General Discussion

General DiscussionLow ranks filled with smurfs

Low ranks filled with smurfs in General Discussion
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      because gaben introduced new player experience and matches new accounts together
      shut the fuck up already

      you are not even climbing cause u are better than new players, u just know heroes better, once you play enough u get to sub 1k mmr as its a nice place for you to be

      '96 Neve Campbell

        I'd say a bigger issue than smurfing is how many people are grandfathered into their rank just because ten years ago they made it to Divine when the average player had lobster hands and played from a Dreamcast VMU. This causes problems across all ranks as you have somebody who is playing in 4-5k mmr games that should really be playing in 1k mmr games and you have people in 1k mmr games that should probably be in 3-4k mmr games. This is easiest to see in ranked win rates as the vast majority of people float around 50% no matter what their rank is.

        Honestly the stupidest thing I have read today, you are a Guardian, you have never even stacked into a 3-4k game, what do you know about how people play outside of your rank or what their winrates are. This whole thread is about 'smurfs' ruining low mmr games, true smurfs absolutely dominate low mmr games and have a 80% winrate or more for a reason ffs, mmr is just a number and anyone who rly cares about it is stupid but pretending it doesnt even mean anything or effect how good people are is fucking retarded.


          So tell me how many games will I need to bring my alt account back to sub 1k?


          Hexy Rose~

            the more games u have at ur account, a bit harder the matchmaking will be for you. I remember my other acc crus 3 with lots of games had harder matchmaking and also check this:
            he is Herald rank but if u check his games, he is drafted with ppl whom skills are a bit better than herald because this guy has lots of matches played. you know what I mean?
            -but this makes no difference and the reason you are herald and I am crusader dog only refers to ourselves playing without thinking actively. (or we just pick bulshit heroes and build bulsht items and fight ignorantly)
            if u really want to climb, here ask somebody to notice your mistakes in game kindly, they will help u improve

            я верну свои птсы)

              1. Play 1 role (any role)
              2. Play 3-4 heroes (it will be easier for you if they are in meta)
              3. Watch your replays, start with your deaths analyze, then focus on movements (macro), targets priorities
              4. Enjoy free mmr

              And yes, I played on some accounts below 1k mmr, and had 30+ win strikes just because I do less mistakes. All depends on your personal skill


                Only reason the retarded gecko is climbing, cause of new account volatility. Few more games and the retarded Gecko will be back to 0.8k on new account too.


                  the fuck is new account volatility


                    For fresh accounts, game doesn't have enough data, which increases the skill volatility of your account. That's why it's easier to calibrate way above your skill level on new accounts. The game has no reference to verify your performance. But, as your play more, the game gets enough data on you to put you at your skill bracket.

                    я верну свои птсы)

                      ^ bullshit. 100 hours of unranked games is enough for dota to calibrate your hidden mmr. stop making excuses why you can't win, just play better. the 50% system will not work if you play much better than the average player on your rating, otherwise there would be no boosters.

                      я верну свои птсы)

                        Even more, if you continue winning, dota will give you more mmr for wins (up to +200 for one game, I got this on 2300 account) to get you to your real rank faster.

                        я верну свои птсы)

                          Also it is proved that when you create new account, steam detects your previous accounts by hardware and gives you the same hidden mmr. That’s why there is such a thing as the sale of bindings to 6k+ accounts, because casual players with low skill can’t calibrate much higher then their previous mmr

                          я верну свои птсы)

                            I created this account without bindings on a new hardware, started with normal skill, got vhs after few games and calibrated on 6k. My friend bought binding to 6k, and calibrated 5k account, because he played bad (then recalibrated to 4.5k). Normally he can get only +-3k.


                              ^^ are you retarded or just incapable of reading?? Does reaching immortal hinder your ability to process basic sentences??
                              When the fuck did I ever complain about winning or losing lol. No wonder ppl assume weebs are brain damaged.
                              That's literally how the system works, like it or not. You can abuse the skill volatility in the first 100 unranked games to get higher calibration. (Few years ago it was way more easier cause you could abuse hero damage , hero healing to calibrate WAY higher- in like 2016 or something, you could spam oracle for 100 games, only spam heals, and easily calibrate like 5k lol)- there's a reason why they capped the calibration mmr to 3500 for few years in between.

                              я верну свои птсы)

                                ^ I am not talking to you especially, I am mostly talking to all crying kids on this thread

                                я верну свои птсы)

                                  ^ even if someone get +1k on new account, it doesn’t matter, because they will go back to their real value as my dear accbuyer friend.


                                    Nah before u couldnt even calibrate past 3.5k


                                      ^ Before 2016 or 2015, you could calibrate very high with Oracle, spam heals on allies, get like 10k+ heals, regardless of win/loss, after the 10 games you could get 4.5k to 4.9k.
                                      another way was to spam Zeus, just spam ulti everytime it was available, don't die. Ez calibration.

                                      My buddy made like 3 accounts and went from 4.9k-ish to 3k in rough period of 8 months for each account, by the time his 3rd account deranked to 3k, RL caught up and he decided to quit.

                                      But that abuse was very long ago, but noobs are slow to catch up on that information. XD

                                      asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                                          the only thing I can recommend if you're playing in a MMR far below your own is to play carry, playing other roles is literally completely worthless in terms of time investment vs MMR gained, there's actually no reason to ever support below 7.5k



                                            If you gave me your account, I would climb to Ancient I in literally 2 days. There is really no "rigged" matchmaking in place.

                                            If I gave my account to Yatoro, he would be Immortal top 1000 in less than 2 days.

                                            I'm far better than you are, Yatoro is far better than I am. It's very simple to be honest.

                                            MMR = Match Making Rating. And it does a perfect job. I'm not better because I have a higher MMR than you. I have a higher MMR because I am better than you. And same goes for Yatoro. He has a higher MMR because he is better than me.

                                            я верну свои птсы)

                                              ^ true. Just become better, focus on yourself, and u will up ur mmr


                                                Viktor spitting facts. +Respect

                                                I'm not better because I have a higher MMR than you. I have a higher MMR because I am better than you.

                                                Something so easy, yet hard to grasp by many.


                                                  "blablagla give me your account so I can pick cheese mid etcetc"

                                                  я верну свои птсы)

                                                    ^ Ok, i bet i can win 5 games in a row on 5k or less account of any of you on 3 pos (because i am offlane player). Just to prove that everyone can win on any mmr just because he can play better

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      "blablagla give me your account so I can pick cheese mid etcetc"

                                                      Go do it then

                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                        If its so easy for smurfs who have ‘grandfathered’ their real rank and matchmaking is rigged against you then why doesnt everyone in this thread complaining about smurfs go out and play like these smurfs? Its almost like you are incapable of playing as well as these smurfs because they are a HIGHER MMR than you because the system has worked as intended 🧐🤔

                                                        asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...

                                                          stop waste ur life in this game fucking bots u are 3k mmr after 9000 games Lmfao

                                                          Hexy Rose~

                                                            ^this guy got 88% wr on VS in immortal. is this ur real account or smurf one? lol


                                                              Every losing match is made from your own fault, please keep that in mind. Spend sometimes on watching replays (highlights) what you should do better. Dota is a team game so 1 mistake from you can make your team lose a game. Stop making excuse.

                                                              asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                                                                  the amount of copium some people inhale why they are not able to rankup is actually dangerously high


                                                                    Imagine caring about dota 2 in year 2022 + trying to get ranks big cringe :bc_100: :bc_100: