General Discussion

General DiscussionDotA2 Programmers

DotA2 Programmers in General Discussion

    Do you know DotA2 have amazing programmer?!
    they are balance team amazing very amazing you can see my profile to know how this MFs balance my team every game they don`t know this game is team play and one guy can loss more MMR because you are low brain and can`t balance game stupid. This game will be die because you are shit.
    better go and do another work.


      You have less than 50% winrate on half your most played heroes, have a thought that you are just a bad player ever crossed your mind? Also it seems that you think rubick full support and invoker full support are viable -- good luck winning with that, though it might work on your skill level.


        xonix my friend,i dont want to wake you up from your delusional reality but you have 4500 games and u are 2k mmr xd xd xd xd,better stop waste ur life in this game thx


          thy god for this people you can see my game and my team result 1-10 our carry in the last game why you blame me about this because you have good team?!!??!?
          and on reason can be you are living in the good area in the EURO not in this shit country just see my game and my play and then speak about my play


            0-8 Sven player complaining about bad teamates...:laugh::laugh::laugh:


              you can see all last 100 my game for this reason
              trust me
              you can download the game and see my play and see this monkey how do this game loss and then blame me
     RTZ can`t win t his game with this 3th party game

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                Think of it like this,

                In that game, you got bad carry, in your sven game you were the bad carry.
                "Balance in everything"

                Even, RTZ has bad teammates and he loses games, but have you seen RTZ go 0-8 on sven?

                Make sure you perform good across all games = easy climb. But you suck at game, don't wanna admit that, don't wanna improve, and you just want teammates to carry your ass.
                The only reason you even win games, is cause you get carried or enemies are utter dog shit. You are never the reason your team wins. so I can only say one thing.
                Stay Archon dog forever scrub. xD


                  you are toxic player 4k trash
                  when our carry have same net worth as me what you say?


                    you play too many heroes, just pick 3-5 heroes and spam those only


                      I make sure they don't, that's literally the job description of support.

                      As I said, perform good across all games = easy climb.

                      You only look at games where you played good and lost, but decide to ignore the games where you sucked major dick.

                      Complain about teammates, when you stop going 0-8 on core heroes.
                      You make midas on slark, when enemy team has better late game. LUL

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        midas on slark, when you loss all lane and don`t have supporter in your lane can`t use hes spell correct what you say ? I get midas to can comeback the game if game not ended in the mid middle of the game,
                        why you focus on one game as SVEN again i say you can download the game and see i don`t playing bad in the game with 0 vision in the game
                        you can see my last game to mid lane raged and F my game you can`t don`t see this reason of the bad team player with me you can see the game and see what is my bad in the pos4 in the game.

                        you play too many heroes, just pick 3-5 heroes and spam those only that`s good idea but I`m old DotA player and can play all hero as well but not insane but that`s it good suggestion thank you


                          get midas to can comeback the game if game not ended in the mid middle of the game

                          Against a lineup that has way better late game??

                          You can keep blaming others, but your fundamentals are dog shit, the more you stay in denial the longer you are gonna rot at archon.

                          Let me phrase is better, "If you are good you won't be at archon".

                          PL 49lh @10 mins in winning game

                          Slark 36lh @10 mins in losing game

                          PL 37lh @10 mins in losing game

                          Sven 27lh@ 10 mins in losing game

                          So what's the fucking difference, if your LH @10 mins on core heroes is same in both winning and losing game.
                          Core player should consistently at least have 60lh @10 mins. LOL

                          Need me to embarass you more?? Want me to watch your replay and post clips of you walking aimlessly across map and dying like a retard? XD

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            this game is easy


                              @AD.GokU™ | just let me your steam id I will add you can you can see my game as leader its easy way bro not hard.
                              if you want we can play as party.
                              Please accept my suggestion. you belive that.
                              in this game :D:D:D:D:D:D
                              sf pos5 supporter against tiny and pango you say bullshit
                              god bless you


                                Oh, so in that game you have low CS cause your support is bad?
                                What about this?

                                You only focus on bad games, but what about the games where you were the one eating shit??
                                Even in winning games you can barely get 50lh. You are a useless player. LOL

                                Is there even one game, where the team won cause of your impact?? NONE, you only get wins cause of lucky matchmaking, and that's why you will forever rot in 2k. Simple facts.

