80% games there if not more.
                                              You are 2500 mmr now dude, don't be delusional. Set the goal to 3500 mmr first maybe or 4000 and then see from there.


                                                5k games more stressful than 2-3k games. It's a trap.

                                                Marko Bulat

                                                  I remember when Kowareta was hardstuck in legend and AnTain 4k dog but they managed to get bluestars. You can do it too if you just turn your brain on instead of walking aimlessly around the map on autopilot and dont panic in clashes.


                                                    Was going to offer some advice, but there's not much to say. I agree with Marko Bulat.

                                                    All you really need to think about while playing is "what can I be doing right now?" Don't worry about the bad plays your teammates are making, that's a waste of energy. Trust me, you have teammates who view your own plays the same way. Think only about what good you can be doing with your own hero this particular minute. Sometimes that's nothing, and that's okay too.


                                                      el oh el


                                                        @xeeoph thanks a lot for this advise. Helps a lot


                                                          i want blue star :<