General Discussion

General DiscussionLow iq pro players

Low iq pro players in General Discussion

    ure all stupid lol


      noone claimed iq to be skilled


        u suggest i try out invoker on my ranked games as trying to climb currently?

        i like this typical disgusting manchild behavior, after they are speechless , pretending to trolling starts.
        hey guys i wasnt serious in my threads when i flamed my teammates, i am trolling, i play for fun, i dont care mmr. i pick voker in ranked cause idc and im not trying, hahaha hohoho im so smart. smarter than avg.

        Fuck off Juliet




            lmao goatfucker you only spam one hero and claiming not to try hard. talking to you is like talking to a wall


              spamming one hero and always the player buying most sentry wards on either team, please tell me more you are not try harding


                Nothing wrong with trying hard, wish i was capable of doing it more than i do. Regarding you being toxic trash, am i really basing it off one replay? Werent you banned for a week, and are currently muted in game? Damn your behaviour score must of tanked from that random replay i watched. Hey you are the quite above average IQ person here, what are the odds of that?


                  You are a fucking donkey, arent you?
                  I think you are actually retarded.
                  0 brain to realize what i said and thinking i said im not tryhardin =))).
                  >> higher than avg!


                    spamming one hero

                    Tell me how you feel about it plz.
                    One guy first picking and spamming just one hero on 5k mmr and winning meanwhile you blame your teammates for their picks and asking them let you last pick to counter their heroes ON ARCHON!
                    :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:



                      You are slowly dying here, arent you?

                      Yami Yugi

                        ure all stupid lol

                        lol all I see in a post when it comes to mockery like these, is monkey business :axe_laugh:


                          Ay fucking ancshit clown, come start barking again, I'm bored. I need your retarded walls of text to keep me awake

                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                          Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                            You still have some nikobaby cum on your mouth, clean it before talking to others, you fucking account buyer.

                            You were 34% in ranked on this patch last week (now 43% thanks to your booster).

                            In what means did you pay to get boosted ? Can you still walk straight ? Must have had a rough night...

                            Btw, I'm done with you as well.

                            And if your other fan girl comes to suck your boosted cock again saying "blue star, blablablabla", idc as you bought your account.

                            Bye account buying trash.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                            '96 Neve Campbell

                              This is one of the most embarrassing things I have ever read. Neck yourself OP, I mean that unironically.


                                @4k barking, keep going doggie. Please its really entertaining, since diox this place hasn't been much fun. But your walls of text and in depth analysis of my smurf that I fuck around on is quite amusing. Keep your negative winrate 4k clown

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  Add me if u want one of my smurfs, because with your winrate and dogshit gameplay it looks like u won't be hitting 5k anytime soon

                                  Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                    Why should I add someone that is going to get tiny airlined or camped fountain ?

                                    Why should I add someone who sold his little sister to buy an account and lose in ranked ?

                                    You talk quite a lot, yet you never sent the link to your archon 5 main. Scared to show your real face ?

                                    Imagine spending money on an account to then have 34% winrate in ranked.

                                    Imagine paying boosters to reach 43% winrate in ranked.

                                    Anyway, Bye.

                                    I shouldn't waste time with inferior beings like you.

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato


                                      Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                        Feels good to see that the guy didn't link his main, proving that he is a boosted trash.

                                        Feels good to see that he knows only one insult from the uncivilized part of his country.

                                        Feels good to see that a stack of my fellow frenchies rekted his huskar picker ass :

                                        Feels good to see that he doesn't understand that he is going to get tiny airlined by some dudes he doesn't even know.

                                        Feels so good.

                                        I never get bored reading 43% and remembering he was 34% before giving his body to 'xyz' so he gets boosted by him.

                                        I wish i took a screen last week.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          Are you actually retarded? You seriously think a booster would lose a game. I'd seriously be concerned if you weren't pretending to be this fucking stupid, thinking that a booster would casually lose 2 games in fucking divine 2. But what can I expect, someone who is ancient after 6k games is more than likely to have a mental disability


                                            Feels good knowing you're never gonna reach 5k, and also that even if u put in another 6k games you still won't stand a chance winning a scrim or 1v1 against me :) regardless of the fact that I play on 200 more ping than you

                                            Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                              Still no main account linked from the countryside machete guy, it must be really bad since he is dodging the topic.