                                Either accept the fact that you are never gonna go above 2k and enjoy those games, or try putting real efforts in improving your game.
                                If you play core and can't even get 60 lh @ 10 mins in an average 8/10 games, you suck at the game.

                                Low mmr animals want free mmr without putting in work to improve. OMEGALUL


                                  OKEI in this day i play core with more than 60LH under 10min and see result next day GL 4K rash


                                    axxaxxaxa braindead son of raped father keep complaining about your team xdddxdxd useles waste of oxygen stop waste your poor life in this game u cant win on 2k mmr xddddddd


                                      listen. you get dogs as teammates, but there is always a chance.


                                        see see MF see this game son of the ....
                                        see this is my team jugg free farmer and me must play with against two player es and BH see and don`t speak about my game again its dog shit programmer to balance my team
                                        fu the my chance what you say
                                        4-19 my suporter
                                        over feeder clinz to jugg they mega mid and hes 0-6
                                        8-13 with 6 assissts just 6 I really don`t know who one play mid pudge or shit huskar
                                        and 7-12
                                        really funny game DotA2 with this animal programmer this game with be die son I`m sure guys


                                          OKEI in this day i play core with more than 60LH under 10min and see result next day GL 4K rash

                                          What happened?? can't even do the most easiest task??

                                          Core with 48 LH at 10 mins, complaining about shit teammates. You are THE shit teammate LOL

                                          Slim Shady

                                            Goku man relax, have you been on a losing streak or something lmao?

                                            There is no point in arguing here

                                              Questo commento è stato cancellato

                                                dude this guy is so blind, can't see he is the reason why he loses. Some people just can't be helped

                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




                                                  Harry hamburgerryg

                                                    You're speaking as if dota is only numbers. Like my carry and pos 2 is this and that. Wake the fuck up, dota is a complex game and its not just about kills and deaths. I have litterly won games where the other team were 20k+ nw ahead alot of times. Focus on your own fucking game and nothing else, you can't change if people are bad the only thing you can do is focus on your own game play and play it to the fullest. As people also said limit your hero pool, but also find out what you play the best: Are you a core player or support, thats pretty important to find out. I got from 3600mmr to 4200mmr super fast when i deciced to only play support cus to be honest thats what im best at. Also i limited my hero pool.

                                                    Stop tilting, stop blaming, stop beeing toxic, stop focus on your teammates, stop tunnelvision. Start playing the game, constantly focus on what your next move is in terms of items, skills, and how to counter them and make the best plays in teamfights. If you follow these steps and only focus on improving your own gameplay, your mmr will go up no doubt.

                                                    Hexy Rose~

                                                      dude this guy is so blind, can't see he is the reason why he loses. Some people just can't be helped

                                                      you have exactly the same mmr, how dare you let yourself talk like that to him lol

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        @I am groot

                                                        okay sure I am in the same bracket, but this dude is blaming losses on Valve xD


                                                          Hakkaghanims hakkede scepter I`m compatible and love pos4 position but you can close your eyes to at the late game carry must carry you. check my game I`m the best at the most of game to play pos4 and our core play same cow
                                                          god bless you guys


                                                            4000 games archon 1 rank oh my lord,


                                                              All your conversation in bullshit
                                                              if you can trash player you loss game if have more trash player in overal game you loss more MMR it`s your chance
                                                              invoker in my ban list feed and leave game
                                                              its true


                                                                speak speak more speak more
                                                                Hakkaghanims hakkede scepter focus on your roll xdxdxd
                                                                AD.GokU™ | you are bad player
                                                                I don`t see anyone to speak about me MFs
                                                                you can`t close your eyes on this truth DotA is the trash programmer to can`t balance game
                                                                you don`t need to be good player you must have more chance in this game and little skill you can get 5k MMR easily


                                                                  "Losing MMR cause Programmers are trash"


                                                                    speak speak speak someone
                                                                    no one can answer my question no one?!

                                                                    Harry hamburgerryg

                                                                      You are playing pos 4 weaver, and going full core build thefuck. This is not how you play pos 4.


                                                                        man , play party,I know your frustration but here they are all animals and smurf animals you just hurt yourself here.


                                                                          help I can't connect in visual studio, the software is asking for credentials and I'm stuck at a blank page

                                                                          optimum pride( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                            I've never seen post this spicy since kowareta's

                                                                            Slim Shady

                                                                              ^ Man you have a Klee Profile picture, you are a pedophile lmao