General Discussion

General DiscussionMid Lina build Magic or Right click?

Mid Lina build Magic or Right click? in General Discussion
Virtūs et Honos

    I feel like right clicking Lina is mostly better but when is the instances that mid Lina would go for magical dmg build?

    Las fuerzas del cielo

      right click best for me


        It kind of depends on your team and on your opponents. If you are going against Juggernaut, Lifestealer, Viper etc. And you are teamed with Lesh, Luna and Lion, you should probably go with right click... Then there are heroes like Huskar, Morphling that you want to just wipe off the face of the world with your high burst damage, then you go that route.

        Lina is a nice pick as she can go either way... I haven't played her in a while, but if you are a core, you need to have that right click down as BKB's can and will ruin your day late game if you lean on that magic damage too much. The fact is that Lina does do decent magic damage even if you go right click. Right click for late game. Magic damage for the early-mid game.