General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone know about this Medal Bug?

Anyone know about this Medal Bug? in General Discussion

    I ranked up recently to divine 1 (4620 mmr) Than the next day I logged back in, and my medal was ancient 5, 98% Regardless of being the same mmr. I have played more and got my mmr up to 4650. I even got a notification on my user feed saying I was promoted to divine 1. However, my medal will not change from ancient 5, 98%. It has been stuck for three days now.

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      picture or it didn't happen


        how do we post pics?


          Experiencing similar issue at the moment

          wooden pc player

            I won around 5 games and my medal was legend 2 94 percent then stayed that way, I lost one game it dropped to 91 percent. Dunno wtf is happening.


              Plus i have issues with role que games too
              I have 4 games available still unable to find game

              Road to Immortal all mute

                Well, I had a similar issue. I was at 2780 core mmr and 1980 support mmr. My medal was at archon 3 99 percent. I won my next game as a support and got to 2010 support mmr and 2800 core. Despite being higher than the mmr required for archon IV, i didn't rank up by playing support. I played another core game which i won after which i ranked up. If there's a big disparity between your core and support mmr , i think you cannot rank up by playing and winning a match by playing the role in which you have significantly lower mmr. That's how it was with me , i feel. Rn I'm at archon IV, need to play one more game so it shows on dotabuff, ig.

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                  Hey the same thing is happening to me I am divine 2 with 5020 mmr, I was already having the percentage to climb to divine 3 with a percentage of 73%, before yesterday I played and won 4 consecutive games, and I don't know why the percentage% is not updated I am stuck and even so it should have already passed 99% which would be divine 3

                  Dark Hunter

                    I'm pretty sure the medals are based on the mmr of everyone. So if for some reason a lot of people started to climb the medals would shift up. Causing your effective mmr to be lower than it was as other players are higher up now. Ofc such a shift is like 2-3% at most in extreme cases. So if you were just on the edge of the medal, i could shift down.


                      You are right maybe there was a patch updating that the mmr to reach such a medal be it archon, legend, ancenstral, divine
                      but the issue is that if I lose a game or win the percentage shown in the player's profile, for oneself I can visualize the% percentage of how many victories they have progressed to be able to advance, in the case of the subject that posted, on the no doubt, it's happening to me anyway and I don't know if it's a bug

                      Za Warudo

                        Hi, i'm also having this issue, I won a game and the notification said my rank is up (from ancient III to ancient IV), but my medal in profile still ancient III with 87%. I played 2 more matches and won them both, but my profile rank is still Ancient III. It was like that for 25 hours +


                          I think it's just a bug, maybe it will be fixed later this day.


                            Yea I had the same I was immortal and I’m still immortal


                              damn gg B


                                I had the same problem.Dont know if i shud continue playing or wait till its fixed.Im affraid that if i win 10 game and they dont count after its fixed...