General Discussion

General DiscussionOvercoming soloQ ranked tilt

Overcoming soloQ ranked tilt in General Discussion

    Not specifically for this game, I’ve been having large frustrations across multiple titles with regards to ranked play: Valorant, CSGO, Tekken, Dota, PUBG, etc. Especially since I primarily play soloQ in these games.
    What do you recommend to do, what’s worked for you?
    -Play through it and force mental toughness
    -Find some friends and party queue to eliminate the randomness of potential teammates
    -Play unranked in these games to not worry about losing rank
    -Play on alt/smurf accounts to regain some confidence
    -Stop playing the game for a few days to calm down


      -get laid
      avg human being forgets about being a total loser even if he pays for getting laid. *fact*




          How to overcoming tilt in game:

          Step 1: Think about your dead grandma.


            1) Don't play competitive games if you can't handle the stress.
            2) Don't play if you are mentally fatigued.
            3) Identify what causes the tilt, work on the part that you can control.
            4) Don't bother with what other players do or how they perform. Play for your own satisfaction. Focus only on yourself.
            5) Stop caring about mmr. If you are a good player you will climb sooner or late, if you are stuck at a bracket, just accept the fact that you need to improve. Think of it like this, What problem can you fix at individual level, a) Matchmaking giving you shit teammates or b) Your own gameplay.
            6) Don't blame stuff you can't control, it's short term relief, but will damage you in long term in game and in real life.
            7) Remember it's just a game.

            Kabir singh's bo0ster

              The only stressed players in my games are my enemies

              Hatrið mun sigra

                I recommend tracking these subhumans' IPs and murder their entire families.

                Kabir singh's bo0ster

                  poor slq malding so hard over having a few more pixels in her dead game badge


                    Play techies :)


                      We've played dota 2 for so long and we know the ins and outs of it. The stuff we see and the mistakes we see in this game are a lot more than in any other. I played overwatch, cs go and other games but quick matches, but the amount of time I put in these games are not as much as dota. I don't understand these games and what player style should have. For that i play them to chill and have fun. Win or lose idc. I move on and that's it. The only difference is that I don't play ranked. I've seen myself playing unranked and low priority and I'm not as that toxic as before. It's simply because I don't care it win/loss that's the difference imo.

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                      Hatrið mun sigra

                        Don't mind me Kabir, just a dopamine addict. OP consider the suggestion btw. The less efficient and thrilling alternative would be first untilting by taking even a one day break and then partyong with good players only. Also try to take care of yourself irl, exercise, eat well and sleep. I started to lose my mind again after insomnia came back.


                          too much dota will destroy ur mental health

                          Hatrið mun sigra

                            Nope, reconferming my first recommendation.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              Smoke more weed and get laid more often or buy a pocket vagina lol

                              Connor Blaze MMR Assassin #4

                                stop picking sniper