General Discussion

General DiscussionNew patch thoughts

New patch thoughts in General Discussion
NA DOTA Enjoyer

    Open for discussion on new patch here.


      Clinkz dumpstered, Q now pathetic, needs tuning. They stills trying to make his kit more teamfight oriented.

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      Dark Hunter

        Really hate that they removed spell cooldown stacking.

        They completely ruined my Enigma while it wasnt even good.
        Midnight pulse doesn't stack anymore... Why??? New ags is also garbage. Sure its 5% pure damage but it doesnst even scale.
        You can't even kill an axe with pipe even if you have a refresher.

        11k gold (ref and ags) to maybe kill a hero full to 0 and then you dont even have a bkb or blink... Now i have to rely on my team to be useful yuck

        If you're gonna make bh useless at least reduce the cd to like 150 or 140 at lvl 3. 2 minute cooldown to see 2 heroes swirl for 4 seconds yikes

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          >Sure its 5% pure damage but it doesn't even scale.

          What do you mean it doesn't scale if it's percentage based? Did you test whether it's worse? I really like enigma, haven't played nearly as many games on him as you, but I like him mostly because you dominate lane with eidolons. Love controlling those little assholes. Denying enemy xp. Hitting with the lot of them. Like my own lil niggas. My gang.


            > Level 10 Talent +135 Eidolon Health replaced with +20 Eidolon Attack Speed

            I think this is great because usually Eidolons expire without ever having been hit.

            > Now i have to rely on my team to be useful yuck

            I hope you play this hero with microphone, man.


              Many are quite disappointed with the nerfing of cooldown item stacking as well as the removal of some cooldown talents like Windranger's 25% cooldown lvl25 talent that enabled her to have a perma shackle when stacked with octarine in the late game. Many late game spellcasters become unstoppable with stacking of cd reductions as they allowed their effects to be felt almost 24/7, including venomancer's spamming of wards. This patch effectively but the brakes on the power creep of these spellcasters and shift towards a more traditional way of playing and accumulating dps.

              Popular supports received the short end of the stick, while less used supports were buffed. This means that the winrates is expected to shift in favor of more traditional carries like Jugg, as well as Spec. While arcane boots was buffed, aether lens and aeon disk were nerfed. Aeon was by no means super strong, and was essential to sustaining the lives of pos3, 4 and 5 in the late game. So perhaps, more elusive cores may take the role of supports like Puck, Weaver, Void Spirit, Windranger, and even Clinkz.

              Аня Тейлор-Джой

                Hated this patch ruined tinker and arc

                Dark Hunter

                  What i meant by scaling is that previously you would go blink bkb refresher/octa depending on the game and if you went ref you could pretty much kill any hero in bh. The new change to midnight pulse not stacking changed that and the 5% doesnt do it as much justice. It's better against antimage and anti magic heroes but tanks arent your target anyway

                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                  Dark Hunter

                    All by all i think this patch is pretty boring, all the heroes i play got nerfed and all the heroes i hate playing against go buffed


                      My Ursa always active my bkb while global silence. New update mute my items. @#$$#%$% :rage:

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        A 4 second AOE bkb piercing stun is always so bad... The extra 5% damage you do, is by no means the same as having two midnight pulses (7%), but it is no slouch either. Infact, just checked, midnight pulse deals magic damage now, so 7 * .75 = 5.25 pure damage (less if the target is smart and has bought magic resistance)... So you could argue that the damage is improved, especially in the late game with this. Blink + Pulse + Black Hole is still a lot of damage...

                        A few years back, I did get a Rampage with it in shit tier... Quite a feat if I might add. Those things are hard to come by, especially with a more "supportive" hero than a right click core... I should play more Enigma. I remember the farming speed with midas, eidolon, and that jungle creep cut in half item back in the day. You could clear the whole jungle so quickly it wasn't even funny, and it didn't require a lot of levels or items... I really need to play more Enigma. That BH is still one of the best team fight ultis out there and can certainly turn a team fight on its head. At worst, it is one less stun on one of your cores.

                        A full 4 second black hole is still 800 pure damage at level 3. Just putting two of these one after another is 1600... If you add the 5% pure damage, it is another 40% max hp. 1600 + 40% full hp and all pure damage, is enough to kill 2666 health target. If you add the 7% magic damage per damage on top of that still, man that is a lot of damage. But you are correct a tank with 5k HP is not going to die to this... But is going to be disabled for 8 seconds. You should have your team mates around to help with the thick boys.

                        Аня Тейлор-Джой

                          Smart guy


                            I expected more. Gameplay changes, map changes... Disappointed. More like 7.29 (something)


                              The bigger changes are usually done after TI, so probably sometime in November we will get a patch that throws all the things in the air again... New things, map changes, more drastic hero changes, new heroes etc. Still, this is what we get after like 4 months of grinding the same thing... I would have liked to see more changes too, but this is inline with the normal patch cycle. We will see how these smaller changes effect the meta. I'm sure there will be changes, but how much, is another question. Fiddling with the numbers a little doesn't usually rock the boat all too much.

                              A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                not a great patch, nerfing some heroes thats didnt need nerfs and adding weird changes to heroes(e.g tinker) isnt ideal, also brood was overnerfed


                                  I love what they did with arc warden and tinker... less cancer in my pubs lul

                                  Dark Hunter

                                    Looks like tinker 4 is a thing now, had one in game yesterday, and its pretty decent. ofc this is like 2.8k so nothing to write home about but its at least less obnoxious that afk rocket spam tinker

                                    wisp core

                                      Nothing to write home about 🤭🤣 crack me up