                                              As he thinks he is clever, he is proposing to settle this in a game in which he can abandon without LP whereas the objective is to make him suffer.

                                              I think he should do like his mom and prepare some vaseline to prepare enough space for what is coming for him.

                                              He will cry so much that he will have enough water to feed his village for months.

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                                              Mad Scientist

                                                Bro it's okay to use calculator to calculate something, that's literally why calculator invented

                                                Mad Scientist



                                                    STILL ANCIENT

                                                    Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                      Still no main link :( it must be so dirty like his friend SCARR who gave him a little nefew.

                                                      We don't know for sure if it's SCARR as 10 other guys claim it's theirs.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        Ancient delusional clown still barking like the fucking dog that he is


                                                          Stay at your shitbracket forever u swine


                                                            Also, you spell nephew as nefew?? Every sentence you type convinces me that you're actually braindead

                                                            Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                              This guy should die of ligma as someone else suggested

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                49% wr ancshit player jokes

                                                                wooden pc player

                                                                  Define IQ once and for all the time to come. Hit it.

                                                                  free mmr wen

                                                                    henry is a pretty cool streamer unlike 99.9% of people in this forum


                                                                      Why everyone that have picture of my kaneki boy are manchild subhuman,trashes,dogshits,accbuyers,goatfuckers,noobs?

                                                                      Oh Kaneki kun they are embarassing ur sacred name and face

                                                                      mefedron enjoyer

                                                                        what is the fcking reason to scold archon for having low rank while u r 5k garbage, u think too much of ur self with divine rank imo
                                                                        U couldnt reach 5500 in 4k games, being highly involved and dota and making a lot of effort to win. U won't have higher than 3k without any wish to improve. But u r yet to be a good player,even after thousands of games having low mmr, to call other people(even with archon,people on this rank not always playing for victory but for relax with their friends etc.) with a word "shit" when u basically can't get immortal rank in 2020))))


                                                                          Okay ruski clown

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                            having 35% winrate, either losing ranked games or playing on single draft, crusader at max in his main account and come here tries to shit on me in his little world. :)))
                                                                            OK BUDDY U GOT ME. hope that saves your retarded life.

                                                                            this big fact aside, you may not capable of understanding it for yourself but he might be "not playing for fun" while he has very very low behavior score, posting retarded threads in dotabuff blaming teammates, and all chatting in his games :)

                                                                            but its fine, gl buddy. there is no way i help real life retarded beings i guess. thats how it supposed to be.


                                                                              @itachi retard ruski 29% ranked winrate this month even with your autistic friends lowering the avg. Keep barking bought acc. You remind me of the clown that's 4k with 6k matches

                                                                              Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                                                ^Self awareness. 34% winrate in ranked even with people to lower his avg and as an account buyer, the nikobaby sexual slave is flaming someone else whereas he had worse stats... desillusion lawl.

                                                                                By looking at his vocabulary, I guess his cradle rocked was too close to the wall.

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                                                                                  Are you retarded? Can you not see that now since I've setup my desktop in my apartment it's Ez to win compared to playing on i3 laptop with 30 frames


                                                                                    But sure ancshit buddy, keep coping. I'll keep waiting for you to get 5k


                                                                                      6k matches 4k mmr 49% wr. God himself KEKW


                                                                                        desillusion KEKW

                                                                                        Bag stealer



                                                                                            Me study at unversidy, me very big head, fast IQ!

                                                                                            Dump peepo not go sit to learn big and impotant thing for 6 years, only cost much money (my papa paid).

                                                                                            IF NO UNVERTY U DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                              Literal fucking clown 🤡
                                                                                              > blank
                                                                                              pos 1 / 2
                                                                                              Dead inside

                                                                                              Who fucking hurt you, you living cringe saddo hah


                                                                                                I've never read so much barking.


                                                                                                  Fat ugly lesbian bitch don't @me. You're confident online but irl you're desperate for even a fukn creepy old guy to look at you, you miserable disgusting creature

                                                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                    Fat ugly lesbian bitch don't @me. You're confident online but irl you're desperate for even a fukn creepy old guy to look at you, you miserable disgusting creature

                                                                                                    Fuck me is this the playground. An 8 year old not only surpasses you in intellect but also in their ability to insult. I cringed again ha


                                                                                                      ^^oy oy oy, thats too far baby. calm down. you cant talk to goddesses like this

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