General Discussion

General Discussion...yup mid is the easiest role to play

...yup mid is the easiest role to play in General Discussion

    I dont know how people fail so much in mid in 4.2k mmr.....

    Kabir singh's bo0ster

      Not support player anymore?


        for now. Till i start losing or till collecting ranked roles games. Ive got 20 left

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        pissfuck shitass gaytard

          It is known


            im always worried playing it because if you fck up youre reported. If you own you get commends.


              30m queue no game as mid, great free to play game


                i have 1.5k behavior score 3k mmr smurf and i queue mid for 20 min max bamboo
                i think everybody on hidden pool avoided u buddy


                  .... winstreak continue on a role i havent played in a while