General Discussion

General Discussiondoota and perftest.cfg

doota and perftest.cfg in General Discussion

    --- System Information ---
    Uptime( 633.533770 )
    Total frames( 52114 )
    Curtime( 617.733337 )
    Realtime( 35.613556 )
    Playing back demo: '6495270733.dem' at tick 17573
    Current Map: '(unknown)'
    VPK overrides:
    SpawnCount: 4
    Command Line: "dota2.exe" -console -vguiconsole +@panorama_min_comp_layer_dimension 0 -high -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noforcemparms
    Build: 9282 (revision 7176394)
    OS: Windows 10 Home (Build: 19044) (UBR: 1586) (Administrator User)
    OS type: Windows 10 (17)
    Windows Game DVR: not enabled
    Windows Game Mode: not active
    App UI Language: polish, convar polish, localization polish
    Windows user default LCID: 0x0415
    App active: yes, 0ms inactive sleep
    Number of immediate Steam friends: 223 (all friends 253)
    Steam UGC subscriptions: 118 total; 10 custom games
    Misc: rate 80000 update 30 latency 0 msec
    Net: DEMO
    Time: Mon Mar 28 01:32:09 2022
    Process: 64-bit, OS: 64-bit
    Process priority: high, main thread priority: normal
    CPUs: 6 CPUs, Frequency: 2.8 GHz, Features: F/M/S 6/158/10 GenuineIntel SSE SSE2 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 MMX RDTSC CMOV FCMOV PCLMULQDQ
    CPU brand information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
    Engine thread pool: 5 thread(s)
    Launch path: C:\steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\bin\win64\dota2.exe
    Render system: DX11
    Driver Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
    Driver Version:
    VendorId / DeviceId: 0x10de / 0x1c81
    SubSystem / Rev: 0x11c01028 / 0xa1
    DXLevel: 110
    Texture memory: 2,073,554,944
    Vid: Exclusive Fullscreen, render at 2560 x 1440, display at 2560 x 1440, refresh rate 144.00Hz (144Hz desktop)
    Texture data resident: 948,389,712 (panorama_rt 84,991,676; panorama_tex 14,975,000)
    Version:0, aspectratiomode:1, cl_globallight_shadow_mode:2, cl_particle_fallback_base:2,
    cl_particle_fallback_multiplier:0, coop_fullscreen:0, cpu_level:2, defaultres:2560,
    defaultresheight:1440, dota_ambient_cloth:0, dota_ambient_creatures:0, dota_cheap_water:1,
    dota_portrait_animate:0, fullscreen:1, fullscreen_min_on_focus_loss:1, gpu_level:3,
    gpu_mem_level:2, high_dpi:0, knowndevice:0, mat_viewportscale:1.000000, mat_vsync:0,
    mem_level:2, nowindowborder:0, r_dashboard_render_quality:0, r_deferred_additive_pass:1,
    r_deferred_height_fog:0, r_deferred_simple_light:1, r_deferred_specular:0, r_deferred_specular_bloom:1,
    r_depth_of_field:1, r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping:0, r_dota_allow_wind_on_trees:0,
    r_dota_bloom_compute_shader:1, r_dota_fsr_upsample:0, r_dota_fxaa:0, r_dota_normal_maps:0,
    r_fullscreen_gamma:2.150106, r_grass_quality:0, r_ssao:0, r_texture_stream_mip_bias:0,
    recommendedheight:2160, refreshrate_denominator:1000, refreshrate_numerator:143998,
    shaderquality:1, useadvanced:1, version:1,
    Scene information:
    Begin to finish rendering views : 0.000831
    Finish to complete : 0.001142
    Number of views allocated : 6
    Triangles rendered: 546,623
    Draw calls: 334
    SceneObjects drawn: 1,051 (1,010 base, 41 anim) in 78 batchlists
    Material changes: 81 (27 depth-only)
    69 initial materials (22 initial depth-only) (3 fast-path depth-only)
    Unbatchable material draws: 14
    Lights in view (unshadowed+shadowed): 0+0 omni, 0+0 spot, 0+0 barn 0 env
    Number of transform rows used: 6
    Number of objects pre-cull check: 24,649 (29,846 tested)
    Number of objects passing cull check: 988
    Number of render batch contexts created: 30 primary, 0 secondary
    Number of display lists submitted: 33
    Number of views rendered: 5
    Number of jobs used to render: 40
    Number of world traversals: 2
    Number of rendertarget binds: 31
    Number of pushconstant sets: 0
    Number of resolves: 2
    Number of draws backface-culled: 0
    86 particle systems rendered
    49 material binds for particles
    55 draw calls for particles
    Maximum device access threads: 1024
    Checked pending presents 52,064 times; waited 25,682 times; abandoned 0 times
    Texture memory: 904 / 1,581 MB; in 7,019 textures (375 MB non-evictable)
    Textures created overall: 22,380; textures evicted: 0
    Command stream pools: 114,294,784 bytes in base, 0 bytes in medium, 0 bytes in large (0 extra data fallbacks)
    Material count: 1,305
    Material generation: 2,823
    Process Memory:
    Working set: 3137.63 MiB
    Peak working set: 4068.12 MiB
    Heap: standard allocator
    System Memory:
    Memory load: 41%
    Total physical memory: 16206.39 MiB
    Free physical memory: 9490.21 MiB
    Total page file: 18638.39 MiB
    Free page file: 10602.31 MiB
    Localization stats for polish data:
    93,354 tokens; 96,562 instances (96,562 from 34 files; 0 not file-based)
    string data: 17,762,424 bytes (13,870 bytes of padding) in 271 blocks
    4,718,592 bytes for token lookup; 1,572,864 bytes for instance info
    total memory allocated: 24,053,880 bytes
    ConVars (non-default):

    Performance tests now running, this can take a minute or two.

