General Discussion

General Discussionstuck in 4k bracket like forever

stuck in 4k bracket like forever in General Discussion

    Any tips on how to become the next 5k player and not lose the mmr immediately after going to 5.1k?


      write "ogreboy coaching group" in google and go to their discord. You can get free or payment coaching session there. You could even become a coach yourself for a 1-2k players to also give something to a community that will give something to you

      asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...


        похуй мне)

          ^ why you laugh idk =)


            Win 1v9.


              I am owner of Dota 2 Free Coaching Discord. Over 2k students and 25 Immortal coaches

              asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                  now im 3k edit :)))


                    You can become like that after "All Players in dota pick a sup hero when all 3 cores are picked" :lick: I think you will wait till the end of dota for that :laugh:


                      Just b good



                        GOKU FINAL FORM

                          once u gain mmr, you remember how fun the game used to be when you were noob


                            ^nah, I was 2k5 at some point (on another account) and the games were MILES better than anything between 0-1.5k

                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                            Ga bontod nga totoy

                              Well.. If you're a support role, always ask ur core player to help u in warding i mean ask him to be ur bodyguard. Second is to predict ur enemy's movements and understanding in ur core's situation. If you feel like your core is in trouble you can always tell him to get back or if he's farming lanes without any vision in the jungle. And also if you're a support buy lots of sentries and Smoke. And if you're a core, well first you need to study on how to play as a pos 1 2 or 3 as a core. Watch pro players in the Live. Learn their laning phase. Their aggros and pressuring. And also how they handle their lanes and avoid dying. I'm immortal by the way. And i played 600 games in total. Just started in Like September 2021. You can do it as long as you study the roles Just watch live in dota 2


                                easy. get 5.1k then stop playing.

                                another day in paradise

                                  very sad