General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the current hero picks rn?

What's the current hero picks rn? in General Discussion

    like top 5 hero picks for each role


      spam bb safe lane rush agh its a braindead things


        1: faceless void, medusa, wraith king, lifestealer, jugg
        2: puck, void spirit, dp, lesh
        3: centaur, axe, dark seer, timber, mars
        4: nyx, tusk, phoenix, ench, elder titan, earth spirit
        5: warlock, aa, grimstroke, snapfire, lion

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        Dirty FeeDeR

          5.Winter wyvern,Winter wyvern,Winter wyvern,Winter wyvern,Winter wyvern

          Omnislash по венам

            1: medusa, phantom lancer, wraith king, drow ranger, slark (they can farm well and deal high damage even without big amount of farm, and yes, medusa with aghs hurts)
            2: puck, clinkz, brood, huskar, any spirit hero (gg wp ez mid)
            3: centaur, dark seer, sand king, necrophos, underlord (almost never have a bad lane, have kill potentional, can farm well)
            4: phoenix, silencer, dark willow, elder titan, nyx (each is very useful in their game style)
            5: warlock, aa, dazzle, shadow shaman, winter wyvern (quite sustain lanes and often can be a gamechanger-heroes)

            Аня Тейлор-Джой

              Arc warden

              Dirty FeeDeR

                oh , I forgot chen,they underestimate this hero.

                green brocolli

                  Centaur pos 3. Get vanguard and max 3rd
                  I havent lose on necrophos at mid yet.