    [Demo] Marked tick 17573 in 'replays/6495270733.dem'

    User settings measurement
    60 frames: 172.9 fps, avg time: 5.78ms, abs_range: 0.51ms, min_time: 5.57ms, max_time: 6.29ms
    240 frames: 173.3 fps, avg time: 5.77ms, abs_range: 0.85ms, min_time: 4.95ms, max_time: 6.62ms
    1000 frames: 173.5 fps, avg time: 5.77ms, total frames: 1736

    Baseline measurement
    60 frames: 155.4 fps, avg time: 6.43ms, abs_range: 2.93ms, min_time: 4.67ms, max_time: 9.36ms
    240 frames: 161.0 fps, avg time: 6.21ms, abs_range: 3.15ms, min_time: 4.62ms, max_time: 9.36ms
    1000 frames: 164.5 fps, avg time: 6.08ms, total frames: 1673

    Half resolution
    [Demo] Demo skipping to tick 17573 from current 17879, full packet tick 16203
    [Client] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 17163 went backward from previous of 18837, resetting previous
    [Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
    [GCClient] Recv msg 3001 (k_EMsgGCPingRequest), 8 bytes
    [GCClient] Send msg 3002 (k_EMsgGCPingResponse), 8 bytes
    60 frames: 176.3 fps, avg time: 5.67ms, abs_range: 2.47ms, min_time: 4.98ms, max_time: 8.14ms
    240 frames: 175.0 fps, avg time: 5.71ms, abs_range: 4.42ms, min_time: 4.94ms, max_time:10.13ms
    1000 frames: 176.1 fps, avg time: 5.68ms, total frames: 1879

    Reduced drawing
    [Demo] Demo skipping to tick 17573 from current 17970, full packet tick 16203
    [Client] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 17163 went backward from previous of 18929, resetting previous
    [Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
    [GCClient] Recv msg 8689 (k_EMsgGCToClientAccountGuildEventDataUpdated), 24 bytes
    60 frames: 168.5 fps, avg time: 5.93ms, abs_range: 2.48ms, min_time: 5.11ms, max_time: 8.42ms
    240 frames: 168.0 fps, avg time: 5.95ms, abs_range: 3.79ms, min_time: 5.11ms, max_time: 9.74ms
    1000 frames: 167.7 fps, avg time: 5.96ms, total frames: 1700

    Particles disabled
    [Demo] Demo skipping to tick 17573 from current 17969, full packet tick 16203
    [Client] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 17163 went backward from previous of 18927, resetting previous
    [Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
    60 frames: 169.0 fps, avg time: 5.92ms, abs_range: 1.14ms, min_time: 4.78ms, max_time: 7.00ms
    240 frames: 169.0 fps, avg time: 5.92ms, abs_range: 3.02ms, min_time: 4.59ms, max_time: 8.93ms
    1000 frames: 167.3 fps, avg time: 5.98ms, total frames: 1691

    UI only
    [Demo] Demo skipping to tick 17573 from current 17969, full packet tick 16203
    [Client] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 17163 went backward from previous of 18927, resetting previous
    [Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
    [GCClient] Recv msg 3001 (k_EMsgGCPingRequest), 8 bytes
    [GCClient] Send msg 3002 (k_EMsgGCPingResponse), 8 bytes
    60 frames: 205.7 fps, avg time: 4.86ms, abs_range: 2.13ms, min_time: 4.30ms, max_time: 6.99ms
    240 frames: 205.5 fps, avg time: 4.87ms, abs_range: 4.19ms, min_time: 4.20ms, max_time: 9.06ms
    1000 frames: 205.6 fps, avg time: 4.86ms, total frames: 2042

    Game only
    [Demo] Demo skipping to tick 17573 from current 17969, full packet tick 16203
    [Client] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessTick server tick 17163 went backward from previous of 18927, resetting previous
    [Client] CL: Receiving uncompressed update from server
    60 frames: 171.6 fps, avg time: 5.83ms, abs_range: 1.67ms, min_time: 4.91ms, max_time: 7.49ms
    240 frames: 172.7 fps, avg time: 5.79ms, abs_range: 3.71ms, min_time: 4.84ms, max_time: 9.51ms
    1000 frames: 172.1 fps, avg time: 5.81ms, total frames: 1738

    perftest output ends here.

    I run it at replay of my game. what uu think about it.. still got fps droping in game