General Discussion

General DiscussionThe terrible state of dota 2

The terrible state of dota 2 in General Discussion
Slim Shady

    Recently came back like a month ago, after a month of playing i am done again, dota 2 seems to be in the worst state ever rn lmao

    The sheer imbalance of matchmaking is redicilous, basically dota 2 gameplay boils down to *Oh god, i hope i dont get the retard team again* , and it has far to many moments where the gameplay is downright terrible compared to the good moments. Like, holy fuck, how can anybody find enjoyment in working their ass off in games winning mmr just to see it go down the drain because.. oh geez, what a shame, the random spectre is feeding the gaurdian ranked anti mage with 28-0 invoker last game and 16/20 matches mvp 12x under the tower. The matchmaking is just cancerous, and it seems like the imbalance is beyond this world. Because of the no mmr reset i think many people are in ranks they should not be, because its far too easy to drop mmr because getting idiots in your team seems way more common nowadays. Back in 2017 i had much much less cases of literally getting teamed in ranked with clearly new players, against players who obviously have thousands of hours of experience

    I hate it because dota 2 is such a great game, but the lack of care from valve is showing more and more, and the game is in a terrible fucking state right now id say. Toxicity is through the roof, back in the day i would meet some chill and nice people ingame, now its just a tipping &pausing war from the moment the game begins. Smurfs are rampant, i get more games with people self proclaiming to be much higher rank and proving it with gameplay than with people from my actual rank. Worst thing is i dont think its punished at all by the sheer amount of them you encounter

    All in all, fuck dota 2, this game has gone from a fun team game to just a bloated mess of items, mechanics, toxicity, imbalance, boring meta, boring tournaments.
    I dont know what could even fix this anymore, i dont see a lot of hope for the future or dota, because at this point i can only see new players leaving. Why bother getting stomped by turbonerds who live off of welfare playing dota all day which need to make themselves feel good by stomping low ranks? Why bother with the gacha-game like RNG matchmaking system? Why bother trying to learn anything when your team mate can feed all game but still find the fucking audacity to call you noob trash etc ?


      i agree with the gacha one. everygame i play i predict how many animals i get. the avg is two tho.


        One thing that pisses me off is the amount of times people pause for absolutely no reason - not like they have a connection issue or anything! No! They're just pausing after getting a kill for no apparent reason, and it's something that should be reportable!


          its better than 8


            grow up bro.

            wisp core

              Htf did you lost with bb

              asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                  Dota is about cock and ball torture. No common player can resist getting their testicles crushed by the enemy mid.