General Discussion

General Discussiontb starting items and situational items

tb starting items and situational items in General Discussion

    whats the best standard starting item for TB

    and when should i buy falcon blade/orb of corosion?

    Disturbed Jawker

      i like quelling blade


        Used to be as easy as stout shield tango and salve; later on buy quelling blade and upgrade PMS. Anyway for now, i suggest getting an early slippers/gauntlet/fluffy (or two) with quelling + tango should suffice. Orb of corrision is pretty situantional for aggresive build and rarely pays off unless playing with aggressive bulky support (Ogre, Tusk, Treant etc.) While falcon blade is a much safer and better option, it is still pretty situational. Get it if you think your team can create space for your invesment (if not, just take an early mask or straight treads)


          shadow amulet


            falcon blade feels really good. i start with 2xtango,slipper,quelling3xbranch or stick,quelling,1xtango,2xbranch+faerie. depens on lane.

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